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Beautiful Dreamer's picture

DD4 knows how to tie her shoes! She now wants to tie everything!


Ommy's picture

that is really good! I think that it is early, I think Kindergarten is when most learn how to but I am not a Bio mom so I only go off of what others tell me. Crangrats!

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

Thanks! She has only been 4 for a month so this was very exciting for us. I was really excited about it and told a friend (who also has kids) but she didn't seem to care and just said oh ok Sad

ThatGirl's picture

Probably because it never dawned on her that she's supposed to teach her child these things. She probably figured that's what they are supposed to do at school Blum 3

Congratulations! You should take her for a new pair of shoes with fancy/pink/sparkly laces Smile

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

Thanks so much she really likes those twinkle toes shoes especially the new ones that have the twirling swirly thing at the bottom and my friends kids are 7 and 5.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Heehee congrats! That is very exciting. Pretty soon all of your shoes are going to be pre-tied for you! (and possibly your cats whiskers, your hair, long sleeved sweaters, etc.)


Crazy_in_Ohio's picture

That's awesome! Yay for her! Yay for you!

I see a lot of kids at the age of 13 that still can't tie their shoes. I feel embarrassed for them. My son wasn't allowed a pair of velcro shoes until he could tie his own shoes. It's important for their motor skills! Smile

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

DD does the bunny ears one I tried to teach her the other way but she likes the bunny ears way better

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Congrats! My youngest daughter did not know how to tie her shoes until she was 7ish. I've tried and tried but she'd just get so frustrated so I'd leave it alone for a while then one day she just magically got it!