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BM makes fools of us

BettyRay's picture

BM professes to co-parent with DH but when it comes down to it she just wants everything her way. She wastes DH’s time asking for his input on issues that have come up with the boys.

She and DH recently decided the following:

SS14 and SS9 would not play M rated video games. SS14 has been aggressive and violent in the past and DH and BM (we thought) felt that these types of games fed into those behaviors.

SS14 would not go to camp this summer but instead would go to summer school (his grades are horrible). DH and BM both decided this after a special conference with SS14’s teachers.

What actually is happening:

BM is letting SS14 and SS9 play Call of Duty: Black Ops online. BM says to DH its okay cause she talked to another mom and this mom’s son plays too. :?

BM signed SS14 up for summer camp and a special Boy Scout camping trip without consulting DH. After DH finds this out from SS14 and confronts BM she tells DH she feels the camping experiences would be better for SS14 than summer school. :jawdrop:

These are just a couple of the most recent “executive decisions” BM has made after she talked with DH and they agreed on something.

DH is getting discouraged (and so am I).

But what can we do? BM is letting the boys do exactly what they want to do. How as a parent do you counteract that?

I feel it’s PAS – BM is undermining DH’s authority as a parent the boys have realized that if they want something BM is the go to person - DH is starting to see it too and it’s sad to watch.



B22S22's picture

I too deal with that. She calls everytime they look cross-eyed at each other (the SK's that is) and asks DH what she should do about it. But then never follows thru because it would make her look 'bad'. He's even offered to tell them HE'S the one that suggested the punishment but she says no. They're flunking school, miserably. After the 3rd grading term with no improvement, she calls and says "what should we do?" DH says "take away their computers, their PS3, make them spend the time studying." 2 hours later, my DS tells my DH, "SK is online playing the same game as me and wants me to tell you hello for him". Now, isn't that just an interesting dig. SK *WANTED* DH to know he didn't get his priviledges removed. Then that leaves DH feeling like if punishment is not doled out at their primary home, he can't hold them to it here, or heaven forbid they'd get mad and not want to come over again.

Both SK's have beaten the crap out of each other (literally, physically, both of them had black eyes) over that stupid Call of Duty game. They were trying to beat each other on the game, and it turned into beating each other with the controllers. 15 year olds. Really. But no consequences ensued.

In a way, I feel sorry for the skids (sorta, but not really deeply), as they will grow up to be entitled, thinking they can act however they want to act and all will be OK and forgiven without any accountabilities. But as a parent, I know how I feel when one of my kids make a bad choice -- sort of like I somehow failed as a parent. So I wonder if my DH will feel that way too. Not saying he's such a stand-up sort, as he lets them get away with way too much so that he doesn't have to deal with their anger or that of the BM which I totally HATE. It's just terribly unfortunate that some parents do not have the ability to think into the future and guesstimate what this type of behavior is going to grow into.

BettyRay's picture

Same deal here. BM will call DH pleading for him to come over when the boys are out of control.

DH has made a every effort to make our home one where the adults are in control. We have house rules and a routine - something totally missing at BM's house.

Sometimes I wonder what it's like from the boys perspective. Do they think our house is a joke because they have chores and responsibilities with us? What do they think of BM's house?

The entitlement is starting to makes it's presence known. I asked SS9 if he asked BM if it was okay to download a song from iTunes. SS9 told me, "I told Mom I downloaded it."
I said, "You mean you asked her not told her."
SS9 replied, "No I told mom I downloaded it."

I know this is just the beginning, their teen years are going to be horrid. It's like I can see the train wreck coming.

BM said to DH recently, "The boys are only nice to me when they want something."

DUH!!! - WTF did you think was going to happen BM? You give into them constantly, they're manipulating you to get what they want.

Yet, BM does nothing the change her behavior. It's too hard (her words).

The boys are going to grow up to be entitled idiots.

DH does feel like he's failed as a parent. He's talked to his lawyer but there's really nothing we came do legally. DH has asked SS14 if he wants to live with us and SS14 always says NO.

But really why would a 14 y.o. want to move from a home where he runs the show to a home where he has to be accountable for his actions?


BettyRay's picture

We do have house rules, but BM doesn't, and that's the problem.

What would you do?

Here's what DH has done and plans on doing in the future:

1. Stop taking SS14 to scout activites until the grades get better (but that's only during his visitation).
2. Not contribute financially to the trips she signed him up for without our knowledge.
3. No video games online, no M rated games allowed at our house. Only an hour a weekend on the PS3 for each boy when they are at our house. Each one gets a hlaf hour a day.

We talked to our lawyer and it's leagal for just BM to sign the permission slips for the scout trips. We thought SS14 could go in the campouts without DH's permission to but that's not the case. We feel like our hands are tied.

Any suggestions you may have would be appreciated.


Auteur's picture

EXTREMELY common. Until the courts start taking this undermining co-parenting and contempt of the CO/DD seriously and treat it as a prosecutable offense, life will continue as it has.

Basically the (mostly) CP BMs call the shots and the dad is just a wallet. Leaving the BM free to non-parent and be a BFF to the children, thusly making daddy an ogre (and SM of course, too)

Same thing happened here. The Behemoth does whatever she damn well pleases. She now has a FOSTER teenaged boy looking after her bio eight yr old son. She's a CPS worker and plays the MOTY role to the hilt, but in reality, only has kids around as "trophies" and a means to extract CS.

