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Telling them the FACTS

AliceP's picture

DH and BM seperated in April 06 when skids were 4 and 5, May 06 they were calling "Hillbilly" dad. They visited DH once and YSD said she didn't like Hillbilly but DH brushed it off as maybe her just thinking that's what he wanted to hear and they spent the weekend doing crafts and cuddling. Communication was cut off for months, they moved, phone was shut off, etc...after divorce is all neat and final communication with skids resumes everyweek. I had 1 kid and then another and then skids move up here with Hillbilly and BM, we see them they meet their little sisters things are okay, we aren't real impressed with their living conditions but are told they are moving into a house on friday and we are given a bogus address. BM moves the skids without hillbilly out of state. Big blow up, 5 months later skids are dropped at our doorstep indefinitly while BM and hillbilly scramble to get on their feet. YSD is weird, horrible to DH, tells OSD "DON'T Call him dad!!" Bad mouths her aunt, her cousin, everyone, bad mouths men which sounds so weird considering she's a child. Our meddling neighbor tells us she thinks this kid has been molested, I talk to the kid privatly to get a feel as to why she hates men so much but I don't really know what to ask or anyhting. We call BM several times and tell her our concerns she shows up and takes them, gives us another bogus address, they live in hotels, then they give us a good address and we find out Hillbilly is out of the picture. The skids are always talking about "my dad this, my dad that, my dad, my dad..." referring to Hillbilly. When we had them for the summer they would reveal some things that they went through last winter and I wanted to grill them but didn't just listened carefully and I said "I wish you would have told us you guys had such a hard time out there.." YSD said "I think it was God's way of telling my mom to get back together with Hillbilly." Sad Well a couple weeks ago we found out the truth about Hillbilly. He is in jail accused of molesting a 9 year old girl he pleaded to a lesser charge. (we don't even know that it wasn't one of ours!!) They still call him dad. BM has let her family bad mouth DH and poison the kids against him, but she's keeping "daddy Hillbilly's" secret safe. I want to tell them, DH wants to tell them. I don't think if I hear them say "my dad" and they aren't refering to DH I will be able to contain myself.


Rags's picture


I have not had the chance to read any of your previouse posts/blogs. Welcome, I hope you find this a good place to vent, contribute and pick up some useful advice from others who are living the blended family dream.

Now to give my opinion on your OP. Umm, sounds like a good time to learn from past mistakes of letting BM take the SKids once she abandons them on your doorstep.

Now that you know the truth and depth of her depravity take the kids and protect them from her and her evil molesting husband.

In fact I would go get them for a visitation right after filing an emergency custody motion claiming child endangerment against BM..... THIS WEEKEND!!!!

Not an easy thing to do but those kids need you and their dad to protect them from the idiot wombdonor and her pathetic choice in her current DH.

IMHO of course.

Jsmom's picture

All of this is public record. Why isn't your husband pushing for full CO and supervised visitation for BM. She obviously can't be trusted...