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We called her bluff!!! BM was shocked!!! HAHAHAHA

Eagle Eye's picture

SS14 has been living full-time with DH, me and BD14 for the last 2 years and seeing BM every other weekend. It has been a rocky road to say the least!

SS14 is extremely lazy in all aspects of life. He doesn't do his school work/homework, he lies, doesn't shower on regular basis nor brush his teeth, does not clean up after himself and is rude to me when DH isn't around. I did try and try during the first 12 months but finally chose to disengage. DH isn't very good at enforcing rules or making sure SS follows them. BD14 is the complete opposite of SS and the double standard in the house has been completly frustrating!!

BM has been back in town for the last 2 weeks and we didn't even know! She didn't even pick up SS for his normal visit. It was very strange!! BUT...we now know she is here and things are changing!! She decided to complain about SS previous grades and tell DH what a horrible job we have done parenting her son blah blah blah she said the she really wanted SS to be with her Monday-Friday so she can "micromanage" him during the school but said she knew DH would be against it!! WRONG!!!!! Blum 3

DH told BM last night that SS needs to live with her now because he obviously is not doing SS right by school. BM insists that we sit with SS while he does his homework, and basically hold his hand through life. thanks!!

Her face was priceless when DH agreed!! She was trying to pawn the poor kid off on us so quick and I told her I thought he should stay with her the rest of the week because she hasn't seen him!! }:) Now we just wait for school to start next month and life should become a whole lot less stressful!! Smile


Eagle Eye's picture

Finally!! I had reached my limit with SS shenanigans this past weekend so DH had to do something!!

I am so relieved!! I hope this works out!!

Jsmom's picture

Honestly he sounds like SS13. But he is great now, that DH is up his ass about everything. He stands in the doorway at 9:00 if he hasn't taken a shower. Motivates him to get in the shower. He had to get on him about everything and now it is paying off. I agree if BM wants him, let her try and do better...

caregiver1127's picture

The best move of DH's and mine's married life is when DH finally threatened to take BM to court to get the proper CS from her (we had SS for 3 1/2 years full time - 700 miles apart and the first 14 months BM paid nothing and then very minimally and I told DH get the right amount or I am gone) and she not even 2 days later told us she would be taking SS full time - that was 4 years ago and these have been the best years of our married life - (BM gave us SS 3 months after getting married in hopes that it would destroy us she did not want DH but could not believe that he met someone and got married all within a year of his getting kicked out of their house by her) I almost did not survive the marriage but once he left and we got to be the "fun" parents and only get him 4 weeks of the year day to day life got much better for us and DD. She has had lots of fights with him over the years but better her than me - I have my own daughter to fight with once she gets to be a teenager Wink . Now he just comes we have him for a week and I don't try to correct him or change him (hard to do all of that in a week and I can put up with anything for a week or 2) He is a senior this year and CS ends in June of 2012 - CAN'T WAIT - JULY FIRST WILL BE THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE for two reasons - one we can keep all of that money and 2) I have a feeling that BM thinks CS is going to go until SS graduates college and believe me after being on this site I have checked the divorce decree, they have no court order and all the CS laws of the state they live in and know there is no way she can collect from us after June 2012. Oh to see the look on her face on July 2nd, 3rd or 4th when she realizes that she is not getting a check!!!!!! }:) }:) }:) }:) }:) }:) }:)

Enjoy all the time you have when SS is not there - you will love it!!!!

Eagle Eye's picture

We didn't receive any amount of CS and DH didn't want to ask for any. Sad Yesterday was the very first day she had him and she asked us to pay half of his soccer expense!! Just amazing!! We had a tax refund that was mailed late last year that was made out to DH and BM. It was for exactly half of the soccer expense so DH signed it over to her!! I know she will hit us up for CS, no doubt about it!!

I think that DH was secretly relieved to have SS go with BM. It will be nice for us to enjoy married life for awhile as we also have had him since we married!

Done WIth It's picture

Good for you!

Make sure he's got his things packed and ready to move in with mama. Bye................................!!