INspired by the "damp sweatshirt" on a skid post
People are upset because a skid wore a damp sweatshirt to school in cold weather and a disengaged SM allowed it - either because she could care less or because there was damned little she could do other than tackle the brat and rip it off him if he were determined to wear it. Only she knows why.
Maybe it is the cold medicine talking but a damp sweatshirt is NOTHING. I am now actively trying to figure out a way to get a LIVE BADGER into SS16's clothing. A hungry one!!!!
But maybe a badger is not the best. His BO is pretty bad. Any ideas what would be the best for a stinky, entitled, nasty as all hell, honest to god red-headed stepchild?????
- beyond pissed-off's blog
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Icy Hot in his underwear. The
Icy Hot in his underwear. The scent would also cover up his BO.
thats not funny. In
thats not funny. In volleyball the Seniors did that to our spandex "freshmen welcome present" That shit burns!!!!
I can think of no animal that
I can think of no animal that deserves that kind of treatment. Maybe a bunch of cock roaches though?
Make it a honey badger. He
Make it a honey badger. He doesn't give a shit.
lololololol! That is my
lololololol! That is my BD18's nickname!
HHHAAAHHAAAAAAAA I have a half starved bearded dragon! His wife already starved to death after I disengaged. He's hungry enough to eat a red headed step child, and Snitchy prolly won't notice he's missing!
Sold!!!!!! Cheap at any
Sold!!!!!! Cheap at any price. You take Paypal?????? }:)
Sold!!!!!! Cheap at any
Sold!!!!!! Cheap at any price. You take Paypal?????? }:)
Think of it as a gift! One
Think of it as a gift! One wicked step mom to another! }:)
You rock, girl!!!! Hope
You rock, girl!!!!
Hope your 2012 is a good one!
Is this stinky boys thing
Is this stinky boys thing normal? son is only 10 and I am getting a bit worried lol He jumps in the shower as SOON as he wakes up without being told...and 90% of days does the same thing at night as it that he's not yet a teen thus he's not stinky yet?
It's not normal. My two sons
It's not normal. My two sons weren't stinky, but some of their friends were awful. Those friends didn't stay friends for long, as my sons were repulsed around them. Funny thing is, they were friends with my now SS20 a million years ago before SO and I were together. We were neighbors, so they were sort of friends by default. I hated having him in my house because he was always so dirty. He smelled bad and would leave dirty smudges on the arms of the furniture and walls. When he'd come over, I'd have him go wash his hands and face. If we were going somewhere and he wanted to come along, I'd say, "Sure, go home and shower and put on clean clothes, then you can come with." My sons thought I was being mean, but he'd always leave and come back clean
A damp sweatshirt?
A damp sweatshirt? are being molested, starved and stolen all over this country and that's what gets people's attention?! WTF.
A damp sweatshirt, without a
A damp sweatshirt, without a coat on a 9 degree day.