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I need a Step Mom's point of view. Is it a grudge, underlying jealousy?

Lisa-danielle's picture

I'm starting off giving you background information so you can get the whole story and see both points of views.

I met my step mother at 2 years old she took to me like I was her own child. (Says her) I was dad's first girl after he had 3 boy's. So parent's got divorced he met my step mom and only got married because he got her pregnant. I'm 16 by the way. from whenever to 9 or 10 and when I was in the 4th grade Dad had gotten me whatever I asked. At 10 my mother told me to tell him to stop it because I saw that my younger sister's (half sisters who I love very very very much 9 and 12) weren't getting the same treatment I was getting. So He backed off and everything was fair. few years later my step mom started making comments about how I never get into trouble and that I always get what I want and that I'm daddy's little girl. Now Let's get this strait I love my step mom. hearing that and hearing her say that in front of my little sisters who look up to me broke my heart. two weeks before I left to move back with my mother she and my dad were argueing about me she said that he had created a monster and had been doing so for a long time. I don't even know what they were argueing about. I guess it was because my mother sent me money so I could buy track shoes for my sport. I don't like asking them to buy me things because I feel like I'm not apart of their family or at least my step mom's and that she'll get mad or make an ignorant comment about how I get everything I want. Let me put this out there too. I was living there for 2 years before I ever even got to sleep on my own bed or have my own room. my stuff was in boxes whilst I was attending school so don't tell me I get everything I want. I'm 13-15 and living off the floor and out of boxes while my two younger sisters are 6 and 9 and have there own seperate room. I understand that her kids come first I'm fully aware of it and I get it. anyways I got off track so back to living with them when she called me a monster my dad heard it and she sad it right when I was in the room. Tears rolled down my face and what hurt more than anything is he didn't even defend me. I felt betrayed by my own father. earlier that week I was raped, and In a physical fight with my best friend and I lost the fight so now my name was being thrown around about the school and I was being humiliated and at the same time I have my step mother putting me down and then my father and I were fighting night and day about the rape and at one point called me a name which I've never heard him call me a name and he rarely put his hands on me. So I relapsed back into cutting after 2 years of quitting. I made a stupid decision to move back with my mom to stupid and disgusting CA I love my mother very much and we're close but I can't do school here and I feel like I'm at a standstill and I'm not succeeding. Now here I am moving back to my dad's so I can be with my brother who now lives with them (He's already been getting put down by her. None of us tell dad from fear of the house being flipped upside down in one of his rages and we don't want to start fights) I talked to my step mom yesterday to explain her birthday gift to her and the meaning behind it and later as we were talking I told her I didn't feel comfortable taking the girls rooms away from them so I would find a place to sleep for a while until my brother got the new trailer he bought fixed up and move in ready. but she insisted that she would move the girls because it apparently had already happened 50 times. I tried. I just wish she would show some love back. I give her respect I do what I can to help her around the house when I'm there. I'm not a bad person but she acts like I'm the devil. I feel unwelcome when I'm around her now. I love my father but now that I'm thinking I'm not sure if I can deal with this stuff again just to finish school? I don't wanna relapse again I don't wanna get into any more fights.


overit2's picture

Lisa, this stepmoms point of view suggests your on the wrong board seeking advice. Good luck with your life and endeavors.

caregiver1127's picture

Overit we rarely agree but I am with you on this one - she needs to be looking at a different site -

caregiver1127's picture

You should have stayed with your mother - I know you don't like CA but sometimes we have to suck up things we don't like in order to get where we want to go - the situation with your dad and SM seems almost impossible and won't you be going right back to the school where you were raped and had a fight with your best friend what are you going to do about that situation - you should have stayed with mom for the next couple of years - and you need to get counseling - this is a website for step parents to vent and I truly think that you will feel much better talking to a professional.

alwaysanxious's picture

agreed. stay with your mother. You don't need a relationship with smom, you need one with your mother.

