Found this in Blurtit while surfing...Why do stepdaughers hate their stepmoms?
A 12 year old girl wrote is very disturbing
Ok first off my name is asheley im am a 12 year old girl who lives in texas and i HATE my step mom......let me tell u why. Bcause shes a total bytch lyke 4reals man if u met her and im not jelous shes fat and ugly she has a saggy butt and booobs shes 31 and she has gray hairs my dad dosnt dye his hair and shes OLD....enough about her. There was a roomer at wallmart (wear my dad works) that my dad was gunna dump her and the only reason they stayed together is because yvvone (my stepmom) got pregnat i was the only child so it hurt me for the longest time i wanted to kill that baby then i saw him dylan my baby brother he is the cutest hes a year old yvvone and my dad brian hav been together for about 4 years.....its hell when i lived with him and her i used to go to my gmaws after schwel and cry my eyes out today at school in gym i cryed she told me she was gunna kill my dad she chokes him when im around but next time she talks shyt to me imm kick her a** i used to DREAm about killing her and i loved the dream i have a stepsisster SHE GETS AWAY WIT EVERYTHING NOW!! But i still luv her she dosnt like her mom that much when shes mean to me she has seen me cry once and shes only 7 years old.......i dont no what to do i feal like im lo0ssing my father no i mean my daddyy!! But my step dad OMG hes kewl he has 3 kids his real kids: Tre dezi milia step children : ME lol but milia is my half sisster like dylan they r 3 years apart my mom and john which is step daddy been together for like 6 to 7 years nd i like john he used to be abusive to my mom but after he went to jail for something privite not for abusing my mom but something else he changed for the baby my mom and so i cood like him more i am wondering whatt shood i do about yvvone and my dad i need help sometime i even think about killing my self Anonymous
- jojo68's blog
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WOW her spelling skills are
WOW her spelling skills are as HONED as VD's!!! (SD12)
With all due respect, she must take the short bus to school.
I think she meant rumor. It
I think she meant rumor. It took me a while, too LOL!
"Kids like this need a
"Kids like this need a shrink"
"Kids like this need a kick in the ass"
There. Fixed it.
With this idiot 12yo who
With this idiot 12yo who enjoys planning the murder of her SM ..... too bad retroactive abortion is not legal.
Putting this one out of societies misery would be a good thing.
It is amazing that she likes her abusive X-con StepDad but hates her SM. Hmmmmmm can you see a long and successful career as an entitlement breeder with this young one? I think so. The entitlement force is strong in this one.
All IMHO of course.
DH overheard someone once say
DH overheard someone once say abortion should be legal until the child is 18.
A good friend of my father's
A good friend of my father's says "if I had known how my kids would turn out I would have had a vasectomy at 12". Both of his boys are worthless POSs. Even in their 30's.
I agree that SF usually
I agree that SF usually brings in resources so they can provide disneymom at CP BM's house.
Whereas NCP biodad is usually impoverished by CS so he's competing with his own wallet. SM usually is supporting NCP biodad due to his CS issues so she brings in resources big time. But with the type of attitude you see here in MOST skids, who WOULD want to spend precious SM resources on said brood??
You are SO right...
You are SO right...
She'd make a GREAT buddy with
She'd make a GREAT buddy with VD (SD12)!!!
And this is our future? I
And this is our future? I have only one word for her. . . issues!
Somebody's future baby mama
Somebody's future baby mama drama...I definately hate it for them!
"I also think that skids have
"I also think that skids have a harder time with their father's new wife because they feel like SM is taking all of their daddy's resources (time, money, love, attention). When Mommy remarries, the new SF USUSALLY brings in more money, more resources. Mom and SF live together, so the kids don't feel like they're losing time with their CP. "
Snickers, I think you have a very good and accurate point here!!!
Clearly a trainwreck! I
Clearly a trainwreck!
I agree, Snickers comments were on point.
Can this seriously be real? I
Can this seriously be real? I can't believe kids actually write like that. I am a teacher though (not an academic class) and when I have to get kids to write, it's like pulling teeth and looks a lot like this. Too much texting!!!
