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A book that might help many of us ...

stepmasochist's picture

I'm a huge fan of Dave Ramsey. I was reading through his list of recommended books recently and ordered one from Amazon.

It's called "Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters"

I've only recently started reading it. I plan to pass it along to DH afterwards if I think it's worthwhile and I've already decided he'll be STRONGLY encouraged to read this one.

I wouldn't say it's groundbreaking and there's a bit of a hack suggestion to sacrifice for the sake of the children and stay with their crazy momma, but though I'm only about 30 pages in, I must say in reading it, all I could think about was if taken to heart what the book says could totally prevent all the crazy adult SD behavior many of us read about here.

I have a huge fear of my SDs getting knocked up as freshmen in high school like their mom did. This book gives data of the power involved, caring fathers have to combat our uber-messed up culture.

I might be wrong, but it seems like the introduction even alludes to a section about reconnecting with adult daughters for fathers who didn't do such a bang up job originally.

Anywho, I just thought I'd share in case anyone was interested as it seems most of our SD problems stem from DHs with their head up their ass trying to be the kid's friend and such. It's been a fascinating read so far and I won't hold my breath that DH will read it, but I plan to plant some seeds from it for him even if he doesn't.


skylarksms's picture

Like this site, that is a book I wished I had found long ago.

I predicted when she was a child that SD would get pregnant early (took her until right after her 16th bday).

This was because of BM and SD were constantly butting heads AND SD and NN did not have a strong relationship.

NN kind of acted like he was either scared of her or didn't have the same interests as her. He says he could see her turning into BM. I don't think so at all. She looks JUST like NN - I can't see BM in there at all. And she was doing just fine up until she had her baby. Then she quit contacting us and I think that NN is trying to justify his lack of trying to find out what is wrong with her!