2 More on the way! Gross!
My fiances & his ex wife have 3 children. The kids are not properly taken care of and even my 6 yr old daughter has asked them why they smell, don't brush their hair, wear dirty clothes, etc. Well BM is off to her BF house every weekend leaving the kids with who over else is home to watch them (She has multiple family members living there). She is now prego with twins! :jawdrop: Now she is already bitching she cant do stuff and when my fiance is on the phone she feels the need to give him an update on the babys stauts! Just disgusted!
- steph91103's blog
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I've always wondered why it
I've always wondered why it is that those people who make the worst parents and can ill afford them can breed like rabbits??!!
Whereas decent, stable folk with good jobs and health insurance have fertility problems. :jawdrop:
Oh yes. The over breeding X
Oh yes. The over breeding X syndrome. My wife and I have one child. Our son (my SS) is an only child in our home. His mom and I met when he was 15mos old and married a week before he turned 2.
SpermDad went on to have three more oowl Spawn with two more baby mamas. He can't afford to feed himself much less 4oowl spawn. He could not pay the CS on my son so SpermGrandMa did it for him ..... for 17+ years. He could not afford half of the airfare for visitation so SpermGandMa and SpermGrandPa paid it for him. He can not support the younger three ..... so SpermGrandMa and SpermGrandPa are raising them in their home with no help from the SpermIdiot. Most pathetic .... he lives in their rental property rent free, drives their hand me down vehicles without paying for them and even sold the only car he had to buy two 55inch flat screnes o play video games on. He chooses to be intermitently employed because he thinks it will lower his CS obligations.
My XW and I did not have children.... thank God. But she was pregnant twice between the time she moved out to run off with her geriatric fortun 500 executive sugar daddy and our divorce hearing. She miscarried oowl spawn #1 and was either pregnant with #2 or would be shortly when we went in front of the judge. And who did she call first both times she thought she was pregnant during and shortly after our divorce???? Yep. Me. Why? "You are my best friend and know me better than anyone. What should I do? :? :? :? :? "
I had no sympathy during those calls. She went on to have a total of three oowl spawn with the geriatric sperm donor. He finally married her when #3 was born. Something about bearing his children and her investment in him. People are so fucked up.
To drive you need a license. To spawn you need no qualifications. Not a brain, not character, not judgement, not character...... Too bad it does not take a license to breed.
What's particularly
What's particularly infuriating about this for me is I would've LOVED a big(ger) family. But I also wanted to provide for the three I had, as well as psuedo step CTBB. But these irresponsible idiots and welfare cows shoot out kids like Pez dispensers. Yeesh.