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That "Bitch"

Lalena75's picture

Yeah this is how BM has decided to refer to me why? Because I exist. Never done anything to her or the kids. The kids like me respect me (so far) we all enjoy our time together they listen to their dad (even when BM has to call because the 5 year old is "out of control and hitting me!" and SO has to fix it over the phone) I love how he starts with "want me to come get them and handle them" because obviously she can't what whip a 5 yr olds behind and they don't act like that here. So she just loves to refer to me as "that bitch" because her kids listen and follow the rules here, they pick up after themselves, they don't wet the bed, they are learning all the things a little kid should know, (how to write their name, colors, shapes, numbers, how to tie their shoes)I'm "that Bitch" because SO supposedly spends sooo much money on MY kids and soooo much time with MY kids. Sorry honey give him his kids more often if it's so hard, so awful, and you're so jealous. Not my fault your newest bf is going to jail for trying to strangle his other gf, not my fault the one before was a registered sex offender, so was the one before that. Not my fault I'm successfully managing 2 kids a home a full time job and school and your to high to lazy to change your life. Best part about being "that Bitch" was my SO telling her "you will not refer to my gf as *that Bitch* her name is "lalena75" you will refer to her as such or not speak another word about her."


sp28's picture

I know that it can be hard sometimes with all the drama that it sounds like she is starting, but as long as your doing your best and right by everybody and you SO is always there for you, your doing great. Don't worry about what she calls you, she's just using the only thing she can to get under your skin by calling you names.