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SO damn annoyed...cant wait til she goes to BMs this weekend

StepOnMe101's picture

I am pissed. My husband insists we make special meals the 4 or 5 nights per week SDalmost9 is with us because she barely eats anything as it is. We stick to the meals we know she likes to avoid a problem..whatever. I like one or two of the 5 or 6 repetitve meals we have but I just deal with it. SD has slowly began the "I dont like it anymore" thing and now when we are cooking her "special" meals she isnt even eating them. Tonight I made one of the dinners she likes...that Im not spectacularly fond of..and guess what she doesnt like it anymore. So she is either going to eat ramen noodles or PB&J...and Im PISSED OFF because I dont want to eat this dinner either but now I HAVE to. She is so damn whiny anymore and it gets on my nerves...BADLY!!!!!!!!!!! She goes to her Mom tomorrow and I cant WAIT.....I hate waking up to a whiny kid and coming home to one every work evening. Hubby wakes her up in the mornings and its always a "UGHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO""" grunt fest for 20 minutes. I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!! Blah!! Thanks for letting me vent.


purpledaisies's picture

I would make the meals I want weather she likes them or not and IF dh wants her to have something different HE can make!!! Or give her a choice of what you make or a peanut butter sandwich no jelly and see how long that lasts til she starts eating. trust me she will get tired of that real quick!

Ommy's picture

I know I have gone to bed starving before. There is nothing wrong with making a good healthily dinner and expecting a child to eat it. It isnt like a like flavor will kill them.

Inneedofgrace's picture

Amen BeesKnees! I think you're being played by SD AND DH! If DH wants special meals, he can cook. If brat-girl won't eat, she can go to bed hungry. My sister doesn't bother with the pb sandwich option. She just sends the kids to bed and gives them Deja vu for breakfast! She just reheats (or not) last nights dinner for the kid's breakfast. When parents (notice plural) have the discipline to be CONSISTENT with this method, it is a very effective tool. We did this when the kids were young and now they eat anything and everything that is put in front of them: kale, broccoli, collards, beans, you name it! Good luck.

Kilgore SMom's picture

My Dh special makes ss something almost every night. It all started when we were doing EOW. Because the only thing ss likes is chicken. That was at first know ss eats other stuff. But he never eat what I cook even if he likes it. SS is 7 now so I refuse to special fix him anything. DH can or SS has to get his own food. I didn't do that for my Bios and I'm not going to do that for SS. It is disrespectful for a child and DH to not make him eat or at least try what I spent a hour cooking. I've taken to eating in our bedroom to not have to hear it every night it pisses me off so bad. Theres two wars I have won eating and TV. UGH!'s picture

Our rule for our 11, 6, and 4 year old we aren't a restaurant, and we are the adults. When you grow up you can cook and eat whatever you desire, but if you don't eat it then dinner becomes breakfast. Trust me she won't want her green beans for breakfast! It's their choice. It's not like we are force feeding them raw liver! It works on our chronic complainers.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Dinner here is pretty simple.

You don't have to eat anything you don't want to eat. But I'm not making you anything else, and if you DON'T eat your meal, you aren't getting anything til next meal time.

Don't want dinner? Suit yourself. Breakfast is at 7am. Don't like breakfast? Well I hope you eat lunch, because it's gonna be a long day.

I've got one skid that consistently skips meals. Her loss. I'm not cooking weenies and tater tots every night (or EVER, really) just because she's a jerk.