All three of her bios (SS14, SD12, SS8 )are failing miserably academically but are still allowed to particpate in any extra curricular activity they want to. The School district even told GG (biodad) that his opinion didn't count as he is the NCP. (he has joint legal custody which means NOTHING in NYS)

BettyRay's picture

BM is a MOTY and a martyr too.

IMHO what BM is doing amounts to child abuse. These boys are not learning accountability, responsibility or a work ethic. I fear they will be leeches on society instead of productive citizens.


Auteur's picture

It IS child abuse but until the courts see it as such, NCP biodads are SCREWED!!

GG's three skids are going to become leeches as well. Hell, they already are.

And I predict (with alarming accuracy) that VD (SD12) will be preggers in the next four years.

BettyRay's picture

DH has tried and keeps trying to do as much as he can to hold the boys accountable for their actions. We have them almost 45% of the time but it's still not enough to keep them in line. Everthing we do is undone by BM. It's frustrating.

At least DH is a realist when it comes to this situation. He's not a guilty/Disneyland dad, his parenting style is strict but it's hard with BM undermining him.

I used to think BM did stuff on purpose but now I just think BM doesn't know how to parent period. BM has such low self-esteem she thinks if the boys are upset they don't love her. So BM does whatever she can to keep the boys happy so they love her. Instead of doing whatever she can to help them grow into responsible adults, BM is teaching them entitlement is the only thing that matters. Just sad.


Jsmom's picture

Here is my advice on the campouts...I am committee chair for a very large Boy Scout troop and have been for 5 years. I believe the camping and Boy Scouts is a great thing for a kid. I would have the Dad call the Scoutmaster and tell him the situation. Please note, you will piss off the BM, but really who cares at this point. Tell him the situation about the grades. A scoutmaster acts as a guidance counselor a lot with these boys and may be able to make him understand. It may motivate him. I would try that before you take away something that actually helps these young boys grow into fine young men.

I do think he should go to Boy Scout Summer Camp if he can, only because of the Merit Badges he will finish. If he has any goals at all with scouting and wanting to achieve the Eagle Rank, he has to attend summer camp every summer during his first 4 years in Boy Scouts.

As for missing scout meetings, we have had boys miss because of their grades. We even had a boy not have his Eagle Ceremony for a year until he brought up his grades. I thought that was extreme, but his ceremony is next week so it must have worked.

We have had issues like this with our BM and the only thing that works at all, is calling her out on every one of these unilateral decisions.

It works sometimes, but most of the time, she does what she wants. We have just learned to accept it...we know someday that the kids will realize that Dad had rules for a reason and mom didn't and they would have been better off here full time.

BettyRay's picture

I'll talk to DH about talking to the scoutmaster.

If he goes to Boy Scout camp he will miss a week of summer school.

He was recommended for summer school as he is failing math and will have to repeat 8th grade math in 9th grade next year. He is failing cause he doesn't turn in his homework consistantly, and when he does it's sloppy I.E. crumpled paper, not following formatting directions.

His grades were fine until the middle of the school year. SS14 is seeing a Dr. as DH thinks he may be suffering from depression.

I know scouts is positive for him but his rank is life scout and he has all camping nights required. He's gone to summer camp every year every summer since crossing over from cub scout to boy scout and went to SD last year for a week (in addition to summer camp) and has not missed a campout weekend (camp-o-ree)ever. He considers scouts a right and not a privledge (JMHO).


hismineandours's picture

OUr bm does the same-calls saying that she doesnt know what else to do to get ss to mind or do his homework or bring up grades. Dh suggested she pull him out of baseball. She acted like he suggested, "Beat him black and blue and lock him in the closet for the next week". She actually got angry at him and yelled at him and said how dare he think of depriving him of that and she would never do that. Ok. Whatever. Why call then if you dont want to hear it?

My dh has let my ss get away with so much so he's no better than bm either-but if I were YOUR dh I would do what I could to stop this. Is summer school "recommended" or "required". This could be something he could take to court if the school feels strongly enough that he needs to go (I would tink he would since he's failing classes and all). And bottom line, Why of why would anyone give thier kids these privileges when they wont even do their freaking homework? That's like my employer giving me a paycheck even though I refuse to work while I'm there.

BettyRay's picture

It's just recommended because he's in AP math now, so when he retakes it next year he'll be at grade level instead of advanced.

SS14 is also geting a D in language arts, he could easily get and A but he's such a slacker he won't take the time to edit and proof read his work. I've helped him twice with essays and he got A's on both of those. All I did was correct spelling errors, formating and fragmented sentences.

He's a smart kid and he just squandering his talent because he knows he can get what he wants without putting in the time and effort.


BettyRay's picture

Thanks for the tip Cheesedoff. I'm going to check "Divorce Poison" out at the library.

This is how the BM in my life operates too. It6's so frustrating.


Jsmom's picture

Why not just pull him out of the AP Math? Sounds like he can't handle it. Also, 9th grade is way too young for AP classes. They are not mature enough for that kind of work.

By Life Scout he should not need summer camp at all unless he is missing most of his Eagle required patches.

BettyRay's picture

DH wanted to pull him out of AP math when his grade first started to slip, BM didn't want him in regular math, another catch 22. The teacher even suggested he go back to regular math. BTW - SS14 has been in AP math since he started middle school.

BM felt SS14 needed the challenge. So now he'll have a lower GPA going into HS because BM needs a status symbol I.E. "My oldest is an AP student."(TM).

As for the Life Scout he's got most of his eagle required patches. Oh and he's going to a camp-o-ree this weekend (BM's weekend) even though he's got a math test on Monday. :? I'm sure this test score will be stellar - NOT!
