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We have to pay CS even tho BM only has SS 2 days a week!!!!!!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

So crazy BM is taking us to court for CS even tho SS is 11 and there's never been any legal action taken before. We pay for all school clothes, winter clothes, shoes, haircuts, any sports, game systems and games, bday parties, EVERYTHING FOR SS FOR BM'S HOUSE!!!!!! And she is taking DH to court. She thinks bc SS "lives" at her house during school even tho we pick him up after school everyday and have him til 10 sometimes 11pm and every weekend that she has him more. No bitch he sleeps at your house!!! We spend all the quality time with him!!!!! Lawyer said that even tho we will win primary bc she's a loser that we will still have to pay child support. So even if she only has the kid sleeping at her home which equals 2 days we will have to pay 500 a month CS. So bc you are a loser and did nothing with your life and bc me being the wonderful wife I am, I pushed and helped DH excell and he makes bank.... He needs to not only buy your kid everything he needs and wants but now he needs to pay your rent as well???!!!!! Ugh I hate.her!!!!!!! The system is so screwed up!!!!!!!!!!


sonja's picture

Ohh agree agree! This happens everyday! Another reason why I would never push for custody. I know FDH would still be giving BM a check!

I understand that skids need to be able to eat when theyre with the other parent, but if the other parent doesnt have them.. why cant they work FT and support themselves!!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

She would have to pay for her house, utilities, car, basic necessities, ect if she didn't have a child. She pays for nothing for the kid, we do and now we have to pay for her life too??! Ugh I just want to punch her in the face.

SW2613's picture

Wow that sucks!! This system is so screwed up and unfair towards dads. Just because these BMs gave birth, it doesn't excuse their shitty parenting and their useless nature. You always hear about deadbeat dads, what about deadbeat moms? What about all the good dads out there who take care of their kids more than just being an ATM. I wish there was a way to bring attention to all of the system's screwed up male and step-mom discrimination.

Luckily our BM has never tried to hit us with CS even though at the very beginning we only had him every other weekend because they didn't care how abusive and crazy she was and is and how loving and stable we were and are. SS7 has been living with us full-time for 2 years now and she contributes absolutely nothing!!! In June, she molested him during a supervised visit supervised by her friend. The hearing officer thinks it a PAS ploy by us, but we would never do that. SS waited 2 weeks to tell us, but had all the the signs and symptoms during the time we didn't know. Telling us just put the final piece in the puzzle making everything make sense. We went to court and he ordered that she have her supervision at a professional place run by the sheriff, but ORDERED US TO PAY FOR IT!!! It works on a sliding scale based on income. BM is unemployed, so if she was ordered to pay like the rest of the pieces of shit who need supervision by the sheriff to see their own kid, she would probably pay close to nothing. We are the only custodial parents to ever use this facility that pay for the other parent's supervision. She pays absolutely nothing for him and can't even pay to see him?! How f'd up is that?

BM even though she has no job, no car, moved 3 parishes(equivalent of counties in Louisiana), her bf is court ordered to not be in SS's presence, just got kicked out of her bf's mom's house where both of the bums were living, and the little old thing about HER MOLESTING HIM, she's asking for physical custody of him. I'm sure she's only doing it to try to get child support since they both don't work and need money. If we have to pay that miserable, crazy bitch CS, I don't even know what I'd do.

Lauren1438's picture

Lay it out and count everything you pay for compared to the 500 a month you may save money, take care of your ss at youur house but cut BM at her knees also see if your attorney can use that information in court some will and it does help

purpledaisies's picture

I would tell her ok fine but I will not pay for any extras b/c I am only required to pay my CS and ins.! Be done with it, you might just be saving money. Then when she asks for money tell her she CHOOSE to get CS and that is what that is for. Everytime ss needs money for something (including clothes and school stuff or what ever else she tries to get your dh to pay) tell her that she gets to pay for it as that is what CS is for! You get the idea. Wink

I can not stress enough for fathers to ONLY pay CS and what is COURT ORDERED nothing more! That will stop these bm's in their tracks..

ss is old enough that if there is a sport he wants to play or a field trip or what ever the case maybe to let him know that he needs to ask him mom as dad gives mom money for that stuff.

these kids understand why more than you think they do, you don't ahve to say anything bad about his mom but just make it clear that daddy DOES pay for his kid and bm has the money.

If you want to pay half then just give half no problem but I would make ss aware that dad DOES give mom money. It doesn't have to be a bad thing but the facts.

I changed my mind on paying half as CS is meant for the NCP to pay their 'half' of raising their kids....So she should be putting her half in and then she should have plenty of money to pay for his school stuff and clothes and ect. If you pay half of those things you are really paying 100% and she paying NOTHING as she already got your half in the form of CS.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

I pray for your SS sake that she does not get him. May I ask you what the signs were that u saw after he was molested. I only ask bc my niece has been acting really strange and I've tried to look up the signs but.they are so vague. Congrats on being such a wonderful SM!!!!

That what we decided. CS and nothing else. We are saving a ton of money actually. But it will just hurt SS bc he will not be getting his usual top of the line everything. Like he needs it.... But she doesn't see this. She's a complete idiot. Oh and now we get to claim him on our taxes!!!!! So the money I will get back will pay for the CS all in its own. Dumb broad... Lol. The system sucks but it is what it is. I feel the amount would be more than fair if we didnt spend way more on everything we do for him. But that stops now.