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Would you?

Willow2010's picture

So…prom is this weekend. For SS.

SS knows that BM has treated DH like dirt for many years, but I bet he still asks if she can come take pictures this weekend at our house.

Nope, not gonna happen. The boy is 18, he can go somewhere else and let her take pictures. Not happening in my house. BM has been worse than normal since SS moved in with us over a year ago, and I just can’t see opening my house to her and not smacking the crap out of her.

I know I won’t let BM come to my house for this little thing. In your situtaion, would you?


Asher10's picture

Hell to the NO.Let them go to a pretty park and take photos til their hearts are content and their memory cards are full.

etyler's picture

Absolutely not. Do not bend over for someone who has walked all over you. It's your house, your rules. It needs to be at a neutral location...avoiding any unnecessary uncomfortable moments.

JustAnotherSM's picture

I think the only way I would allow this is if BM were to stay outside. Take some beautiful pics on the porch, under the tree in the front yard, etc. But I would never allow BM in my house.

Asher10's picture

i keep thinking about bm in my's a total violation of my personal space and completely would taint my peaceful environment.could you imagine how much sage would be needed to rid of the house of that kind of negativity???!!

Yme's picture

}:) NO WAY!!!!!!
The one and ONLY time BM came in our home turned into a CP report that SD had a smaller bedroom than anyone else...(proved to not be true) GAG!!!!!! Learned it the hard way.....but strange MY exH and I get along just fine and comes to my home with no issues....Difference when the exW is a vendictive Bioch huh??

Unfreakingreal's picture

Over my dead body. That cunt is not welcomed anywhere NEAR my home. She's lucky I won't make a big stink fit about her attending SS18's graduation especially since he's graduating NO THANKS to her dumb ass. I heard that she is calling DH asking if she can contribute anything for SS graduation or prom. Dh told her to buy his outfit. We'll see if she really does that. But NO, she is not welcomed to take pictures in my home, near my home, around my home, not even under my home.

MamaBecky's picture

In my situation yes, I let both SD14 and SD5's BM's into our home. It doesnt happen often but it does happen on occassion and I am ok with it as long as I know in advance that it is going to happen.

MamaBecky's picture

On a sidenote BM of SD5 lets us into her home multiple times a month. We pick up SD and we always go in and often during the week we dont have her I go over to their house midweek because SD and I miss each other...and I play barbies or something with her in her room at BM's house. I stay for an hour or so then I leave. So SM (myself) goes into BM's house all of the time in my situation. Immagine that! LOL

This is not the case with SD14. I have been where BM resides 5 times I believe in 3 years. It's not like I'm invited over weekly. She has only been in my home once that I can think of and that was because I was helping HER with something on the computer. We arent as friedly as we were trying to be then, so I highly doubt that will happen again anytime soon if ever. If it did come up though I would not diss-allow it.

Last-Wife's picture

With the skid boys it may be different, but for Princess's proms junior and senior year, my sister in law invited us- Princess, BM, me and Grandma, to come to her house to get pretty and take pictures when the boyfriend arrived. For us, it was a central location, since we live in the country, and we lived 30 miles from the hair stylist and the location for their prom.

I think next year for the boys, I will just arrange to meet him and his date at the prom location. I doubt she'll come to see him for prom...