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gijimenez5's picture

When I have problems with my SS11 and BM I usually try and see if my decision is something conveniant to me or if it is in fact the right thing to do. I have the priviledge of being both a BM and a Stepmom. I wear both shoes, so when I feel that maybe I am being unreasonable about BM I analyze if I do her actions as a BM and do I think I am right when I do it?

1. BM feels that if my SS11 joins a sport my DH should pay half or buy supplies. DH pays Child Support, so I think she is 100% wrong it's her choice to enroll him in the activity not my DH. That is what CS is for. Looking back as the BM any decision I took for my BS14 like enrolling him in Film Schoo for the summer was my option. I didn't go to my son's father and say give me 1/2 this is for your son. I have no idea what he can and can't afford, I don't know his finances, its something that I want to do for my son so I pay the costs.

2. DH picks up and drops of SS11 for every visit. We live a state away but crossing states is only a little over an hour what kills you are the tolls getting to and from it's ridiculous. I have never complained to my DH about it. Does it take time away from me every other weekend yes because even though the commuttee should be a little over an hour total trip comes to four hours do to traffic. I don't complain about him paying. It's his responsibility as a father to pick up SS11. CS, paying health insurance, picking him up and dropping him off on your weekends is his responsiblity. So imagine my surprise if my BS12 father asks me to share the cost. I don't think it's my responsibility to fly my son to see you. You don't even pay child support, provide health insurance, the least you can do is pay the flight once a year.

3. BM sends my DH a list of errands to run with SS11 during his weekends with us, getting his haircut, buying him school clothes, or maybe sneakers he might need. I feel that is so wrong! Who is she to dictatate our weekends, maybe we have something planned, maybe we are busy doing something else. What makes her think that my DH has to run errands when she says so! When my BS14 goes see his father I never dictate what it is they are going to do, I don't tell him take time off work. It's his time to do what he wasnt's with our son. They are a family and stay out of it because I don't know there plans, there schedule.

The problem with a lot of BM is that they do not understand that they are single parents, it's a sad fact, but as much as a father is there, they are single parents. No matther how involved the father is, at the end of the day they are part-time fathers and they can only be involved so much. Once you divorce, separate you are now a single parent. Being a single parent is hard for a reason. It's is known to be hard, and the more BM try to make it easier for themselves the more conflict it creates.


gijimenez5's picture

Me and DH keep our money separate due to both having children with other people. One year DH said he was really broke for Christmas, so I told him we will make due I will get everyone gifts (including SS11 because he should get something from us). I also said we do not have to buy BS05 a coat he can wear the same one from last year. BM text DH that SS11 needs a new coat and that he needs to go 1/2. Even DH family commented how she was manipulating everyone to buy SS11 a coat. She had him freezing his butt off with no coat, so someonw would get the message. I later find out that he purchased for my SS11 a coat a North Face (250.00 coat) I was so upset because that is what CS is for, and if she was broke then maybe she shouldn't require it to be a North Face, at Burlington he could have gotten a coat for SS11 for 35.00-40.00. Needless to say that he had to find a way to buy BS05 a North Face and he did!

We go 1/2 on housebills, and he gives me nothing towards my BS14. I feel that BS14 is my responsiblity, so even when he needed 1750.00 worth of dental work I paid for it myself.

gijimenez5's picture

I complain because he says he is always broke. That year I bought everyone gifts including him, SS11 and my inlaws because he was supposedly broke. If you are broke for one person you are broke for everyone that's how I see it. I am not going to tell him that I am broke and then buy my son a 250 coat and have our son in an old coat. How is that fair? My SS11 doesn't know about brand either but BM insisted that it be that so I did the same to prove a point. Just because we don't have our money together it doesn't mean it doesn't affect me. Everytime I have to pay all costs for vacation it affects me, when I have to buy our sons uniform cause he can't it affects me, or when I have to pay for or date nights it affects me, or when the heat bill comes very high and he can't give me more money to go towards bill it affects me.

Jsmom's picture

I disagree only with your last statement...I do not think that these BM's are single parents. There is a dad alive and has visitation. Honestly for most of these dads it would be 50/50 if they had the choice. A single parent is someone who the spouse is deceased or has abandoned the child.

As a young widowed mom, I take great offense to a divorced mom saying she is a single parent.

Tartsy's picture

Yikes. Offensive to you? I say pretty damn judgmental.

I am a single parent. I am not widowed.

I am not even divorced. My son's father and I never married.

He is not a parent. He has abandoned his son.

You could not be more wrong when saying that most dad's would want 50/50. Geesh! I can guarantee you my own father would disagree. Certainly, my son's father disagrees.

Jsmom's picture

I will take judgemental...No problem...Most Dad's do want 50/50. If you partner abandoned the child than yes you can say you were a single parent. But, if you are getting support of visitation you can not...That is reserved for those that are truly doing it all alone. Not handing off a child on the weekend to the other parent.