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anyone done their own CS calculations for Texas?

herewegoagain's picture

I am doing the CS calculations for Texas, and I do know pretty much what they actually use, although of course, I don't agree at far I have figured out that although my DH wasn't as irresponsible as idiot BM, as she had two kids she couldn't support, by him having just ONE extra child...and her having TWO extra children, even if the combined income of both ex-witch and her DH were the same as my DHs, they would end up with almost 20K more per year than OUR is truly pathetic...and that does NOT include the tax free CS she gets from DH...I know it sounds incredible, but it is true...part of the problem of course is that we do not live in Texas and our taxes are MUCH higher, yet Texas doesn't really seem to care...part of it is just because they of course decided to continue to have kids and get all kinds of deductions vs. us...and of course, because DH is in sales, any money that HE spends out of his salary for WORK RELATED stuff, the company pays him back and shows as income...which of course, idiots at CS claim it as

He made 60K in one year...out of that 60K, he spent out of HIS MONEY 10K between gas, parking (yes, he has to pay parking to actually go to work) reimburses him just 50% of his W2 shows he made 65K instead of addition, he has to pay medicare and social security taxes on the 65K that he never truly made...and of course, Texas uses that higher amount as his income vs. the lower amount. This is not even counting the fact that his income is 60K one year and the next 80K...and of course, when CS was calculated it was 89K BEFORE the economy soured...and of course, idiots at CSE will NOT lower it because he has the "potential" to make 89K...again, that 89K was already inflated for expenses he paid, plus it included a ONE time vacation buyout of approx 3K, which has never been removed by CSE he pays a ridiculous amount and I have to figure out if there is any way we can get this to be fair. We have literally lost everything because of CS and the idiot. And of course, loser kid won't graduate anytime soon, especially if she continues to not attend school and have babies.

Anyway, if anyone has gone to a Texas court and has specific things they were able to discount from the ridiculous CS calculation that are not specified in the law, please let me know. I am ready to throw my hat in with this mess.


Tx mommy of 3's picture

I don't understand how her income and how many kids she has had (that aren't your dh's) affect your cs. Do you and dh have kids together? That would be a deduction. If your dh is in a union and pays union fees, that is a deduction. Of course, whatever he pays for skids health insurance is also a deduction. Have you gone back to court to get it lowered? He should be able to get it lowered since there has been a significant decrease. (89k-65k). I think the difference has to be 20%? have you talked to an attorney? The AG office will tell you that 'potential' crap. But if you actually went to courtor mediation I bet you could get it lowered. I know people in sales that work something out. One guy I know pays off his base pay. But since he gets a high commission, whatever his commission is, his kids get a percentage of that at the end of the year. His attorney set it up that the large amount is put in a seperate account for his kids college. This isn't the norm. But since he went to court they were able to work out some other arrangement.

newmom01's picture

when you say you are done does that mean with the realtionship because you keep geting the short ensd of the stick, or just tired of the money issues?

herewegoagain's picture

How can we possibly afford a lawyer? As far as her other kids & their total income it is a disgrace that they continúe to make kids and yet because of cs & ag calculations they have so much more disposable income than my DH...that money DH is out of is being spent on ALL of her kids, not just DHs...every BM here will tell you they do not use the money only for the cs kid.

I mean if there is no way around this, I am going to have to move w/out DH...the loser continúes to fail and right now we have an extra 3yrs of this vs's not fair to our son.

DH has spoken to numerous lawyers all which tell him, "it's not going to have that potential"...blah, blah...and again, how can we afford a lawyer?

PS - we never cared how many losers that woman bred...but in the last year every call for money is with "but I have two other kids to support"..."or you a a f$$%ing loser because you know my mom has two other kids to support"...they made it our business.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

We had to get an attorney when dh wasn't working. I'm a sahm so wasn't working either. We managed to save up for one. It was that big of a problem for us that we made it a priority. My dh also is in sales, btw. We have gotten it lowered before. You say you only have 3 more years of cs? If you can't/won't get an attorney I'd just suck it up and pay. It's only 3 years, as long as your skid graduates on time. You also don't have to pay more than the cs. When she asks for money say no, that's what's is for. If she mentions she has two other kids to support, say that dh is only responsible for one kid and the other kids dad should be responsible for supporting them & that their welfare is not your concern.

Ex4life's picture

Hae you tried looking up the child support calculator for Texas. That should give you the exact numbers and the list of exemptions. Also have you tried taking his tax forms that show the business deductions and such that show what he is spending for work related expenses? I know these are basic things you have probably already done, just trying to brainstorm here.

herewegoagain's picture

Thanks to both. We cannot afford a lawyer. My son is autistic and right now does without therapies because we sometimes don't have enough money to eat. By the way, we have internet because my DH needs it for work...otherwise, that would have been cut out.

I have sat with my idiot DH once again. I never stopped him from having a relationship with his loser daughter. However, at this point he has two choices...he WILL REPORT their fraud and risk that his daughter finds out and never sees him again...or I AM OUT...I will no longer tolerate this. I have lost all my money, all my future, gotten in debt because of crazy and him being to lazy to cause trouble...I have hit rock bottom and I will no longer tolerate this.

His response was "don't threaten me you will leave if I do nothing" response was "'s not a threat, it is a WARNING".

Tx mommy of 3's picture

What part is fraud??

Where do you live? If your son is autistic some school districts will cover the costs of therapy for kids not even school age. It helps them in he long run to get these kids to a better start when they DO go to school. If he is in school there should be programs in the school. Are there scholarships or financial aid programs for some therapies? Just offering suggestions.