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Take it out on BM and not me, honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm the wrong one

TrulyTuli1's picture

In reference to my last blog......current update....... fiance found out last week that he may have an 8 year old.........waiting for them to get a paternity test.........

in the midst of waiting for them to get a paternity tests, all hell has broken loose between my fiance and I. We are always arguing about this stupid situation, even when I say I am not going to say anything about it, I will just listen....even then we keep arguing. He asks me what I think and what i feel, I said to him I don't want to say it bc Im getting told I am wrong. Apparently, I am wrong for being angry about the situation, I need to be more supportive, (which that one i can agree with), and this doesn't affect me so don;t make it about myslef. O agree with not making it about myself bc it is so not, however, I have feelings to and apprehensions about how this can go down. My friends think I am wrong and I need to stand by him, but he is nit picking yesterday when I started to say how I felt , I stopped. He kept encouraging me to say it so I said it flat out....If it were possible I really don't want them to be apart of my life. Even though I know, if the kid is his they will be. He says, well then I guess I will ignore them to make you happy......I lost really? You asked me to say how I feel, against me really wanting to, to get told all of a sudden you would ignore later you can blame me. Even more you are insulting how I feel by trying to make me look stupid and immature. He is making it out that I am acting crazy and he didnt say anything or do anyhting wrong.

Truth be told, I feel like he is so mad at the other BM he is taking it out on me, and I am really tired of the crap. It's wasier to take it out on me, but walk on damn eggs shells for the b*tch who kept her mouth shut for 8 years, and is now like *SURPRISE*.....Like really go yell at her stupid behind.......

Neither of us are supporting eachother, and all he keeps saying to me is I am pushing him away, and stop pushing him away.....and all I say is I will never let you or anyone hurt me again. I have been trying for the past few days to be supportive, but we always end up in an argument. I'm so tired adn upset, I don;t even want to talk to him at all right now.

Can someone give me any advice? Help!


DaizyDuke's picture

I can totally understand and this is one of the major reasons I LOATHE BM... because when she starts acting up, DH gets all worked up and then takes it out on me. While I understand that he's not attacking me personally, him getting ticked and storming off to be by himself after fighting with her, affects ME (not her), him not wanting to talk for hours affects ME (not her) him being in a general crappy mood for the day affects ME (not her)... oh no, she just goes on her merry way while I have to deal with the black cloud that she placed over our home with her drama.

reeny511's picture

same happens here. DH cant have a civil conversation with BM. All she does is get him all riled up and then I have to deal with the aftermath!!! I dont understand why he has to talk to her at all!!!! Geez

TrulyTuli1's picture

well we actually made it through yesterday evening without arguing.... =)......... hoefully, it will last a lil longer today. we really didnt talk about it yesterday other than he told me he spoke to a friend who went thru a similar situation. all I did was listen.

TrulyTuli1's picture