Lisa-danielle's picture

No I don't want silly certafied bullshitters or dumb kids. I want an actual step mom's opinion.

overit2's picture

Wrong site...I don't know, keep googling, teens should know there way around the internet. Anyone can post here-I'm just saying what this board is made of you may not find what you need/want to hear.

Lisa-danielle's picture

I've googled plenty enough. I just think it would be better to hear it from an actual step mom. just as it would be better to get advide from a kid about kid problems rather than adults. they typically experience the same things.

Lisa-danielle's picture

I don't cut anymore but I'm fearful of starting up again If something gets to the point where I have a breakdown. It's happened before why wouldn't it happen again. It's a trailer so it's kinda small. 3 bedroom 2 bath.

alwaysanxious's picture

overit & caregiver- someone on another blog told her she she blog her story here. Just fyi so she was encouraged to do so.

I think from some of your answers you've posted elsewhere suggest to me that your smom does not like the potential influence you will have on her kids. You have gotten yourself into some trouble in the past and she is probably worried about that. I'm sure you are trying to clean up your act and do better, but its hard for other to trust again.

I am also going to guess that since dad was buying a lot all the time and your mom had to say stop, that you are going to be seen as spoiled as well.

You sound like you have a lot of troubles and need to seek counseling. I feel bad for you that you don't feel like you have a place to feel comfortable.

BUT from the smom point of view you are high maintenance and she has enough to deal with. Dad was probably treating smom differently and their kids differently when you are around. That causes misplace resentment too.

I think the best thing for you is to try and work on your relationship with your own mother and ask for treatment. You have gone through a rape and are a cutter. You need help for this. Your smom isn't going to want this around her kids, she is protecting them. I think its important if you can to be on good terms with your mom. I've always been able to depend on mine and it was key for me in my teen years.

and yes, you are going to hear things you don't want to on here. Be prepared.

caregiver1127's picture

Alwaysanxious - I was not trying to be mean when I wrote that - but at 16 I don't think she should be reading some of what is written here - it is a site to vent and some of it is pretty ugly - I do agree with a lot that you said as I have posted above but I don't think her hearing from a bunch of us is going to help her - in her thread she makes it seem as if the SM just hates her and that she is not spoiled but we would need to know the full and true story to be able to help her and she needs to talk to a professional and not some SM's because she is seeing it from the eyes of a child and we are seeing the situation from the eyes of adults who quite possibly are living with teenagers like her.

alwaysanxious's picture

caregiver- didn't think you were being mean Smile Just figured people didn't see she'd been posting on a few other blogs.

I guess I can see where she'd want to at least see if she can find an explanation from another smom. But solution will be with her parents and therapy.

SteppingUp's picture

I saw lisa-dannielle posting elsewhere on here and some others here suggested she start her own blog because they were interested in hearing what she had to say. I think the point is for lisa-danielle to get opinions from other step mothers to understand her own situation.

True, she may not hear what she "wants" to hear but there are some on here who probably do want to hear from a teenage step's point of view and offer advice. I'm sure there are other sites out there that would be geared more toward a teen dealing with this but I don't think that we (on Steptalk) are above giving someone in her situation advice simply because she's not a stepPARENT.

To the OP, I think you are on the right track -- if you are truly trying to cooperate and be respectful and mindful of the entire situation, I think you could repair your relationship with your stepmother. A lot of things change when you have your own children after you have stepchildren and there is a lot here that even from your blog you don't know about. You don't know why your SM and dad were fighting...I'm sure there's a lot of underlying issues and the fact is you probably will never know exactly what they are because you're not in your parent's shoes. What is the relationship between your dad and your mother? There are just SOO many factors here that it WILL make it hard for people to give you advice because you can't explain first-hand the little things going on within your parents relationships. Sorry I don't have much advice but like I said, I think if you continue to keep an open mind and be helpful and try to open up a dialogue with your SM, things might turn around, if you truly want them to. Show her you are mature and responsible.

