We get to pay $20,000 because SD is too stupid for community college!
I am so irritated. I told DH this last night. I try REALLY HARD not to speak badly of his adult children to him. Well, I failed last night.
I told him I think it sucks that we get to pay $20M for a private, 8 month program because SD is too dumb to pass the test to take freshman classes at the local CC.
She needs several remedial classes before she's up to par. She doesn't want to take them because it's "not fair." She wants to be a RECEPTIONIST at a freaking doctor's office. Um, $20M on education to be a RECEPTIONIST?!? WTF??? Yup.
The CC offers the EXACT.SAME. program for $5000, but because Princess doesn't want to take remedial classes, she chose this private program.
This bi#ch doesn't even wish her father a happy birthday. She makes me sick.
- Oi Vey's blog
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My DH agreed to pay for
My DH agreed to pay for college in the decree. I told him not to, but... he said he wants them to have an education. I said, great, then pay for it, but DON'T PUT IT IN THE DAMN CO!!
There are NO restrictions on it in the CO.
DH tried to talk to her to see what would happen if she doesn't complete it, doesn't like it, etc. He got nowhere. She told him he just needs to trust her that she knows what's best for her. (Gosh, don't you just LOVE teenagers?)
I think we could try to fight it out in court, but it seems dumb to spend the money on a lawyer instead of just paying for the damn school.
And believe me, BM would drag it to court to get every penny she could. Hell, she send us receipts for $3.50 and wants our half!
So frustrating. I wouldn't mind so much if SD was anything but a big, fat, disrespectful bitch to us.
Seriously?? I don't get it
I don't get it myself. DH got student loans, I got student loans, Skads get daddy's pocket. Makes me sick.
Can your husband make her
Can your husband make her apply for FA? She may be able to get pell and $$$ from the state.
Wow $20k for her to sit behind a desk and answer the phone.
Nope. Can't make her do
Nope. Can't make her do anything. I'm pretty sure she filed, though. Don't imagine she'll ever let DH see what the hell she was eligible for or not.
But I doubt she'd get free aid. She lives with BM (just the 2 of them) and BM makes about $60M a year.
Hey, yeah! The rest of us
Hey, yeah! The rest of us don't want to pay for her irresponsibility, er, education!
Sorry Oi Vey.
Oh, no. I don't think ANYONE
Oh, no. I don't think ANYONE should pay for it except her. It's a bad investment.
Since when do you need a
Since when do you need a formal education to be a receptionist at a doctor's office???? I used to run doctor's offices for a living before I lost my mind and went to law school. One of the things I did was hire front office staff and I don't think I once had an applicant with a DEGREE in answering the damned phone, copying insurance cards and scheduling appointments! This "program" is a total rip-off.
He agreed to pay for COLLEGE
He agreed to pay for COLLEGE - not a tech program - she goes to CC or he doesn't pay.
She should be more
She should be more responsible and your husband is the one who should teach her how to become like this. He shouldn't allow her to take advantage of him, I feel sorry he doesn't see what's really going on. I worked on my masters social work online and on my own, my parents didn't have enough money to help me but I was OK with that, I understood and to be honest struggling to get my degree helped me grow up.