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Well its over.

capt_lou's picture

So it all came crashing down yesterday morning.

I was getting my daughter ready and I walked in to her room to find SD15's dog had peed all over the rug. This has been a hot spot for me since I have said numerous times the dog has to go out first thing in the morning.

SD15 starts yelling at me that its was not her dog but my dog who just went outside. So I just kept saying "the dog needs to go out fist thing in the morning" Things were starting to quiet down when all of a sudden SS18 yells from down stairs "The door should have been closed end of story" I yelled back it's not the end of story. At that point he starts yelling and swearing all of the place at me. I yelled down "SHUT UP!" He replies with this.....

"you shut the F*** up B****! Come down here and make me shut up" So I did. I went down there, kicked the dog gate across the room and started asking him what he said to me and what he was gonna do about it now. Well he pushes me (He is 140lbs, I am 210lbs) I push him back and step forward. He grabs a standing lamp swings it at my head and clips my forehead. I spun him around, grab him around the neck and take him tot he ground to control him. Once I had him there for 4 seconds or so I let him go once I knew he didn't want anything more form me. At that point I stood up walked past his screaming mom and daughter and walked out.

She is moving out today and tomorrow while I stay at my parents. SO who I love so much let it get to this point. I told her that if she did not take care of SS and SD they would push me to a breaking point.

She texted me yesterday and today saying how much she loves and misses me, I don't want her back unless she totally lets go of her children. I never want to see or hear about them again.

BTW yes police were involved and they said I was in the right. I declined to press charges.


Elizabeth's picture

I am so sorry to hear that. Honestly, this is not unexpected given how much you have to put up with, and your SO should recognize this. But I know she does not, because my DH did not either.

It got to the point in our house where I could not address SD18 directly without her totally going off on me. Cursing, yelling, the whole nine yards. And every time that happened, DH would take her side. It got pretty bad. Luckily, she went to live with BM and my house was calm and peaceful again.

It's not uncommon for the two males in the house to have some sort of physical confrontation. My dad and brother did, and my dad put my brother's head into the wall. No, the police were not called. Nobody would have thought about it given they were biologically related and my brother was not seriously hurt and my dad was not wrong to attempt to restrain him (he was drinking, doing drugs, etc.).

I'm so sorry for you.

VioletsareBlue's picture

I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm glad you are taking a stand and getting the hell out! How is your daughter?

capt_lou's picture

Her and her kids are moving out and will be gone tomorrow. My daughter did not see anything but she did hear everything.

I got a gash in my forehead from the lamp, which she freaked out about. Her BM and me sat her down that morning and talked to her. She loves my SO very much and they have a great relationship so its very hard.

duct_tape's picture

Stay strong. Promises are empty about 99% of the time. If they're not backed with hard evidence and a signed document, don't fall for them.

capt_lou's picture

We were due to be married in July. I am so angry right now. She let it get to a point where I snapped. I warned her to control them but she failed to do so.

Unfreakingreal's picture

EVERYTHING happens in life just as it is supposed to. Imagine having married into this mess. Without sounding very mean, she raised those SOB's to be the assholes they are so she can't be all that great. You've just been saved from what possibly could've been the biggest of your life.

GizmoBarnOwl's picture

At least it got to this point now, rather than after the wedding, or worse, on the day of it!! At the end of the day, it sounds like you have been pushed beond your limit and nobody can live their life always on the edge and ready to snap as you were ultimately forced to do.

I hope in time both you and your daughter can come to terms with it and move on. Its just a horrible way for it to have come to a close.

Much respect to you for not actually punching the kids lights out though, sounds like the gate got the worst of it!!

Auteur's picture

Good for you! I declare the year 2012 to be "The Year of the Exit for Unappreciated Stepparents"

Kilgore SMom's picture

I think all SP at some point fear that very thing happening. I'm sorry you had to go through that. We as Bio parents have to teach our kids to have respect. The Kids that are held accountable for their bad behavior are the ones that do not act like your skids just did. Accountabilities start when kids are small. From crawling really -because they crawl up to things and we say no no don't touch that. I hope SO can put herself in your shoes and understand what you've been going through. At the skids ages I have little hope that SO can make the changes you need. I feel for you. (((HUGS)))

Unfreakingreal's picture

So sorry to hear that this happened but you did the right thing 100%. Yes, it will be sad to see SO go, but YOU will be a much happier man without her demon seeds in YOUR house. Applause to you for standing up for yourself. Please know we are thinking of you and wishing you much luck.

capt_lou's picture

They are taking their dog, I have my dog at my parents with me. yep they are leaving. We rent but I can afford it on my own and she can't. I took pictures of all the rooms yesterday when I went to pick up my stuff. So if anything is broken I have it documented.

capt_lou's picture

They are dissapointed. They really like her and they know how much this is tearing me up.