Lisa-danielle's picture

I'm not trying to make it seem like my SM is an evil witch. I love her I just want to know what else I can do to get her to come to terms with me. I would like to visit my dad and see my sisters without feeling putdown insulted and unwelome. I've seen plenty on here to realise it's for venting but as I said before an actual step mom's point of view on how to handle the situation could be very helpful. and what I've seen doesn't make me think that she thinks that exact thing of me and it doesn't make me think any less of her. She has her ups and downs like the rest of us but I'd like to ease the tention between the two of us. I've been around quite a few obstacles just as you all have and no I'm not as experienced or wise as the rest of you are but i do have some experience and maybe a hint wiser than I was before but obviously not in this field because I wouldn't be here if I did. I understand that some comment's may not be what I want to hear. I've been over this in my head already.

caregiver1127's picture

If you really want this to work then you need to stay with your mom and when you go to see your Dad and SM maybe a counseling session with your SM but you need to start counseling on your own - if there is one thing you can take away from this is that you need to fix yourself and know yourself and get help for yourself because you can't change your SM and there is a history there that we are not aware of and we can tell you to change and be good to her but we really don't know what is going on and what you may or may not have put her through - I read in a Step Parent book once - You can't change people you can only change your reaction to them. Hope this helps!

alwaysanxious's picture


Unfreakingreal's picture

StepAside, this was absolutely the best response anyone could have given this girl. I hope she gets the help she needs and finds the answers she seeks. 16 is such an impressionable age. I will keep her in my thoughts.

meneran's picture

StepAside, i think you nailed this one Wink
Sometimes i just wish some of these daddies would read this site.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Lisa-D, it will be hard to find what you are looking for here. Many of us have had ugly experiences with our stepkids. However, SM or not I will say to you...PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE speak to someone. A school counselor? A mentor? Someone you look up to? Do you have any Aunts that you love & trust? I don't understand why you aren't with your mom, is there a problem there that you aren't telling us about? I understand that you hate CA, but is there any way you can stay in CA finish HS and then apply to college somewhere where you'd like to live? Maybe it's time to start thinking about what YOU can do for yourself that way you don't need to rely on mom, dad or SM. I am worried about the fact that you have turned to a board like this to seek answers and that you might be confronted with angry SM's that can make you feel worse. I will keep you in my prayers and hope that you get the help you seek quickly. God bless you.

meneran's picture

There is one point bugging me in that whole story. The point where she says that her father married her stepmother only because he got her pregnant.

How does she know that?

Lisa-danielle's picture

I didn't state the full marriage situation. They got married because she got pregnant BUT they did fall in love...I think It's hard to tell between the two of them and that's really beside the point. My mistake. But I was also suggesting that she might be acting up that way because of that? I'm not sure you guys are the help I am the advice seeker

Lisa-danielle's picture

I'm not stupid I ask around. I asked my father and he told me but there are signs he loves her there just aren't a weekly thing. I think she feels a little neglected to be honest. In my family everyone knows everything. the secrets that we keep are very deep down and personnel

meneran's picture

You asked your father why he married her, and he point blank told you its because she got pregnant? Then he buys you everything and gives you everything you want for years? Even though he has 2 daughters with her?

Honey, I think your father is the bigger issue here. Maybe you should talk to him, and ask him why is he doing that. The things that he does make your relationship with your SM worse.

aggravated1's picture

If her dad told her that he only married the SM because she was pregnant, BIG RED FLAG. Why would he tell her that?
Sounds like Dad is a big part of the problem, I agree.

smileygirl's picture

I believe that she's suggesting that this isn't a sympathic enough forum for you. Most people on here I think are a lot like me and care about their skids but need people going through the same to vent to. I might suggest Yahoo answers: Here's a link to view:

or google something like hate my stepmom, or stepmom issues.

It sounds like your in a bad situation and I remember being your age - it sucked. The best advise that I have to offer sadly is to just ride it out until you find better or can move out on your own as a capable adult. I would also recommend speaking to a school counselor or if dad may be reasonable ask him about counseling services (he likely has insurance that will cover it). While it sounds like the whole family could use it, I doubt from the sounds of it that sm/dad would be up for family counseling so atleast you could get help to navigate your issues in these difficult years.

