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New to this site!: How do I deal with my feelings towards my step-children?

manchester87's picture

Hi there,
I am new to this site and so thankful I stumbled accross it! Before finding this site I was even considering thearepy to deal with issues I have towards my husbands children. I really hope you can help me....This will be quite long-winded so please bear with me!........
I am a 24 year old mother of 1, my 4 month old son, and step-mother to my husbands two daughters aged 6 and 7.
Apart from my son, I am NOT a child person and always promised myself I would never get involved with anyone who had children. I always knew I would love my own but was definitely not a fan of other peoples. When I first met my husband he had recently split from the girls' mother and due to a very nasty break-up, he wasn't seeing his children very much, if at all, as awful as it sounds I was relieved by this. We embarked on a very fast relationship and were engaged within 6 months, marrying 12 months later. He had been seeing his children every now and again on his own, I had made my feelings clear that I did not wish to have a relationship with them but would never stop him from seeing them. However, not long after we were married, he began to resolve previous issues he had with the girls' mother (she is a pyschotic b*tch but we will get to that later!) and she allowed him to have the children 3 nights a week. I was happy for my husband as I knew he missed them greatly but the thought of having them staying in our home 3 nights a week and me being thrust into the 'step-mother' role was far from appealing! However, to make my husband happy I owed it to him to at least give the relationship with his children a try. I had gone from being a young newly wed to a ready made Walton Family and felt cheated.
The civil relationship my husband had begun with his ex-partner soon evaporated. We had alot of trouble with the girls' mother, she would constantly send messages with the girls (who were 3 and 4 at the time) stating I was an ugly witch and I would sneak in their room at night and hit them when their dad wasn't looking. She would sit outside our house, my place of work and my husband's place of work until we came out and then shout abuse. She had my husband arrested for assault when he never touched her (the charges were soon dropped) and she sent e-mails to his place of work claiming he was stealing. We have since moved house and changed our phone numbers and meet her in a neutral place for the hand-over of the children. She does not have mine or my husbands telephone numbers anymore as she would send nothing but constant abuse and we go through his sister for any communication regarding the children.
In the beginning I tried my best to be friendly to the girls and build a relationship, despite their mother's claims and behaviour. After a short while my husband changed jobs and had to start work earlier, meaning, for the children to continue to stay with us on school nights I had to start dropping the girls' off at the childminders on my way to work and they would be dropped back off with myself when I finished work. I was 'ticking boxes'....not really having a relationship with them rather being their nanny. I got up with them in the morning, gave them breakfast and did their hair to ensure they looked smart (when they stay with their mother she is more concerned with the way SHE looks, she has taught them no personal hygiene and they constantly have head lice). I would cook their teas each night, introducing them to a world beyond McDonalds! We would spend the three days we had them teaching them how to brush their teeth, wipe their bottoms correctly, brush their hair before they go to bed, wash their hands often throughout the day and other basic personal hygiene. Yet as soon as they went back to their mothers and were left to their own devices they would return to us as if we had taught them nothing, I lost count of the amount of times they didn't wipe their bums, flush the chain or even close the bathroom door behind them. I was growing extremely tired of the whole situation and slowly began to dread them coming to stay with us.
Then I fell pregnant.
I continued to work until two weeks before I gave birth. I continued the daily grind when the children stayed of getting them up, getting them ready and taking them to the childminder. Then I decided enough was enough and when I started my MAT leave I would not be getting up with a newborn baby and taking the girls to the childminder etc. Their mother was not working and it seemed only fair seeing as they were HER responsibility not mine, to be doing all the running around after them. After alot of debate and name calling aimed in my direction for being 'a selfish bitch', she agreed. We continued to have them 3 night's a week and their mother began collecting them in the morning and dropping them back off after school.
Then my son was born and thing's got worse.
My feeling's towards the girls darkened. I didn't want them near my son, the thought of their dirty, unwashed hands touching him made my skin crawl. When he was a week old, I caught the eldest daughter shaking his moses basket (whilst he was in it) so hard that it nearly toppled over. She claimed he was starting to cry and she wanted to help him get back to sleep. My heart was in my mouth and I haven't allowed them near him since. They are allowed to kiss him on the head and that is all. I feel awful for my husband as he wants all his children to play together but whenever he calls him their 'brother' I feel sick to my stomach. I don't want him to be. Maybe I feel like nothing is just mine and my husbands? The house we live in became their home too, our son is now their brother, I cannot explain why I feel the way I do and hope someone can support me in some way.
I no longer try to have a relationship with the girls. I have no interest in them. They come to stay and I keep my distance. They irritate the hell out of me I can't stand to be in the same room as them anymore. Their mother decided she didn't want to keep picking them up in the morning and taking them to the childminder so has since stopped them staying in the week and they only stay at weekends. I am so relieved but even them staying at weekends irrtates me. I don't want my husband to cut them out of his life, I would never ask him to do so it would make him so unhappy and I don't want that. But I can't help feeling the way I do towards them. It has been over three years and I still feel nothing for them, nor do I want to. I dislike them and even the mention of their names has started to give me a sickening feeling. I dread the days that they stay with us. I don't want a relationship with them and sometimes wonder if my husband and the children would be better off with someone who did. I love him and do not want to end our marriage but waiting for them to be old enough to stop staying seems so far away and I don't know if I can stand being miserable until then.
Does anybody know any solutions to my problem? I have decided that I am going to start going out with my son for the day over the weekend when they stay and hope this will give me the break I need and my husband some time alone with the children. Is this the right thing to do? Will it cause a rift between me and my husband in the long run? I don't know what to do for the best anymore. Am I a horrible person? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Kes's picture

