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Countdown to CS ending anyone? I hope that I no longer have to ADD time...sigh

herewegoagain's picture

So, anyone else counting down? I know I have for freaking years now...forever it seemed like it would never come...I am crossing my fingers we won't have issues, although I doubt crazy will go down without a fight...

So, here's my countdown...

6 mos, 13 days!!!

How about you?


3xmom's picture

Two more checks to go I can't friggin wait. And on top of that we finish paying off braces on one child, too. Can't wait for the raise, lol.

caregiver1127's picture

3 more Checks that are already written out and ready to go - WOOHOO!!!! I am very pleased because our BM thinks that we will be paying until SS gets out of college and she also thinks we will be co-signing over $150,000 in student loans - she is so wrong on both counts and I can't wait to tell her to shove it - that the money train has stopped!!

skylarksms's picture

Since our state (and most others, I think) say that CS goes til 18 or graduating HS, we will be paying until HS gets out next spring. About 14 months, I'd say.

The worst is, because of the stupid way the CO was written, my DH has to pay CS for BOTH skids until the younger one graduates! The older one is already a mother and living on her own! DH would have to take PB back to court to get the CO changed and then (we are positive) that PB would just use that opportunity to ask for CS to be continued through college.


Oh, did I mention that the skids are also PASed out? Yeah, my DH said the other night, "I have two strangers I pay CS for." Just about broke my heart and definitely took away any warm and fuzzy feelings I had left towards them!

herewegoagain's picture

Wow! OK, I remember when I still had 8 freaking years, then 7, then again 8, then 7 again...then 8, then 9, and now it seems like it MIGHT just end. I say it might, because based on the laws it SHOULD. Not sure what will happen as crazy does all kinds of illegal things...but we'll see...for now, I am counting down!

How exciting for those of you who are finally done with the crap or are only a few checks away...very cool.

PS - the bit about the if kid doesn't want to talk to NCP, he shouldn't support her, I agree 100%. Fact is that my dad wouldn't have bought me a darn thing and would have probably kicked my behind out of the house if I treated him like this loser treats my DH.

In addition, it's ridiculous that if a girl is pregnant, cause she's an idiot that wants to do as her mom, ie. make babies to trap men and get paid, then DH should NOT have to pay a dime. I bet you that she is lying to the government and getting all kinds of welfare for her and her baby...pathetic.

z3girl's picture

Hoping for 15 months! It won't seem real until DH starts the paperwork for Emancipation.

lac925's picture

We still have about 10 more years to go for the youngest, 8 more for the middle boy, and the oldest girl (who is not my FH's bio child, but who he's still paying for even though we KNOW she's not getting ANY of the money while she lives full-time with her maternal grandfather...OH! And has told her sister to tell FH to "F**** off!") is going to get cut off some time this year Biggrin

"the bit about the if kid doesn't want to talk to NCP, he shouldn't support her, I agree 100%"

- Me, too!