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Stress and xanax

misscinna's picture

So today I went sledding with my skids and 6 other kids plus 3 friends. We had a blast! I let SO know that I was going out to dinner with a friend tonight. He was like is that so? I'm like uh yeah, its so and I'd love to see you try and stop me. You are off work tonight dude Idle what has happened to him lately but he seems like he has no interest in being with anyone but me and frankly its a wee but suffocating and I want him to actually engage with his kids ! Last night he did quite a but for as15 cuz I refused to help with her best due to the fact that lately she's been acting like a spoiled brat. She knows I'm on my last patience with her too because she started being super helpful and giving me hugs etc. which is good. I'm having issues lately with my birth control and I'm not sure what to do. I've been on the same one for 3 years and recently some thing changed and it has been causing all sorts of side effects including but not limited to agitation and irritability. I've been a total bitch to my skids and SO for things I know are no good reason. SO has said he has noticed it as well when I asked him. I'm not ready to have a kid but I've tried nearly every BC on the market and I appear to be allergic to many artificial hormones. My body seems to reject the others. So I am in a quandry. I really would love to get off this stuff and let my body go back to normal, because when I'm on my non pill week I feel great. Within 2 hours of taking my first pill I become mean, get a headache, and feel nauseous. Side note I am not prego. So that is not it. I'm in very good shape and typically fairly active. I'm healthy and eat fairly well. blah. Its annoying