It sounds as though you have already begun disengaging from your stepkids. There is a lot of discussion about disengaging on this forum, and it is what many of us have done to preserve our marriage/relationship and our sanity. Basically it means that you do not involve yourself in the SKIDS care or discipline apart from exceptional circumstances such as injury/danger etc. The father takes care of everything. I disengaged from my two SDs about 8 years ago when they were 6 and 8. You are right, it IS a long time until they will be old enough to be off his hands, and you may decide you do not want to stay for the long haul. If you have a child together that is an added complication, and you might not want to consider leaving until you absolutely can't bear it, in order to give the child and your marriage your best possible shot.

Over the years, I have absented myself a lot on the one w/end in 2 that we have the SDs. But that is easy to do when you have not got a young baby.
I would suggest that you read a lot of the posts and blogs on this forum over a period of time and get a feel for other people's experiences, and how they have dealt with the issues. Then at least you will be taking a decision from a standpoint of greater insight and understanding.
This forum in particular (with its strap line "where step parents come to vent") is one where a lot of the participants are dealing with great stress as a result of step parenting. But I think it is a great place and keeps many of us sane.

ScotsGirl64's picture

Hi Mancheser87 and welcome. I hear your resentment and frustration with the BM and her lack of parenting if thats what you can call it. Sounds like things are tough for you and I too felt that darkness towards SD when my son was born. SD lived with us and I wish she hadn't so I could be alone with my son (SD was 6 when he was born). She was not seeing her mother for a long time after I had my son; she went underground. Boy was that nice! If there is any way you can get you hands on the book Stepmonster by Wednesday Martin I think it would answer alot of your questions and help ease you through these feelings. I understand they are not fun feelings and definitely not easy to acknowledge. There are so many people even our DH that don't understand. When you marry someone with kids and you don't...its even harder! Keep coming back and talking and learning. A wonderful place to vent!

Catcat2020's picture

Hey there,
I have a book that might help somewhat helped me and was well worth the read...
The Single Girl's guide to marrying a man, his kids, and his ex-wife: Becoming a Stepmother with Humor and Grace by Sally Bjornsen Wink

manchester87's picture

Wow thankyou all for your comments I feel like a massive weight has been lifted by getting it all off my chest! I suppose I kinda feel inadequate as a step-mother by not feeling how I should towards them and I thought I was on my own, but this site has really opened my eyes and made me realise so many people have such similar problems and I'm not alone. Thankyou also for the book suggestions I'll be sure to grab a copy of each Smile who needs therapy?!

Anon2009's picture

Hi Manchester,

I'm sorry I'm late in commenting on this, but I can relate to this.

"Stepmonster" is a great book. I highly recommend it.

Some things that have helped me are knowing the kids wouldn't pick this situation either, and being civil to them. I can't think of any kid who would consciously pick to be in a situation like this. If they had their druthers, they'd pick to be in a much better situation too.

Also, being civil to them and leaving a lot of the dirty work up to DH was great for all of us. It made both me and the kids feel like we weren't being forced upon each other as much. When they'd say, "hi Anon, how are you?" I'd say with a polite smile, "fine SD, how are you?" and let the chat progress from there. We as stepparents don't have to love or like these kids. They don't have to love or like us. But we do need to treat them with civility, and their parents need to teach them that they need to treat us civilly too.

