SO is afraid that Nasty will sue for custody if he upsets her...
So I was talking to my SO the other day after an argument over Nasty leaving comments on his facebook pictures…he leaves them there while I think they should be deleted. Her comments ALWAYS say “thank u for posting these. looks like they had a grate time!”. Since he insists on leaving them there, I want to respond with a childish “They weren’t posted for your benefit!” but alas…he thinks me commenting back or him deleting her comments would start her on a tangent.
At one point, he said “I don’t understand why you have an issue…if you had kids with your ex, I could understand why he would post on pics of any kids you had together…”, to which I said “our kids are THE DOGS…XH has commented on pics I posted & I deleted his comments telling him privately that I didn’t appreciate him posting on my pics or wall but that he was more than welcome to enjoy the photo’s if he so choses”…of course, it’s different because we are talking about kids versus dogs…but here’s the kicker…HIS MOTHER agrees with ME! We happened to be at her house when SO brought it up…he does this often in an attempt to get her on HIS side…it simply backfired }:)
MIL is notorious for always telling me to “do what’s best for the children”…for the most part, I do…however, seeing Nasty’s face on MY fiancés wall is down-right offensive…especially since she has next to no involvement with her own children. To have MIL agree with me was a HUGE moment for me!
After many go-rounds, he finally admitted that he tries to “keep her happy” because he is AFRAID of her suing for custody. Anytime we argue about him placating her, no matter what the topic is, this is where it ends up…he is scared of her taking the Skids.
Our end convo ended like this-
Me: Ok…do you actually think she’d leave Florida & move to Texas?
Him: Why would she do that??
Me: Because YOU have custody of them & Texas is their residence…she can’t sue from the Florida family courts…she’d have to come here.
Him: She’d do it…just to screw with me, just to hurt me, I know her!
Me: Ok…so if you delete comments, she is going to up & leave her home in Florida, move to Houston & sue for custody…when her parents, who she dumped her other child on are in Germany…& her fiancé hates kids…
Him: It might happen…
Me: Ok…so basically, you’re going to NOT call her on anything for the next 11 years because she MIGHT move to Texas & sue for custody…is that about right?
Him: I don’t know!
Me: Ok…if you won’t do the smallest thing to piss Nasty off for the next 11 years, I expect the same courtesy…can you just say “Okay” anytime you don’t like something or you don’t agree with me? Fair is fair!
Him: That would be stupid!
Me: So ya see my point then…
UGH! I know I’m being childish over her comments on his pics, but I really can’t help it! What can I say or do to make him see how stupid his being afraid is? There's no way in hell that woman would even JOKE about having her own children full time...hell, she can hardly manage 4 days a year!
- Anywho78's blog
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Bullshit.....the whole
Bullshit.....the whole "afraid of confrontation" thing....but somehow they are never afraid with us???
I don't know what it is honestly-bf hates speaking to bm, but shit will go down that he could put a stop to but because he refuses to speak to her, WE suffer. RRRRIGHHHHT
OMG how true is that? I feel
OMG how true is that? I feel all the time like my DH has no problem saying what's on his mind to me, but we have to tip toe around his ex bc she might get mad and move back and take SD! It's like he's so careful not to piss off BM but just says what he feels around me!
By the way what you said
By the way what you said above to him was absolutely BRILLIANT!!!!
Thank you Overit. I'll tell
Thank you Overit.
I'll tell ya won't do a damn bit of good!
She threatened ONE
She threatened ONE time...yes, just the once. She insisted on him sending back the CS money she was CO'd to pay or she would sue for custody...he sent "her" money back for 6 months...that has now ceased & he "pays" me back monthly with my "coffee money" for the whole debacle but STILL!
The woman SIGNED her rights to XSD15 away to her parents
She speaks to SS9 & SD7 less than once per month
She sees them for less than a week per year
She is engaged to & living with a felon (rapist anyone???)
What court in their right mind would give her custody? That's IF she were willing to move to "the horrendous" state of Texas in the first place & come up with money to sue! It's laughable!
OH & he argued with me today too! He didn't just say "okay"...
Mine kisses BM's ass because
Mine kisses BM's ass because he thinks she will go after him for more child support. Um, honey, you already pay the max for the state and we have a child on the way, which would only reduce the amount you would owe. Please explain to me how she could possibly go after you for more CS? I would almost be willing to pay that witch more money if it meant my DH could have his balls back.
HAHAHA "I guess maybe they
HAHAHA "I guess maybe they donate one nut to BM each time her platinum uterus drops another turd." AWESOME!
ROFLMAO-that is GREAT!!!! I
ROFLMAO-that is GREAT!!!! I want that as a sig line! LOL OMG, that's hilarious!!!
Just tell him "Guys with
Just tell him "Guys with balls are SO much more sexy than guys withOUT!"
Stepmonster Omg that was
Stepmonster Omg that was GREAT!!!!! I laughed so hard!!!!!!!! Ahh I needed that. I would pay her money too if DH could have his balls back shit.. lol.
Anywho- I'm so sick of their excuses for why they kiss these nasty women's ass!!!! It makes me second guess everything, our relationship, him, me, our home... Geesh. Why do they treat BM so good and not us. They will right with us, upset us, be mean, never understanding of our feelings but not with.BM. nooo they have to respect her at all times. Yuck!!!!!
Why doesn't he change his
Why doesn't he change his Facebook security to prevent her from posting on his wall or on his photos. If she private messages him and asks him why she can no longer post to his wall or photos, he can reply with "not sure why it's not working for you, I can't keep up with all these FB changes"...then he can ignore, ignore, ignore..any follow up e-mails.
she'll be none the wiser.
everybody wins
OH I LIKE THAT!!! Thank you
OH I LIKE THAT!!! Thank you
Yay MIL!!!! I LIKE her. And
Yay MIL!!!! I LIKE her. And I'm stealing some things you said to SO for the upcoming fight we are sure to have over this weekend.
Oh dear! Remember that the
Oh dear! Remember that the SKids visiting is a new thing...pick your battles & work through issues one at a time rather than all at once...I'd still say that TELLING GU about you & DD is HIGH priority
Hope all is well with you Newbie!
I usually like MIL too! I'm staying at her house on Friday night as she begged me to join her "bunko" group
Oh yeah!