They are pissed on what Step douche 18 has said about my daughter and don't every want to see step douche 1 or 2 again.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Well, there it is. I believe wholeheartedly that if any member of my family or my Bio's had any problems with the Skids, DH and I couldn't have made it work. You'll be ok. It'll take a minute, but for sure, you'll be ok. SO on the other hand might have to re-evaluate her parenting because her skids will ruin it for her each and every time. BTW - Do you have any idea where they'll be going on such short notice?

capt_lou's picture

She is going to her mom's. When they move out I am going to change the locks. I don't trust her kids. I told her that after they are gone, if I catch her kids on my property I will call the police.

Unfreakingreal's picture

I agree, I'd be concerned about those kids. Clearly they have issues because my boys are 26, 23 and 14 and they wouldn't ever speak to my DH OR anyone like that. They'd be picking their frigging teeth up off the floor. Please keep your eyes peeled, they sound scary.

morgan_minx80's picture

What everyone else said. Id be present when they move out as well, if there's any trouble you can call the cops if necessary. If not you then maybe someone you trust.

beyond pissed-off's picture

I suggest that you enlist the services of law enforcement during the moving - in my state the appropriate call would be to the constable in the county. One of their chief duties is to "keep the peace" in situations such as this. Often off-duty police officers will provide this service as a "neutral peacekeeper and observer" as well. I strongly caution you to avoid being present unless you have such a neutral party. A friend or relative will not have the same credibility should an issue arise and testimony is required.

*This is not to be construed as legal advice. For legal advice conforming to the laws of your state please consult a local attorney.*

capt_lou's picture

Well, SO wants to work things out. I told her that her children are not allowed back in my house and that I am very angry for letting it get to that point.

She stated that she did not see Step waste of life hit me with the lamp. She wants us to just date again.

I do love her, but I need to get over the anger and hurt first. We have a counseling appt tomorrow at 7. So I am going to wait and see where that goes before I make a decision.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Please, please, please....Do NOT allow ANY of these people back in your home. Date the mom, sure, while she lives elsewhere with her demon seeds. I'm telling you, this was 18 years in the making. YOU will not change ANY OF IT.

beyond pissed-off's picture

I am so very sorry that this happened. However, I must agree with the rest of the posters - you dodged a bullet. The engagement period should be the happiest time. Once the marriage took place I have a suspicion that things would have devolved even more rapidly with your then-wife making even less of an effort to control the skids behavior.

Please take this in the spirit of totally platonic friendship and support - I use my situation ONLY as an example. I am in my early 40's, a professional with advanced degrees and major earning potential, and as I have had no children, am frequently mistaken for early 30's. Although I deeply love my FH, I do not know how long I am going to be able to contend with the major baggage that comes with him. I can think of at least 3 other women in my situation right now and they are all every bit as much of a "catch" as I am. I say this to assure you that there are MANY interesting, beautiful and intelligent women who would be delighted to be with you. You will have NO problem finding a woman who will both love and respect you and be delighted to have a happy and properly raised step-daughter when you are ready. Don't sell yourself short - there ARE women who want a peaceful and loving home and are willing to work to make it so.

I wish you all the best. Your life will continue to improve and you will look back on this with a sigh of relief. Please take some R&R for yourself and your daughter and heal once the initial "storm" of their departure has passed.

Rags's picture

Put his scrawny lippy butt in jail.

I think the message to your wife has to be "since you did not get your kid's under control you gave me no choice but to get it done. If we are to get back together then you have to step up and discipline them before I have to or you nor they will like how I do it. Fix it or stay gone."

I am StepDad to my SS-19 and have been since he was 1yo. We had our version of your lamp battle. He took a swing at me when he was about 15 when I stepped in when he got lippy with my wife. He instantly regretted that major mistake. I put him against the wall and pinned him there to get him under control, with his feet about 6 inches off of the ground adn my hands around his throat. I then spun him out the front door of our home in to a driving blizzard with only one shoe on and no coat. He got the message after freezing his ass off for about half an hour that if he wanted back in to MY home he would keep his head out of his ass.

His mom and I had the "if you don't like how I discipline then you had better step up and get it done before I have to" talk. Our marriage was never in jeopardy because we generally are in agreement in most areas of our lives. But, she did step up. Our son hated that with a passion. With me he gets consistent firm expectations, discipline and accountability for his actions and behavior. With his mom he gets cruela deville who keeps him on the hook for extended torture and fly off the hook screaming banshee crazy woman.

I would think very long and hard on letting her back in to your home or even your life. Even with older Skids who are within a few years of launching you will have a lifetime of their crap to deal with if their BioParents have not raised them to be viable adults and to have character.

Based on even the very brief recounting of their behavior during the dog piss and lamp episode it is crystal clear that your SO and her X are idiot parents who raised toxic entitled POS kids.

I would want no part of any of that including their mother. People of character do not raise POS children.

Move on.

IMHO of course.

Unfreakingreal's picture

"People of character do not raise POS children." Wow....THIS is the best statement I have ever read.