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Does your DH do crap like this?

Willow2010's picture

I remember when DH used to out and out lie to SS about things to make him feel “good” about himself. Example… He made SS think he could bench press 100lb when he was 10 years old. Stupid crap like that.

I thought that it almost stopped before SS went into military. Well yesterday it reared its ugly head again. For the sake of staying anonymous…I will not give many details because of course, what I am griping about is all over freaking face book now. GRR

DH earned an award. It was DH..not me..not SS…just dh. Well DH called me yesterday all excited about his award. It was very cool. I checked out face book later that evening and saw that SS posted that DH got an award for something SS did. He was taking credit for the award. His post said something like…”My dad got an award, it was because I did blablabla.”

I normally let crap like that go, but DH was right there when I saw it and I asked DH, why on earth SS was saying that mess?! DH looked me in the face and said…”ya know,…it could have happened the way SS says it happened” and he turned and walked off. WTH?

I know I should be grateful that I don’t deal with half of what most of you deal with, and I love my DH and we have a really good bond and relationship…but this kind of stuff really turns me off of DH for a few days.


Auteur's picture

The Spectre of Overpraise rears it's ugly head again. Thank GOD I didn't fall for all that "self-esteem" crap back in the eighties when I was raising my now grown bios!!!

B22S22's picture

Gradecards came the other day.... I had to listen to my DH PRAISE my SS's for D's, because after all, it's not all F's like it was last year...

Okay, so I marginally understand "improvement" on their parts. But praising D's?


And it's not like they aren't capable of so much more because they are. But I guess after last year (all F's for both of them except in GYM), the bioparents must be proud that at least the SK's are actually earning CREDIT for their classes this past 9 weeks.

My daughter stood there, mouth agape. Then she shook her head and walked away. Let's see if she gets the same praise poured all over her from DH for her 4.0+ GPA when her gradecard gets here this week. I can see her grades online so I know how good her gradecard is going to look.

Auteur's picture

Are your skids in a certain upstate NY school district that I know of (AHEM!!! Behemoth's home town!!)????

Sounds like the drivel that they post in the flyers in my skid's school. EVERY FLYER has a segment in it stating HOW to fill out an absent excuse for your childand the importance of turning it in (can you say STATE AID??)!!! EVERY FRIGGIN' ONE!! Apparently "parents" are just letting their children opt out of school and couldn't give a rat's netherquarters.

In other news, VD (SD, will be 13 in a few days) got a core subject average of 53.6% (65 is fail/pass line)

Here's the breakdown:

Social studies 56.8
Science 48.9
Math 50.0
English 59.0

Nice, eh? And school hasn't been in session for two months yets. She has two tardies already. NOthing wrong with this kid; she's just not MADE to do her homework/classwork by the CPS Worker By Trade BEHEMOTH!! BOATLOADS of ZEROES on assignments; simply didn't bother to do them.

Auteur's picture

VD did get one low "A" in chorus. OF course GG focused on that. Sadly he was with one of his brothers "Mr. Neutral" who feels a need to report to GG all that is happening with his PASed out kids. "Brainiac is in a garage band across the street from me and can play the guitar really great!!"


So he's pursuing his dreams of academic failure in lieu of being the next star on "X-Factor" so sayeth the Behemoth.

It's so pathetic that GG grasps at straws like this. Of course, I give my classic generic disengagement answer in order not to start WWIII:

"Well it's nice that they are taking an interest in something"

I could very well use this in a variety of settings:

1. "Brainiac (SS15) is smoking pot"
2. "VD (SD will be 13 in a few days) got suspended for beating up a fellow classmate"
3. "Prince Hygiene (SS stb 9) is now eating with a fork"

skylarksms's picture

I brought home straight A's one time and my mother took a look at it and said,

"WHY DID YOU MISS 2 and a half DAYS??"

I said, "Because YOU took me out of school so we could go visit YOUR aunt and uncle in Omaha!"

My cousin, on the other hand, brought her F up to a D and MY parents bought her a television!!

I don't understand some "parenting."

Auteur's picture

I see you have the same parents as I did! Lol

Ahh the soft bigotry of low/no expectations!!

cant win for losin's picture

Over praising! Over parenting! BARF!!!!! yes, dh does this. And ss grandparents do it even more AND waay worse. (Ss lives with them, long story)
GP LITERALLY will go to unmeasureable amount of lenghts to prevent, shield, and shelter ss from ANYTHING unpleasant. GP calls the school and TELLS the teacher to NOT talk about mother's, and such because ss doesnt have a mom (bm walked away, another long story) and to not allow the other children to talk of "mom's".
She has also called the lunch lady to find out WHY, when ss goes up to the lunch line the apples are always gone, and if she can make sure ss gets an apple.
They have no problem lying to him on anything, so that he will not be disappointed in any way. Even dh will lie to him.
Setting this kid up for lots of hardships as an adult is what they are doing. Sad.