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Help.... I just became a "mom"

SASX's picture

Please ignore typing errors: on my phone in the car drivin to NC. SO is driving.

Incredibly long story made short. My best friend from highschool has lived in NC for the past decade or so. Before she relocated she and her husband had a daughter. Who is now 12 almost 13. Back when the kiddo was born my friend had asked if something happened to her and her husband would I be willing to take on the responsibility of the kid. I said yes, never imagining it would come to pass. It has. The 12yo called me this morning. Mom and Dad were killed two days ago in a car accident. NC put her in foster care not knowing who was supposed to have her. I have a copy of the will (with me) and am on my way to go get her. Thank god the kid had my number in her cell phone and her foster mother let her call me. I already called her case worker with DSS NC. I need a home study done by DCFS in Florida, background check etc. NC can run the background check, SO's mom has the key to my house, I called DCFS and explained they will get someone out to my house this weekend to inspect and approve it, the telephone interview I did with them will be a temporary approval to have them OK me (subject to the background check they will also run) for me to bring her home. Then next week at some point a DCFS worker will come out to the house and talk to her and I and do the official check ups. Apparently they will be in my life for the next year since a) I am not a blood member of her family and b) I have no kids. Not a biggy, I have nothing to hide.

I am really trying to make a check list of what I need to do. Help me out here ladies. Add to this as ideas occur to you.

1) Get "S" out of foster care! And deliver the biggest hug I have ever given anyone.
2) arrange for the packing up of my friends house- I am going to have everything shipped to FL. Most of it will sit in storage until 'S' is old enough to have her own place, and if she wants it she can have it. I figure eliminating the den, making that her room. S's bedroom stuff will come to my house, that way her room is decorated with her stuff. Giving her a sense of home/ normal.
3) Grief counceling. I am sure S is going to need it. I am figuring dcfs can recommend a good grief councelor and if they can't I will go through insurance. As soon as I have paperwork proving S is in my custody I can add her to my insurance.
4)Buring my friend and husband. No idea if they have life insurance policies or what. Once I show the will that I am executor they will let me in the house to find any paperwork. Question for you ladies: I am thinking of burying them in FL where S can go visit them. Yes? Or should I bury them in NC where they lived?? Don't know if it matters or not but the will is filed in the state of Florida. Hillsborough county.
5)School. I have to get S's school records and get her enrolled in school in FL.
6) Doctors: anyone know a GOOD pediatrician in the Tampa area? I do not like the one SO and BM use for the fskids. I know the man, he is an a**hole.
7)Hygene prodocts. S is black, I am white. I have no earthly clue what products are needed for her hair. She sent me a picture of her via cell this morning. She has extentions in her hair and they look ratty, obviously need to be redone. Professional for that, but I need to know what to buy her for products to use at home. I asked her and she said "shampoo". I am kind of assuming that african american hair and caucasin hair have different product needs due to there being different, if I am wrong and Nexxus products will work, PLEASE educate me!

I know I am missing stuff. Please advise!!


SASX's picture

In SC currently. Should have S in front of me in about another 5 hours!

Thanks for the info on the schools. I was sweating that since it is summer and a weekend on how to get the records. If the FL school will send for them that is perfect. She is going into 8th grade so that's middle school in FL.

Anyone know anything about the military?? S's dad was/is army. I am presuming he has ins through them, not sure if it would carry over for S now that he has passed away, but all of her docs are through the Army Base Hospital.

Done WIth It's picture're so great! Bless you and good luck with that. Oh my, wow...what an incredible life challenge for you. Please keep posting what is happening.

NancyL's picture

Take it slow and easy and she will tell you what she needs. I would consider cremation so that you can take them with you, its easier and cheaper for everybody. If you don't find the paper work in the house go to both of their jobs and enquire about Life Insurance.

Make sure you apply for death benefits for the child through Social Security so you will get a monthly check.

Disneyfan's picture

Hugs to you and your new daughter.

#7 Head to a black or dominican hair salon for advice/help with her hair. Do not be surprised if she isn't able to wash/take care of her hair herself. At that age, most black moms take care of their girl's hair or send them to a salon. (usually every 2 weeks)

If the extensions are braids,and she wants to keep them,find an African braiding salon to handle that. Most shops will not wash or treat her hair, they just braid.

As far as black hair care products, find a beauty supply store in a black neighborhood. They will have everything from hot combs to hair grease to hair.

Be mindful of the texture of her hair. If it's very soft, you have to be care with heat and chemicals.

SASX's picture

its hard to tell texture from the photo, but we should be there in about 5 hours. She has been texting with me all day. Getting assurances that she can have her stuff in her room. Her only reservation about moving to Florida seems to be wanting to see all her friends to say goodbye in person.

I told her she could def see any that were in town before we left. Also explained SKYPE and she and her friends can still talk and 'see' each other that way. I am thinking find out where her mom took her to have her hair done, bring her there before we leave and let her current beautician tell me what she needs, how to do it, and how often. I do not want to kill her hair!! That is every teen age girls pride and joy!

Disneyfan's picture

One other thing you may want to add to your list is a touchy subject. Race. This may come up when she starts school in FL. It may be hard to adjust if she's the only (or one of very few) black kid/girl in school and/or her classes.

anita...sigh's picture

Did your friends have any living family? You might want to contact them to see if they have any input into burial arrangements, traditions, etc.

So sorry for your loss.

masonsmom's picture

Army Records can usually only be obtained through the week. Also Army Insurance is TriCare and you will have to contact them to see how long the coverage will last. If they lived on base you might find out if they will move everything for you. You will need to call transition. Even when you get discharged the Army pays for the Mover to come in and bring you your things. There should be an FRG group that you can contact that will help you with Everything you will need to get from the Army. I hope that helps .

anabihibik's picture

File for social security for her. Even if you don't need it, you can save it for college for her.

NCMilGal's picture

Hey, I'm assuming you're coming to Fayetteville, NC - that's where I am.

DH and I are military - let me do some research. It may be that S keeps her dad's military benefits (health insurance) until she's 18. There's also a VERY sizable life insurance policy (on the order of $450,000) and a death gratuity ($100,000) that may or may not be paid out, depending. I'm not sure if that's a "in the line of duty" benefit or not. You WILL want to put that in a trust for her.

Her dad's unit will have officers who are skilled in benefits and what S is entitled to - there is also a Soldier's Service Center around here. If S wants to stay in town for a couple of days to say goodbye and you can afford to take the time off work, I would STRONGLY recommend getting in touch with her dad's unit and/or the proper Army offices around here before you go back to Florida.

Just say the word, and I'll message you my phone number for directions or advice.