Wow. I am being talked about, like we talk about BM’s on here! WTH. I will try to condense this as best as I can…
Me and ex split about 11 years ago…he was taking a bad path, and I would not have that in my house. He found a trashy wife but she was ok with the kids. They married about 3 months after he moved out. I actually was glad. That is how bad he was getting.
He got the kids for about 6 months and then SM went to jail and he stopped picking them up. I mean, the kids were packed for the weekend and NO word from ex idiot for months. That lasted about 6ish months, then he started picking them up again for about 6 months…then again, he just stopped one day. After that, they saw the ex for a few years on Christmas Eve, when they went to see ex’s mom, and then about 6-7 years ago, the kids stopped going there, because all the ex and SM and some of the other family did was talk about how horrible I was and took all their money and blablabla. Now at this time, EX was about 15,000 behind in CS because he had not paid for years and years. The kids did not call any of them and they did not call the kids.
Fast forward, after YEARS of no contact…my DS graduated from HS a few weeks ago. He was in top 10% and has held down the same job for two years and will start college in the fall. We did not invite his father or his father’s family to graduation. My DS said that he did not even know these people so why even open that can of drama. They had not tried to contact him for many years.
Well, I found out that they found out that DS graduated and all hell has broken loose. Lol. They are all telling people and FB. (grrr I HATE FB drama) that I kept the kids away for all of these years and that the kids are just terrible for not being a part of their f’ed up family.
At this point I am pissed. I raised both of those kids by my damn self, with no help from ex idiot or his family. I went thought having to watch my kids be terribly upset when their father abandoned them, not once but over and over.
So it makes me wonder…I KNOW I was not one of “those” BM’s. Yet that is how I am being portrayed. Just makes me think…how many of the BM’s that we talk about, get a bad rap and don’t deserve it. UGH! I want to go slap the sh!t out of someone! Thanks for the vent!!
- Willow2010's blog
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LOL, scan it and post it to
LOL, scan it and post it to your FB status
Your kids are smart enough to
Your kids are smart enough to realize that those people have never been there for them. My DH has tried so hard for years to be a part of his daughters life, with the BM constantly telling SD that he doesn't love her or doesn't want to be her dad just because they got divorced. She'll refuse phone calls weekly and not show up for visits, and fought the process of making a custody agreement for 5 years after their divorce. The BD and SD in your situation have never shown an interest in being there for your children, why would they think they could fool them into thinking they actually care now? They want to do absolutely nothing to raise the children most of their lives, yet want to be there to brag on them when they graduate? With evil people like that, it's always someone else to blame. My DH is vilified even though her did everything her could to be a good dad, and you are vilified for being a good mom, all because the people on the other side know how badly they f**ked up as parents!
Don't let it get to you, you showed the kids what a loving parent looks like.
I'm in a similiar boat
I'm in a similiar boat
Apparently it is MY job to be sure the x-fam sees MY kids. Yes, my kids, because once upon a time even when he was there, he wasnt there and then he decided the grass was greener elsewhere and went even further the opposite direction being a positive contributor, influencer, role model, etc... The 19yr old could care less about his existence, I'm not sure why the 17yr old gets so defensive about her dad - she has to have realized from then til now how little we did, spent, lived etc before they started finally just taking it from him ($25K+ in the hole to the 3 of them btw) and the 6yr old doesn't know him well enough to be indifferent or otherwise about him. She knows he's her daddy but not that warm fuzzy like the 17yr old and I don't trash talk out loud. They all grasp the struggle and now can't fathom being grateful for it and the turnaround in our lives for the so much better. One day.............
Thanks Ladies. I’m better
Thanks Ladies.
I’m better now. Lol. I am just still floored. Bunch of butts! I should post that he is now $26,000 behind since he rarely paid it. On a good note, I did receive a paper from the AG that states they found his employer and send a wage withholding order. Nananana! He normally lets them withhold 2 payments and then he quits or magically gets fired. This happens about 2-3 times a year.
That $300.00 I receive is going to send me, DH and the kids on a cruise and then I am going to remodel my house and buy a new car. ALL with that $300.00 in CS money. LOL. Yes, I am being very sarcastic!!
I agree that there may be
I agree that there may be some BM's are fairly decent people. What I don't understand is why some BM's feel the need to try to destroy a good, responsible dad. Example.... My DH has never been late on child support payments. He is always on time when picking the kids up and dropping them off, accomodates switching weekends,coached the boys little league teams, takes the kids extra days..etc.. The ex complains that he is useless and does not give enough money. He doesn't bother or harass her- but she feels the need to treat him like crap. If we want to go on vacation and take the kids she complains that the money should go to her for extra help... but yet she can take the kids on vacation or go to Vegas several times a year. It is a double standard.
I am SM and also a BM. I don't bother my ex or his new wife. I NEVER Talk to them because my bio kids are adults and in college.
So I don't understand why some BM's feel entitled to be given the whole world and the Ex- husband must suffer for crimes he doesn't commit and when the marriage ended due to the BM's own stupidity.
We've been back to court too
We've been back to court too many times just because they want to make sure he still has his job?!?!?!? Not if you keep dragging us in here he won't and me either (not true really my job is quite flexible) but his not so much. I find that it is the state/county's fault's for not garnishing his checks in the beginning of this crap for him to be this far behind. Instead counted on him to pay, stay employed, inform them of changes etc... I divorced him because he wouldn't follow through with his filing years before I think it was a money thing - make me pay for the attorney and he was just going to chime in kind of thing. Anyway, I found one who doens't make me feel bad about myself and loves to go and about with me and my kiddos and is not perfect but I like him just the way he is