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Good morning!!!

daisy0202's picture

Good morning everyone....Went to my parents last night to tell them the news of our vacation...There faces were excited....

Came home and SD was sitting in the living watching TV....She asked me "where were you?" so I responded...I had to go to my parents...DH came out of kitchen and said what did they say?...So we started talking..SD chimes in with what are you guys talking about....So DH tells her I am going away for April vacation with my parents and son....OK for one we were right in the middle of talking and as soon as she asks he talks to her so that kind of went up my ass but whatever was in such a good mood didn't care....So she says great when are we leaving so DH tells her he can not go so she is not going....WELL!!!!! She started pissing and moaning about she never does anything and SM kids do everything and this is not fair at all why can't she go with me and blah blah blah...DH tells her we will be going on some trips in the summer long wekends and it will be OK they will hang out for 9 days just them...Now i am in the kitchen thinking to myself this child is 16 acting like a 6 year old whinning and all I could do is laugh....i felt aweful i was laughing but come on.....I also thought if you were a little nicer and not such a drama queen I would of taken you but i just can't....Do you think i am being mean by not taking her? I mean her father is not even going....


Cdngirl's picture

Nothing wrong with this at all. I told SD12 (as I was booking a trip for myself with my girls friends) that due to her attitude as of late that I wouldn't be wasting my vacation time or money to take her any where and the summer vacation that was planned was cancelled and I was using that money and vacation time to go on a hot holiday with my friends. }:) I figure she has a father and mother and if they want to take her some where they can foot the bill. If neither wants to use their money then why should I be using mine.

daisy0202's picture

I also cancelled her gym membership }:) ...After the way she is talking to me i told DH I cancelled our gym membership but i only cancelled hers...he does not go with me she used to so i switched it to my son (he was to young to go at the time i signed her up) and anyway i was paying for it....So after her cocky shit i cancelled it...

Aeron's picture

Are you being mean by not taking her?? Seriously? Are you being mean by not taking your nieces and nephews? What about your friend's kids? The neighbor child? No, you're not being mean!!!! I will never understand this thought in society that skids deserve it All. I mean, if her mother was taking her on a trip, would she think it unfair if your kids didn't go? I doubt it. You're taking a trip with your kids and your parents - Dh isn't going? Of Course SD isn't going. Who the hell wants to spend time being in charge of a bratty whiny kid that not only isn't yours and you aren't being paid to watch but that you're actually footing the bill for.

Don't feel bad about laughing either - teenagers throwing temper tantrums about "fair" meaning Gimme gimme gimme is Very funny as long as they continue to be told no.

Disneyfan's picture

Nope, not mean at all.

There's nothing wrong with a parent/kid vacation. Her dad can plan a daddy/daughter trip.

daisy0202's picture

Thanks guys....My mother thought it was not right i wasnt taking SD because DH never takes her anywhere unless i plan a trip....But told my mother i want to have a good time drama free and spend some time with my son without having all my attention on SD because of her issues....My son deserves this trip all the shit he puts up with....Its ridiculous.....i do not feel bad and CANT WAIT!!!!

daisy0202's picture

injustthemaid, you should go...I decided this on a whim.....and after DH told he couldnt go...I was like I need a vaca so love ya bye!!!

overit2's picture

NOT selfish or mean!!! I'm taking my boys this year because I couldn't do it last year. I already told bf that I'm not inviting her, she takes several trips a year w/her mom, his parents and I want a drama free vcation!

NOw, if he wants to come with us and put some $ towards it, great....if here to pitch half the cost MAYBE I would consider it another trip-not this one, not when I've been waiting to take my sons on a nice vacation for a few years now. HELL NO! And I do this absolutely guilt free!!!