There's free online counselling at:
but You have to wait hours for a counsellor to go online, I'm told.

I've also heard people speak highly of

Best of luck, sweets!

Lisa-danielle's picture

I really appreciate everyone who posted on here. So far I have a better understanding of what could be going on. Communication is very important I just don't want to be put down again. I don't have the structure I need living with my mom. I can walk all over her and I know it but at my dad's that crap don't fly. I love my dad's and I honestly believe that if I lived there I would get the push and support that I need to succeed from everyone in the household including my SM. but like the blog was about I didn't know how to go about this. So thank you Smile

stormabruin's picture

So, it sounds like when your parents split up, your dad spoiled you & your stepmom resented it.

Do you know what she was referring to when she said he'd created a monster? Was it because she felt you were spoiled?

The way you describe it, it seems there were/are issues between your dad & stepmom that she is projecting her anger & frustration onto you instead of facing the real issue.

Are they hurting for money & she's upset that he spends irresponsibly on you & creating a burden on supporting the household? Has he neglected her or your 1/2 siblings in an effort to over-compensate you for splitting up with your mom?

Do you feel close to your dad...enough to talk to him about what you're feeling?

How long do you think you'll be with them before you move in with your brother? Are you on schedule with school? These are THE MOST important years of school for you. Be sure you keep your focus on that.

If you'll be back in school before your brother gets his trailer ready, take your dad up on his offer to give you one of the bedrooms. At 16, you need your private space. It'll give you a place to retreat to when you need it, & it'll give you a quiet place to study.

I'm sure you've read some of the vents & feelings that stepmoms have posted here. There are so many people coming from so many different situations. Some of us love our stepkids. Some of us don't. Some of us make an effort to understand & improve our situations. Others simply post their anger & frustrations & continue on with life as it is. Perhaps your stepmom wants things to be good between the two of you but doesn't know how. Maybe she doesn't care one way or the other & just wants something to complain about.

Keep in mind that you can only change you. You can only make choices for you. If she doesn't want to work things out, you work things out for you. In a couple of years you'll be making a life for yourself...forging your own path. While your in their home, continue to do your part to help.

You mentioned your stepmom's birthday gift & a meaning behind it. Can I ask what it is?

Lisa-danielle's picture

I was spoiled from the time I was born till I was 10. They were hurting for money at the time they were argueing but currently aren't hurting to bad right now. They live in a small town in Missouri. It would take some courage to discuss my feelings with my dad. It's just odd talking to him now.

I went to a Christian store the other day and saw a baby Angel with wings. It made me think of my step mom because she lost her first child to SIDS. So I wanted to give it to her so that she could remember that he's in heaven and protected by the Angels and God.

alwaysanxious's picture

leave your smom alone. i wish i could find her and send her here. i can see she will need it.

newmom01's picture

In all the advice and posts all I see you all talking about is the SM and cutting, what about this rape! Did that just happen? Why are you not seeking help from that! True you may need help building/rebuilding a relationship with SM, but you are probably going through a lot mentally and physically because of that...are you seeking help for it? Have you filed charges aginst the person who did this, are you around them everyday? Heal yourself first, love yourself first, respect yourself first, and everything else will fall into place overtime. Remember nothing comes easy's a hard cold ugly world out are 16 with a long life ahead of you....get the help you need stay in school and make something of yourself !! You may one day be able to healp other young girls that are going through what you have been through! When you straighten up, people will notice and will want to help you get to the next level, because they see you are trying

Lisa-danielle's picture

I got help from a counselor about the rape but she turned it around on me and said it was my fault so I didn't go back and I filed a report when I was ready to give my dad the green light and we filed but it was 6 months after it had happened. the detective on my case hinted that he knew the guy >:| It's been a year since we Filed and they went to investigate it but no word back from the prosecuting attorney. I have improved it's been 4 to 5 months since my last cut. I'm learning a little self control here and there with my anger and mood swings.

