I'm not trying to be a bitch but...
That is the sentence that BM recently used when she call FDH. It seemed like an appropriate blog title.
Recently I was thinking to myself that things had gotten really quite lately and I jinxed myself by thinking that maybe the 'war' was over and BM had admitted defeat. I may save that for another post.
Any way last week was our week with the boys and they both got papers sent home saying that parent teacher conferences were coming up, one gave a day and time and the other said to call the teacher. So FDH called and set up it up for the same day just a little later - save a trip. The teacher asked if FDH wanted to tell BM or if she should call her. FDH took the bail out and asked the teacher to call BM.
So 20 mins later BM calls him and says,
"I am not trying to be a bitch but... why would you set this up with out talking to me first." Which she does ALL the time and FDH just has to deal with it, but FDH explained that eh didn't set up the one for ss6 the other teacher picked the time so he just thought it made sense... ect. SO she said she would see if that worked for her and let him know. (Control freak)
I laughed when he told me because that is EXACTLY what she was trying to be - a bitch! A giant pain in the ass and I so would have told her that - which is probably why she doesn't talk to me any more
After we dropped the boys off Sunday to start her week we realized that SS4 had homework that we forgot to send over so on Monday he txt her and asked if we could drop it off on our way to the store. BM replied that she wouldn't be home until 5, I had FDH txt her back and ask if we could just put it in her mailbox, turns out her hubby was home WITH the kids, so we dropped it off with him. It's sad but FDH and I both agreed that was would rather deal with him than her, but it was like we could go there unless she was there.
Then she called FDH yesterday at work, he has been screening her calls and she never leaves a message - on his lunch break he called her back and she answer the phone with "Hello this is 'BM New Last Name', how can I help you." He just asked her what she wanted and she said that the Parent teacher time worked for her. Who answers their cell phone like that? I told FDH that it had caller ID and she just wanted to remind you that she was with someone else now. It subtle and stupid really. FDH so doesn't care.
Oh the same note I have had some pretty bitch moments myself. Sunday when we were taking the boys back SS6 was tired and out of no where he stated that he really wished that he could spend some time with his mom and dad together. I just said "No" and he kept at it and I just kept repeating "No". I Know he can still remember them being together but he told his class that he had two houses because his mom and dad argue, so he knows that it wasn't the greatest situation. And they can't get along now at all so getting them together wouldn't be as much fun as he thinks it would be. But yes I could have been nicer about it.
And lastly I told FDH for our wedding I want some one to get me a big sign that I can put in the yard or on outside of the house that says "the blanks" and has all of our names on it. If BM wants to play the name game then let's play.
- SisterNeko's blog
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Oh and I forgot to put on
Oh and I forgot to put on here that SS6 was overly tired all week to the point that one day he forgot something at school and I enforced the house rule that if he forgets anything at school then he can't play video games, rule is in place because he forget EVERYTHING at school - books, folders, homework, lunch box, once he forgot the WHOLE backpack. Any way he started crying and said that he didn't understand why we have rules, BM just lets him do whatever he wants. I took the DS and walked away.
I wish she had said it to me,
I wish she had said it to me, as soon as I hear "I am not trying to be a bitch" I would have interrupted with "Yeah actually you are."
OMG I hate "No offense but.." It's like just say whatever you were going to say because it's still just as offensive.
FDH used to say "I am not going to lie to you..." Until I pointed out to him that is made me think that he lied a lot.
I read that if a sentence has
I read that if a sentence has the word "but" in it, nothing that comes before it is worth listening to.
BM pulled the last name shit
BM pulled the last name shit with me LOL.
She left SO a VM that she needed to talk to me and it was an emergency. I called her phone and the VM message said this is 'mrs so and so'.....I left my message and she never did call back so I know she wanted me to hear the MRS.
I guess I was supposed to cry and rant, she may have been terribly upset that I just laughed and said stupid woman.
FDH laughed too. It was
FDH laughed too. It was stupid. She likes to show up with her name badge still on and at Halloween they carved a pumpkin with their last name on it which is funny because the boys still have their father's last name, so when the thing read "the so and so's" it only applied to her and her husband.
Oh and every year BM paints snowmen on her big picture window - 4 of them and labels them "SS6, SS4, mom and dad." That does upset FDH a little but this year I told him that the snowmen weren't nearly fat enough to be her and her husband.
But if she wants to play the 'name game' we can play
Because after this fall our house will be the "so and so's" all 4 of us. 
really you can do that? OMG
really you can do that? OMG that would be SO much better. Maybe we will push for that next year (this is the last conference this year I think). FDH hates going with her because she just sits there and doesn't ask ANY Questions. Then when FDH asks something about behavior issues that we have with the kids BM says that they don't do that at her house.
I think one of the teachers knows that they don't communicate well together and she seems to cater to that but the other teacher is young/new so I think she just wants everyone to get along. But FDH said that he feel left out of the loop on some things with that teacher and I told him to say something in the conference.
BM here would agree to a time
BM here would agree to a time for Parent/Teacher conferences then turn up early and 'fill in' the teachers time for someone who missed their allotted time. We or DH would get there JUST as thing were winding up and the teacher would say "I explained everything to SSs mother. She can fill you in..." as BM disappeared on her broomstick never to mention one word except "I have got it under control."
So DH started booking an earlier time separate to the time she booked and didn't tell her. She was all over the teachers telling them how they worked together for the boys. DH goes on in and tells the teacher that contact (sadly) is lacking and anyway, DH would rather address the issues himself or with his wife in our home.
BM turned up as DH was leaving and just ignored him. Then later she called and screamed that he had no right to speak to the teacher without her. DH said "Really? Like last term? Grow up!" Click!
Thank goodness CS is over.
Gee I guess BM's aren't very
Gee I guess BM's aren't very original. Our does this too - sort of. She always sets the times and waits until the last minute to tell FDH in hopes that he can't go and then she goes early to see if she can slip in and start early.
We have been 'informing' the teachers when we don't hear about stuff on time. At least one of the teacher is starting to understand that there is a communication problem.
Ah, the "Name Game." One of
Ah, the "Name Game." One of PB's main problems with my DH was that he wouldn't marry her. Even after she spat out two skids she claims are his. Then he met ME and married ME...AND I didn't have to have any KIDS to attempt to trap him!
So, when she got particularly nasty and vindictive with us, DH would put any correspondence (all in writing and all certified for court purposes) addressed to MISS PB instead of Ms. or whatever. It bothered her... but not as much as getting the insurance cards with my married name on them!! }:)