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That didn't last long.........

snoopyinoz's picture

Yesterday was ok, no yelling, no screaming from SD10. Didn't last long. Tonight at supper, she decided to shove half of her food off on her sisters plate. I see her do it, and put it back on her plate. Well, SD6 finishes supper, and SD10 is almost done, (she had like 2 bites left on her plate) and she turns around and says "I don't like this" (Ok, whatever, you've eaten almost all of it anyway) so I take her plate off the table and scrape the last 2 bites off in the trash. OMFG! You'd have thought it was the end of the world! She looks at me and screams "I'M STILL HUNGRY!" well, maybe you should have eaten the last 2 bites instead of saying you didn't like it. I calmy tell her "Well, I'm sorry, you told me you didn't like it after you had eaten all but 2 bites, you won't starve." I put her plate in the sink and she starts stomping her feet, pounding her fork on the table and screaming "I WANT IT" I take her fork away and tell her to go to her room and lay down. she stares at me and screams "NO!" I calmy tell her again to go to her room or I will pick her up and carry her there. get the same answer. After about a minuet, she finally gets up, then turns and tries to sit on the table. So, I pick her up, carry her to her room, the entire time she is trying to kick me, slap me and is screaming at me, and put her in her bed. She throws her books across the room, and at me. I calmy pick them up and tell her "Until you can speak to me in a civil tone of voice, without screaming or whining, we will talk, but because of your actions, you are telling me that you need a nap" I walk out, and again a book goes flying by my head, so I shut the door and call DH (Who is still at work) well, DH comes home, I tell him whats happened, he asks SD10 what happened, her response? "SHE was the one screaming and throwing things" DH responds with "REALLY? Then why did I hear YOU screaming while I was on the phone with SM?" No answer from SD. DH asks her "Why is your room trashed and things thrown against the wall?" SD answer, "SHE did it" really? in YOUR room, With the door closed, while I was on the phone with DH? Um, yeah, DH didn't buy it, and, at the moment, he and SD are having a nice little chat.......


ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

OMFG!!!!!!! Are you serious? I would NOT have been able to have kept my cool with her. Especially the second the word NO came out of her mouth. What she needs is a good spanking and then after some major counseling and throw in some anger management classes.

You must be a saint to have been able to have kept your cool like that. Not me...

snoopyinoz's picture

Oh, I was so pissed I was shaking, and I am NOT one to keep my cool, but I managed to.

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

Wow. Something needs to be done about her attitude and behavior. She will push you to the edge as a hormonal teenager. Good luck.

Done WIth It's picture

You are way to nice to that kid with her tantrums. Truly, I think she set you up to purposely pitch one.

What's wrong with saying "Knock it off, NOW!" No nice responses like you did.

Boy, anyone ever throw a book or anything at me.....huge mistake. I'd film her and play it back for dad. I'd ask her if she thought her teacher would like to see it.

Sounds like you've got a future Casey Anthony in your home. That behavior is just too bizarre and scary. Wow. I wouldn't allow her to come over.

snoopyinoz's picture

In the past I have tried the "KNOCK IT OFF!" and with her, it is like talking to a wall, all she does is scream louder

Done WIth It's picture

You poor thing. EIther the punishment dished out by dad is nothing or you've got yourself a real monster in the house. Wow, I'd take everything out of her room that could be thrown and I think I'd take off her bedroom door, also.

That is just to crazy.

Wonder if you could work out a deal with a nursing home that the next time she has one of those fits, you could drive her down there and put her in one of those padded rooms. WOnder how she'd like to spend some time in there?? Bet that'd shut her up.

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

You are a saint!!! I would def loose my cool... I dont put up with that behavior in my own home and am not afraid to give the skids a butt bustin'!!! I understand if you dont do much of the punishing in your own home but HOLY COW!!! I would be so mad I would be shaking!!! and probably red in the face lol. Good luck with everything, I hope for your sake this is just a phase she is going through.

newmom01's picture

Oh my goodness .......I dont spank the sk's I let their dad do it, if needed....because it would lead to a big mess if BM found out. The most i would do is put them in thier room and remove everything with an attitude like that I would tell DH she can not stay here unless you are here! Your kid your problem! BUT if she lives with you and DH full time, then I believe you should be able to spank her, because you guys are raising/training her

Done WIth It's picture

Here's the deal, I'll bet if she's this bad a monster in the house, she's as crazy with the BM. Bet this behavior is no stranger with BM.

I'd make it clear that that whatever punishment dads gives when he returns from home better be severe enough that she knows not to do that again. If she, she doesn't come over. Or you let your husband know when you tell the girl, "You're out of here"...he's going to back you up or you're out of there. Too too dangerous.

Crap, that's a Linda Blair character (Exorcist) you've got in your home. My gosh...little witch!!!

snoopyinoz's picture

BM is NOT in the picture, and hasnt been for the last year (Seen the kids one time since last fall) and DH has 100% custody. Last night, DH busted her butt, and as for taking things out of her room, she already has nothing in her room except her bed. I have NO qualms about busting her ass, But I was not going to do it last night, I was too pissed off. Last night when DH and SD got back last night, I didn't even get so much as an apology from the little brat. I flat out told her that I was NOT going to put up with it, and that I was sick and tired of having to deal with the fall out from HER temper tantrums, and that I know that she has "mommy" issues (Basically, BM wants nothing to do with her, and would give into her fits so she wouldn't have to deal with her) and that I am sick and tired of her taking it out on me, her sister and her dad. and that I was getting real tired of being walked on, that I was NOT her doormat, and that since SHE decided to throw a fit, I was no longer going to take her anywhere. PERIOD. Because she has once again shown her ass and proven that since she will not behave at home, she obvisouly can't behave in public. DH and I had planned on a few things this summer, and she is not going. Well, of course she started the "THats not FAIIIRRRR" whining crap and DH told her point blank. "You brought this on your self, and have no one to blame but yourself, and personally, I don't blame SM for not wanting to take you anywhere, because I am not taking you anywhere either" and sent her to bed.

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

I commend you... You are a strong woman and it sounds to me like you are doing a great job. I am very glad you have a DH that backs you up and supports you. Do stand your ground with her so you dont have more issues later. I hope it gets better... cuz lord knows I am dreading when mine hit puberty....