I have been to counseling from the time i was 6 to 15 because of other event's that lead up to my cutting and sexual activity.

Auteur's picture

Something smells fishy in Denmark here (the smell of bait minnows). There have been many good posts from reasonable SMs here and yet no real acknowledgement. Lots of "looping" back to: Tales of evil SM, I'm trying to love her; my dad gave me "adult spousal status" as a young'un; dont know why there is any resentment from SM.

(inserting vague references to the "Point Counterpoint" tv show for all you oldie moldies out there who were brought up on a strict diet of PBS when it was actually educational television)

Lisa-danielle's picture

You honestly think I'm trying to get a pity party by explaining prior lifetime event's to what might be leading up to the situation. I'm responding to what people have asked. I explained what happened when I was young because that's what my SM refers to when she says I get everything I want. If I wanted to throw a pity party I would've done so without listing prior lifetime events. I understand that she doesn't like me but I want a reason for it. I'm not gonna go confront her aimlessly pondering through my mind whilst I'm trying to speak to her.

Auteur's picture

"I understand that she doesn't like me but I want a reason for it"

You have been given PLENTY of reasons; which have seemingly been dismissed.

I just see rehashing of the same old items instead of acknowledging for example, that stepaside made a valid point and gave you some possible reasons for your SM's perceived resentment.

We SMs on this site are used to psycho BMs and skids signing up on here to tell us how "evil" we are when we vent about them being BFFs to their children/skids having been given adult spousal status.

Or SMINOs (step moms in name only) who have never had to deal with their skids more than a 30 second glance and have "yes man" 2nd hubbies so everything is peachy.

Usually the SMINOs/mostly CP BMs come on here to give us one-size-fits-all pollyanna advice "Just try harder, be nicer, be a better doormat in different sizes, patterns, colours" etc. etc.

aggravated1's picture

Honestly? We can't tell you why your SM doesn't like you, if indeed that is the case. Only she can do that. We are only hearing your side of the story.

skylarksms's picture

Would there be any chance of family counseling? Is that something you could even bring up to your father or SM?

How about church? Do you go? Could you talk to your clergyman for advice?

ownpersonalopinion1's picture

Lisa Danielle-I hope you get the help you need. Sometimes life is just unfair. Some stepmoms love their stepkids and some just hate them because they exist. I've seen it. You are young and have the whole future ahead of you. Get an education and talk with someone that can help you.

Good Luck and take care.

starfish's picture

from an actual step mom:

wish my sd would move to a different state to live with her mom for good.

if my sd was cutting herself, i would do everything in my power to have her put in the crazy house or at the very least OUT of my house as to not influence or harm my children.

sounds like you get into a lot of fights to be such a good person trying so hard!

good luck.

twopines's picture

>>if my sd was cutting herself, i would do everything in my power to have her put in the crazy house or at the very least OUT of my house as to not influence or harm my children.

sounds like you get into a lot of fights to be such a good person trying so hard!<<

This exactly.

Underlying jealousy of what exactly, I don't know...

overit2's picture

"I'm not gonna go confront her aimlessly pondering through my mind whilst I'm trying to speak to her."

I don't know many 16yr olds who express themselves this way in interesting. Guess education is great in Missouri in trailer neighborhoods??

Somethings fishy to me too...SIDS, rape, adult spousal status, cutting, a kid saying they prefer structure/rules then none, insinuation of molestation/sexual abuse when younger...good luck with what you seek for.

youngmama1b1g's picture

I feel like regardless of who this person is or isnt- she asked for advice which I feel she got on page one of this post from StepAsides long post starting with "Im going to offer my opinion as a SM." Hopefully, if Lisa-Danielle is a real 16 yr old with all these troubles- she does seek the professional mental help she needs and from there can hopefully begin to reconcile the other relationships in her life.
"you must love yourself before you love another" extends belong romantic ties