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Co-Parenting Issues

IAmALady77's picture

This isn't that big of a deal but I could use some advice because it is frusterating me. I feel like its a sign of things to come in the future when SD is older and wonder if anyone can tell me how to handle this NOW so I can pass it on to SO.

Anyway, we get SD every Sunday overnight and every other Friday overnight, and every other Friday from 5-9.

Whenever we have her overnight, when we go to pick her up at 5pm, SD is always "just down for a nap"...She just turned 2 in November and we put her to bed between 8 and 9 pm. So when we go to pick her up at 5 and she is sleeping its horrible because we have to wake her up or let her sleep for an hour before dinner and then shes up too late.

Like I said, its not that big of a deal but BMs reasoning is that she is always crabby around this time so she has to put her down for a nap...well I don't think this is true. I think she intentionally keeps her up all day and puts her down for her nap when we come to get her so that its difficult for us to get her in bed at a decent hour.

Back when we had her everyday (until the facebook incident and BM took her away again) We would all get up between 8 and 9 am, do our morning thing with breakfast and such, have play time or movies, play outside, have lunch between noon and 1pm and SD was down for a nap by 2pm at the latest. And when she woke up, we did whatever else for the day, had dinner if we had her overnight, bath time and relax then bed by 8 or 9. And she was perfectly normal, not crabby right before dinner or anything....

I just don't think its right that shes putting her down for a nap so late,...its just this latest thing on top of so many others.
I am all for whatever, she can parent how she wants and we will parent our way in our home..but it seems like she is doing this intentionally.

And I really wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and just say her errativ behavior and bitchiness is because she is just doing her best as a mother and wants to protect her child...but thats the thing, she doesn't know how! She still gives SD a bottle at night to sleep even though she doesnt even use a sippy here she drinks out of a normal cup at meals. If SD is upset or throwing a tantrum, BM will call SO hysterical because she doesn't know what to do...

Well I don't know what to do. She complains that shes out of clothes but we are missing almost aLL of ours for SD because she hoards them.

And she keeps "forgetting" to pack and overnight bag for her even though we have repeatedly asked her...and I dont want to send SD back to BM in the same clothes because we all know how that would turn out.

Sorry I got into a bit of a rant there but any advice on how to handle the naptime situation and clothes?

Comments's picture

We have never allowed the kids to take clothes or toys with their BM because we know she wont let the Kids to bring the items back. So they go with What's on their backs she brings them back in the same clothes they wore. At least she does wash them.

Disneyfan's picture

There's nothing you can do about the naps.

Send her back home in the clothes she comes in.

CrazieCoconut86's picture

I agree with audi & Kayro with the clothes. My DH & I won't allow SS5 to take anything from our house to BM's house. We only have him every other weekend Friday - Sunday. On the weekend we don't have him all weekend, we get him Sunday 9-6 or 12:30-6. On the weekends we have SS all weekend, we wash the clothes he comes in on Saturday, and he returns to his BM in them. On the Sunday, if we are going somewhere, we will bring a change of clothes with us. BM will often send SS in dirty, smelly clothes. We need to pack back up clothes with us in case we are going to a birthday party or to some other family function and we don't want him smelling like ass. For naps, there is very little you can do. I am positive BM does the same thing with us. BM won't let SS get the nap he needs. When we pick him up, he cries and throws a major tantrum because he is so tired. We have gotten a little revenge here and there. We will return him on occasion super well rested and sugared up. }:) It is crazy what some BM will do to get back at the BF. I don't know what they think the BF did to them. I don't know about your case, but in my situation, the BM broke it off with DH just before she found out she was pregnant. She didn't want to work things out, and she is spiteful because she didn't want DH involved in SS's life at all.

simifan's picture

While not exactly mature, give the kid a pint of Ben n Jerry's before she goes home... Blank stare BM n tell her i have no idea why she's so hyper... i put her down for her nap, just like you do and just mile sweetly.