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SD4 bath w SM?

smof5's picture

My SD4 wants to take baths with me, I have always let her, I have been in her life since she was about 18 months old. BM2 (that alwaysssss has problems with everything we do-refer to crazy ex wife post) sent me one of her Monday Morning emails saying that I had better never take a bath with her again. I personally don't see any harm in it, we are same sex, and she is only 4. My DH doesn't have a problem with it, and he is her BD. SD4 WANTS to bath with me, its not like I make her or anything. Is this really an issue or just another ploy at degrading us as parents while HER kids are here. ?


CaptainD's picture

Well if it bothers her mom, you might not want to anymore. She is probably overreacting, but wouldn't you be offended if someone refused to stop bathing with YOUR child?

Anywho78's picture

When my SD was 5, we were in a hurry & did a combined shower. This happened a couple of times. I definately prefer to have my shower or bath time to myself and have taught her to feel the same way. She's now 7 and does her bathing/showering on her own.

As an SM, I personally was not comfortable with it, but that may just be me.

sixteensmom's picture

It's an issue. Sorry but if I asked sm not to bathe with my kid and you did it anyway i'd be furious. And she has the request in writing... No sense creating a mess. Give her a duck.

smof5's picture

I did reply to the email saying that out of respect to another mother, I wouldn't let her bath with me anymore.

twopines's picture

At the risk of sounding cliche, is this the hill you want to die on simply because SD4 WANTS to bathe with you? If so, have at it.

Gigi82's picture

I can understand why you don't think it's a big deal if a 4 year old female wanted to bathe with you. My 3 year old niece insists on getting in the shower with me whenever she is staying at my home. I would feel a lot less comfortable showering with my SD7, because I know how big of a lunatic her mother is and how she takes every opportunity to make innocent situations into dramatic issues. I think there was nothing wrong with you doing it, but now that she has asked you to stop you probably should. Maybe she is just overreacting to get attention, but it's possible that she really does feel it's innappropriate and I would try to respect that. I'm terrified of my DH's BM using something like that against us in court, she is mental enough to take something like that and run with it into crazy town!

Gigi82's picture

I can understand why you don't think it's a big deal if a 4 year old female wanted to bathe with you. My 3 year old niece insists on getting in the shower with me whenever she is staying at my home. I would feel a lot less comfortable showering with my SD7, because I know how big of a lunatic her mother is and how she takes every opportunity to make innocent situations into dramatic issues. I think there was nothing wrong with you doing it, but now that she has asked you to stop you probably should. Maybe she is just overreacting to get attention, but it's possible that she really does feel it's innappropriate and I would try to respect that. I'm terrified of my DH's BM using something like that against us in court, she is mental enough to take something like that and run with it into crazy town!

smof5's picture

Thank you. I have a DD of my own, age 11.. of course she doesn't anymore, but used to when she was smaller. Of course after her asking, I won't be letting SD4 even in the bathroom when I am in there because she absolutely is mental enough to suggest something bad, when nothing bad happens, I only wash her hair and face, don't even wash her body. I love my skids and would never ever do anything to hurt them and I want them to like me, but the BM2 gets very very jealous anytime that any of her 3 kids get close to me.

Gigi82's picture

The BM I have the displeasure of dealing with is exactly the same! Control freak who goes crazy every time I get close to her daughter, or the other SM gets close to her son. It gets really old having to listen to the drama all the time, but we haven't figured out how to avoid it just yet.We are getting smarter though.In my case we told BM that we want all communication done through email so it's documented. Every time she does waste her time by calling to yell at my hubby, he hits record and then sends an email to her the next day detailing the one sided argument, and asking her to be cordial for their childs sake. It took a while but she has finally quit with a lot of the BS because she knows everything is documented and her crazy was showing!

smof5's picture

Its not that this is my "only" concern about bathing with her. I don't care not to let her in the tub with me. I would rather bath alone. Its just that she will not bath by herself. She already likes me, I wasn't letting her bath with me just to get her to like me, saying that even sounds creepy. If she didn't like me, she wouldn't want to be in there with me.

Done WIth It's picture husband's kids have never even seen me in a slip...nor have my neices or nephie's. Never did I allow myself to be in a compromising situation, because it felt uncomfortable to me.

Odd, because they'd seen me in two piece suits.....but never in underwear and never a bathroom door left opened while in the WC. Same with their father. SD1 always wanted "daddy" to bathe her, watch her in the shower, or want to come in while he showered......we had to stick on keeping her out (trouble trouble trouble) of the mater bedroom.

Yeah...don't do it, it's to personal and BM has issues with it that could land you some serious trouble.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

I might get slammed for this but that is her biomom and it would be wise to go along with it. I'm a BM too and if I asked nicely for someone to stop something with BD20, I would expect them to do such.

I never crossed the line with anything pertaining to SD6 in the past, and she has known me since she was 3 years old. I'm NOT her mom.

I understand your kindness though, just being "real" here. Wink

buttercookie's picture

I actually think the BMs wishes should be honored. The kid is 4 she should be learning to wash herself with supervision or are you taking baths with her so she won't throw a tantrum? Because if thats what your doing your playing into the kids wishes and raising a brat. Kids need to learn boundries and the word No once in a while. While I really don't see anything wrong with it because you are both same sex she is getting a little old for this and her mother asked you to stop and I agree with the BM on this one.

smof5's picture

Yes, I let her in the tub with me because she refuses to take a bath by herself. For now on, I am just going to let her go, if she doesnt take a bath, then she just doesn't get one. I never let her in there to create a fuss from BM. She won't let her BD bath her or in the room with her when she is bathing, because she says he is a boy..