dear baby Jesus is this week over yet???
my answer is no....and that SUCKS! SS6 has been here since Tuesday (at 630am with pajamas and a damn pull up on...BM is really a GREAT mom to keep a 6 year old in pull ups) and doesnt go home until this coming Tuesday. He has done nothing but fight us on everything we say, not eat when told to, pushed his 1 year old brother into a bookcase for touching a toy, and back talked me and his dad all week. I am so ready for the week to be over it isnt even funny. we have tried taking things away (which usually works but hasnt this time), tried time outs (also usually work and havent this time), and we have even tried explaining that the behavior he gets away with at his moms is not going to fly here and he knows that. it has came down to DH literally having to sit him down and tell him why he is in trouble and has threatened to spank him if he doesnt listen (worked for 2.5 seconds then he got spanked). He usually isnt this bad when we see him for a week it usually take about 3 days and he is straightened out to how things run here. DH and I both think the problem is that he doesnt get in trouble at BMs house and is an only child there. to me THAT IS STILL NO EXCUSE to not listen here when he has any other time except this week. Being that I am having surgery august 26th and we get him August 5th thru August 14th he BETTER NOT act a fool that week or I will ship his ass to his grandparents cause I cant deal with the stress of him acting like that. (see previous blog for more details about the surgery)
- worried_stepmother's blog
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Go have a girls day with
Go have a girls day with friends and leave your DH to deal with it for at least a day. Don't stress yourself before is not good. I am at work today to get away from the princess which is really sad because I don't get a lot of time with DH because we both work a lot and Sunday's are usually our only day to spend time together but I can't take this kid right now...I find myself so frustrated that I have to go cry in the bathroom to let the stress out. There are times when I can deal with her but I think my hormones are really jacked up right now from an ovarian cyst and it causes my nerves to bit a bit edgy. I can't take it and I have to get away from it. All I can do is hope she goes to a friend's house or something later.
A 6 yr old wearing a pull up?
A 6 yr old wearing a pull up? That's a bit much maybe ur dh can help with potty training? It's not right that he pushes a 1 yr old around it sounds like this lil boy may b in need of some serious help
lol yeah he needs help
yeah he needs help alright. we know for a fact that his grandparents (BMs parents which they live with and have for the past 2 almost 3 years) are raising him. BM is never there and if she has SS6 with her its always running around doing stuff with her friends and not paying attention to SS. as far as potty training goes let me clarify a little. SS6 has been potty trained and uses the bathroom at our house just fine (for the past 3 years has not had a pull up on at our house at all not even "just to sleep in") but BM seems to think that she has to put him in a pull up "just to sleep in" at her house. (cause its that hard to wash sheets if he has an accident :rolls eyes:). when he got dropped off at our house early tuesday morning she didnt even bother to change his clothes or anything (and we send him home in what he comes here in so i hope she realizes he is going home in Ga bulldog pj pants and a toy story shirt) and SS6 walked in the house changed from a pull up to underwear and said...and I quote "i dont need this pull up i dont know why my mom keeps putting them on me."
see reply to lily about potty
see reply to lily about potty training it explains a lot. DH is right about blaming BM because she babies SS6 to where if you were around him sometimes you would think he was a girl (doesnt like to get dirty, screams if he sees a bug, and omg if he sees anything that remotely looks like dirt on his clothes he has to change). we dont see SS at all really just EOWD and 3 weeks out of the summer. BM has him (correction BMs PARENTS have him the rest of the time cause BM is too busy sleeping around and going out with friends to have her son {something DHs parents and BMs parents have said or I would not have repeated it})the rest of the year. when SS6 is here we try to instill manners, sharing, not rough housing, and proper eating since we know he does what he wants at his moms house. this week is just harder because he is staying in trouble with DH and myself because of being rude and pushing people around. the other day i took toys away from him and he acted like he was going to hit me (1 i am an adult and that is just wrong but 2 i am 8 months pregnant) and would have knocked him to the floor for hitting me and made him sit there all day not tv no toys no nothing until he realized he doesnt hit ANYONE for ANY reason. he has already kicked me and DH went ballistic on him because we are trying to teach BS1 that you dont HIT period. DH handles SS6 all the time when he is here and DH is not working. i think BM needs to step the crap up and be a MOM and not try to buy the kid everything and let him run wild. he starts kindergarten this year and i am going to laugh when he gets in all kinds of trouble and she calls us saying to DH "you need to come talk to him about his problems at school." 1. his problems at school are BMs problems cause she raised him that way. 2. why should DH have to talk to him when he doesnt live with us so what he says isnt going to matter unless BM follows through with how we do things here. (making it consistent for SS6 so he will realize how to act properly)