Whatthehell's picture

Hi, its the first time I have posted on here as well and can I just say I am so glad I found it. What you describe is exactly what I feel to. I feel there is something wrong with me because I just can not accept SD. I have been part of here life for 8years and it just gets worse. I feel that my house is not my own almost that I am staying with friends in their house. I can`t say anything to my girlfriend because she just can`t see where I am coming from. When people make refrences about my 2BIO daughters been her sister it just tears me apart. The worse thing is I can not do anything about it. If I had seen this site 9years a go I would have run a mile. I love my girlfriend to bits and my 2 daughters but just can`t feel anything for SD19 as much as I try.

Whatthehell's picture

Thanks for that but she lives with us 24/7 and thats the point I can`t get across to any one, its not that shes a nasty girl, far from it. It`s how she makes me feel around my Children and in my house and it has just got worse over the last 2-3years. Also like you have said she is no relationship to me so I do not feel she is anything to my children. I know its me and my stupid ideas but its got to the point where I wan`t out but don`t wan`t to loose my children and girlfriend. I just don`t know how many more years I can put up with the situation.

manchester87's picture

Wow you don't know how relieved I feel to know people are going through exactly the same thing!
Whatthehell: Both my SKIDS like yours aren't misbehaved either, just irritating to me. We have recently dropped the number of days we have them to only over the weekend now and it still seems like an eternity to me so to have them 24/7 like yourself would break me, you are a better person than I am, I DEFINITELY wouldn't be able to cope with that! I thought maybe my feelings regarding my son would be down to hormones so soon after giving birth and I've been waiting for them to slowly dissappear but they aren't. To know you are going through the same thing allows me to look at the bigger picture and not blame everything I'm feeling on hormones! Has your SD got any plans to move out of the home anytime soon? Maybe that could be a light at the end of the tunnel for you? That's what I am holding onto, I keep telling myself that when they get older they won't want to stay as often! Alot of people on here have advised reading the book 'Stepmonster'. I'm willing to try anything at the minute and will be buying a copy very soon. Would love to know how you get on with it if you decide to try it too?
ikc: I'm glad getting out of the house when the SKIDS are around has worked for you. I am going to start doing this at weekend when they are next with us, I was just worried that it would begin to cause problems between me and my husband, I think he's still hoping we're going to be one big happy family and my feelings will pass. Anything is better than staying in the house while they are there though, the tension and atmosphere is unbareable for us all and I know my husband resents me for it. He says he has to walk on egg shells when they are here in fear of upsetting me...I don't want to live like that. Knowing this idea has worked for you gives me hope that I can at least stop dreading them coming. I will definitely try thinking of them as 'in-laws' thats a brilliant idea lol. Luckily for me my in-laws live 80 miles away and we only see them twice a year...if only I could say the same for the SKIDS lol.

Whatthehell's picture

I don`t think she has any plans to move out, she pays £20 a week rent and does nothing in the house. The problem I find is that I would like a little time just me and my kids with my girlfriend. Any meals out trips, out or holidays she has to come even though she has a full time job and a boyfriend and is 19. Its got to the point when the inlaws come round I feel even worse in my own house. Sorry to say it manchester87 but it only gets worse as they get older. If I say anything to my otherhalf she gets upset which I dont blame her for. I can`t even disapear for half an hour as that causes problems because Im not been friendly enough. Like you, my only hope was that when she was working and had her own life I may have been able to deal with my feelings better. I don`t blame her or my girlfriend for it, I blame me as I knew what I was getting onto but over the years my feelings towards her have got worse and worse I am willing to try anything because its driving me mad and consuming my every thought. What I dont wan`t is to wreck my relationship with my girlfriend we have 2 ace kids and a good relationship. I may try getting hold of a copy of the book you mention. Thanks for all the replys as just knowing that there are other people feeling the same makes a huge difference, I dont feel like a total monster when I see that others fel the same.

manchester87's picture

If I was in your position for that length of time then I would stick it out and wait for her to move out. You've come this far and you're so close to the finish line! Only my personal opinion on what I would do but hope it helps. I've joined this site as a last resort to try and resolve my issues, I'm hoping being able to talk to people in the same position will make this journey easier and I'm willing to try anything advised to save my marriage. However, if this doesn't work I will have to seriously consider walking away. I love my husband and want my son to have his father around 24/7 but I can't stay miserable until they decide to stop coming over. You are so close....hang in there and utilise this site to vent in the meantime! If I was you I would try to suggest to your girlfriend having one day per week just you two and your girls, if your girlfriend knows you are unhappy she should try to understand your situation and be glad you are trying to find help and support rather than burying your head hoping it will go away. I know every situation is different but that's what I would do. I really hope you start to feel better and can come to an arrangement with your girlfriend, for the sake of your relationship you deserve some family time alone. I would think at 19 years old she would realise that herself!