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Money Hungry BM's, ugh they sicken me!!!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

BM's always always are money hungry... I mean HELLOOO why cant they seem to get it thru their heads that If they never had a child with our DH that BM would still HAVE to have a place to live, pay their own rent, utilities, car payment, insurance, vacations, food, clothing, ect ALL ON HER OWN- So why do they BM feel the need to hit our DH up for EVERYTHING?? I cannot believe the court system! It's like, BM should support HER kid when the kid is with her and DH should support the kid when he has it. It should be with each parent 50/50, all costs should be 50/50.

Our BM is a waitress and she supposedly makes 13,000.00. How can she survive off of that? She has never asked for money prior to taking us to court recently. Just bc she did absolutely nothing with her life and is satisfied with 13,000 a yr and my DH went out there and made something of his life, makes real good money... She feels she is entitled to money from us even tho the kid is with us 60% of the time AND get this... The courts AGREE with HER!!! It is absolutely injustice! My DH and her were never married! He made like 7,000.00 a yr working at a fast food joint. They were only together as teenagers. She and SS are not usto the life style we have at BM's house but for some reason the judge feels we need to let her reap the fruits of our labor even tho she did nothing, i mean nothing to deserve it. After taxes, insurance, 401K, IRS deductions, ect we barely see half of his income as it is... Now with CS, we are going to see none of it. BC of BM we can no longer afford our nice life that we are now forced to give to her, my kids will suffer, we will struggle and she will be able to sit on her fat A and watch our cash roll in. This is a crappy government to say the least!

I just do not understand how a woman can be so greedy that she will make our children go without just so she can be lazy and spoil her kid. We already buy everything for her house for SS. Clothes, shoes, haircuts, sports, we spend all the gas for pick ups & drop offs, game systems, games, school supplies, ect. All for SS at HER HOUSE. All she pays are her bills. Ugh I hate her but you know what oh well. I have my DH and that's all that matters. I will be sure to inform SS that anytime BM buys him something, to let him know that his Dad actually paid for it because she wouldn't be able to afford it unless DH was giving her all this money for SS at her house. Can't wait to see what she pulls when I do it! lol. But I don't care. Let her be mad. It's the damn truth.

So, Thanks to BM, my kids will not be getting very much for Xmas at all. Which pisses me off incredibly. I was really upset about this bc I feel like my kids should never suffer bc of DH's past... I was screaming and acting a fool about it at DH. He just kept telling me how sorry he is. I felt really bad afterwards because normally I wouldn't act this way and he seemed really sad about it all too. I shouldn't have acted how I did but I couldn't help it. No matter how well things are going between DH and I, the drama, bs, disrespect, inconsiderate ways of BM never end and always put a strain on us. I guess the good thing is that DH and I do not allow it to affect our relationship any longer, at least we try to not let it affect us as much as possible... Lol. Sometimes I just cannot contain myself and feel the need to rip off his head bc that bitch would not be in my life if it wasn't for him failing to wear a condom. lol.

Anywho... Thanks for letting me rant and rave! Honestly I appreciate all of you and this site so much! You all have truly been a blessing!!! I do not know where I would be if I didn't find this site... Probably in a looney bin rocking back and forth, while repeating the same phrase over and over again while my hair sticks up all over.. Lol. :sick: :sick:


bestwife's picture

How a BM acts can so come back to haunt them. SSs are now over 20 so no more money for her. But what really is killing her is that my company went public and we now have a boatload of money. DH and I are traveling fulltime and having a ball. We have a new second home and have treated SS to some great trips.

The money is totally in MY name and she cannot touch it. She is about to go crazy with envy and the frustration that she can't get her hands on a penny of this money. She sucked DH dry so he really has nothing in his name.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

We have never had a court ordered anything prior to this just recently. Our agreement was we buy everthing for SS and she pays her own bills. We did, she got jealous of my car and took us to court. Now we have to pay CS.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Actually we probably pay way more now.. The thing is she may be able to get us for back CS. Which is so wrong!!! We had an agreement. WE did everything she asked of us. Here a verbal agreement is a binding contract but idk if it works with CS... I hate this crap but I'm very thankful for it bc it has helped DH and I so much.