I am shocked by how little
I am shocked by how little FSD (10) knows....most every word is mispelled and unorganized with bad capitalization...very sloppy penmanship....doesn't know times tables...very little reading comprehension unless the book is on a much lower reading level than her own. The kicker is is that she makes high grades in school and average on state level achievement tests. I don't understand.
"The kicker is that she makes
"The kicker is that she makes high grades in school and average on state level achievement tests. I don't understand."
FSD-10 makes good grades and scores well on achievement tests because the morons in the DOE and most school districts don't want to make low performers feel bad and because they are of the opinion that true standards and challenging standardized tests are racist against minorities.
So, we test on things that are completely unquantifiable and irrelevant to success.
Remember, value in today's everyone gets a trophy and passes every class society is based on how special we are as individuals and not on performance.
Mere existence makes these kids special whether they have any redeeming abilities or qualities or not.
If I hear one more idiot child say "I'm special" when they are so obviously NOT special I am going to do bong hits on the tail pipe of my car.
My SIL is one of these drooling idiots who is "special" but has nothing remotely special about her. She barely passed HS but talked incessantly about how "special" she was.
She got knocked up at 20 and had an OOWL welfare baby and still elocuated (I made this word up …. Because I am special!) about how "special" she was.
She has spent 7yrs in college; borrowed $10's of thousands in school loans that she will never be able to re-pay and is now "done" with college though for some odd reason she won't go to graduation and has yet to produce her sheep skin more than 8weeks after she finished her last class. Hmmmmmm? :? I think that the dozens of classes she failed though never repeated will keep her from ever actually getting her degree. Oh, I hope I am wrong and that she really has earned her degree but my suspicions are this is just another example of how "special" she is.
Yep, she is "special" all right. Just as special as most of the borderline illiterate HS graduates that seem to be a large percentage of what our HSs are putting out these days.
I find it interesting that the sharp kids who actually earn their grades and trophies have no problem succeeding while these "special" children never seem to make it though they will tell you about how special they are all day long.
First we need to shoot their parents, then their teachers and start over.
IMHO of course.
You are so right Rags!
You are so right Rags! Standardized testing is going to be the downfall of education, I swear. Schools teach only to the test and are judged solely on performance on that test. I have kids telling me every day how they can't wait for testing to be done because then the year will be "over"...yes over with only 6 weeks to go!
BM makes the kids feel like they are prodigies because they can zip their coat or not trip down the a child that needs someone to validate and praise EVERYTHING that he does. Kids think they need a reward for everything that they do, no matter how mediocre. Kids ask me what they will "get" if they do their answer: you won't fail..
How amazing! Sounds like a
How amazing! Sounds like a page right out of my SD13's journal....except she can spell
she has "smarts" but no a lick of common since! or a heart or a care for anyone other than HERSELF!!!!
Skid's get a free card to "express" themselves and write anything that they wish...they can write all kids of threats and it is ALL because they are "confused" or "conflicted" or what ever lable someone (aka: MIL/SIL) want to put on their bad behavoir and we StepParents should know that it is all a "reaction to being left out" and the excuse list goes on and on........BUT God forbid a StepParent were to say much less write anything about harming the Skid they would be UNDER the jail in a heartbeat!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like the retroactive abortion idea....hummmm....
My thought was also that the
My thought was also that the stepmom just needs to abuse daddy and then go to jail for personal issues and then the skid will like her just like her stepdaddy! The stepmom probably has things like rules and tries to parent the child. Of course she doesnt like that. In another life i had a sd14 and while I never found anything this vile-I did find letters to her friend about how she would die if her dad and I ever had a child (we had two), how the only bonus to that is that I would get fat and that if I had a child I would think they were little kings and queens. Wow! I was very nice to this child, did not impose rules on her-and had no idea that she felt that way about me at the time.
Fast forward-about 14 years-her kid ends up sitting next to my son (who is former sd's half bro that she has never met)!! What is so sad is that she told her son who went to school and told my son that she and her family were talking about me and how they couldnt wait to see me because she bet I got "fat". It just goes to show you how some people never grow up-it's not even a function of age.