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Finally catchin up to her....

dreamingofhappiness's picture

The most wonderful feeling I have had in the last year is knowing that the BM antics are finally catching up with her. She thinks she knows everything... News flash, there are people out here who are a hell of a lot more intelligent then you could everr imaging being. So, beforeyou make your next move bitch, read carefully. I am sorry, but a DIVORCE DECREE superseeds the Separation agreement.

Then you feel as though you have the right to defy a court order... Now you have made another huge mistake. Your sisters have no clue how the legal system works... So please keep getting their advice. PLEASE... I am begging you. Because they are the ones leading you down the wrong path. They are the ones who are telling you it is okay to disobey a court order... HHHHMMMM Last I checked, that is contempt. Last I checked that is a felony. HHHHHMMMMMM Your attorney drew up the paperwork. Nice Attorney.

I am so done playing your ridiculous games. I am so tired of even you very existence.... I am so tired of you thinking you are on this PEDASTOOL and no one can touch you.

Word of advice.... Always watch your back. Always check and recheck, double back if necessary... No, I am not talking about physical harm... I am talking about your actions that you have already done... I am talking aboutthe mistakes you have already made. Iam talking about you finally being on the receiving end of one pissed off bitch that knows a lot of information you never thought would come to light....

I am not as ignorant as you think I am. As a matter of fact, I am a lot more intelligent then you give me credit for. I did not grow up in this hateful town. I have learned many lessons of my own to protect me and my family at any cost... and the sad part of all of this... Is this is all your doing... Lets see what you have to say in the end... because I will look at you and just smile. And then I will tell you... Live by the sword, die by the sword!!!!

PAY BACK IS DEFINATELY A REAL BITCH... especially when you did all your self. I just made sure your actions were brought to light.

My Number 1 rule in my life is: "I do not care what you do, as long as what you do does not directly effect MY LIFE"... You just broke that rule...

Hope you are scared to death now... Just wait... It is only just begun.... Blum 3


dreamingofhappiness's picture

Willow, right now, I can not tell all. I wish I could. But if I do then It will all come back to me plotting... I am not plotting, I promise you that... LOL...

What goes around comes around...