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BM and SS are my living nightmare..........

JJlove's picture

So, everything has been great up until actually TODAY!

So, BM is honing in on my life slowly but surely. She and her hubby are now attending OUR church, they are seeing OUR's a mess. My fiancé doesn't see a problem with it at all. I feel like I can't even go back to my counselor bc first she was our friend before being our counselor and I let her know how uncomfortable it makes me that they would want to go see her. We live in Austin Freaking Texas.....find another counselor. So now, my fiancé wants to go back to our counselor bc she works magic, but I am feeling sick about it. I mean, its just one more thing they have in common!! Fiance finally bucked up to her on my birthday when she asked if we would keep stepson. She started ranting about how she has to work, blah blah blah.

Also, another thing thats been going fiancé JUMPS anytime Stepson says he "misses" him. I mean we have him every other weekend, and now fiancé spends EVERY SUNDAY with him as well bc of sports!! That happened totally against what I asked. I can't catch a break.
SS has been having major problems at school, etc. So, you would think when he comes over here that fiancé would make it a priority to watch he doesn't and guess what happens= MY son gets hurt! SS is so rough and mean and sneaky and I CANT STAND IT!! This morning everything blew up!!! I don't know what to do and he is making me feel like I am over reacting. HELP! }:) :?

Fiance is now saying "lets move forward or move apart!"


not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Tell him: We can't move forward until the roadblocks are demolished, so it's either demolish those roadblocks and move forward, or don't and move apart.

JJlove's picture

YES! She totally knows! And NO-ONE sees this as a problem but me. I don't get it! My fiancé thinks Im nuts for not wanting to go back to her.

B22S22's picture

To me that's like one attorney representing both sides in a highly contested divorce. Just not right.

I agree that it's a conflict of interest.

As far as your DH goes, why won't he watch his own child? What does he do, bring him over and then walk away? That shouldn't be happening. I agree that there are some roadblocks that need to come down, and hopefully you will be able to move forward.

I do, however, have to give your DH kudos for not caving in on the request made to him on your birthday.

Jsmom's picture

Report this therapist, that is wrong. As for the move apart comment from your DH, I would seriously consider it...He sounds like he is still married and you will always come last. As they become teens it gets much worse.

gijimenez5's picture

I agree, it's a conflict, I wouldn't want BM going to same counselor I went to. I don't know how long you have been with fiance but it sounds like you are not his first priority, and trust me you will not be happy in that marriage. From what he said he has no intention in changing and you can be happy with someone else. Sorry I know it's easier said then done. I had same issues with DH, but he always ended up seeing my view of things and always tried to change it, it doesn't seem your fiance can even see your point or see that it bothers you. Today without a doubt I know that I am first to my DH.

JJlove's picture

It sucks really bad because I LOVED my counselor. She really is amazing.

A while ago BM wanted a meeting with SS and my fiancé! Just those 3!!! I was livid and that's when I called my counselor and said how uncomfortable I was with it and I thought we were at an understanding. I'm not even sure BM and her hubs have seen my counselor yet, but even if an appt is made.....Im not going back!!

My fiancé wants me to think of it like, "BM is going to YOUR counselor, not the other way around!" What? Like that makes a difference...........UGH