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Why is SS punishment my punishment too??

Eagle Eye's picture

DH decided to ground SS13 from everything due to his poor performance in school and of course lying about it!! He is grounded from his phone, tv, XBOX, and friends. He is not grounded to his room which he means he is all over the house and all of a sudden he is interested in talking. Weird! :?

Last night I was making dinner and he was continually up in my business!! I kept thinking kid get out of my face!! }:) Just because he is grounded now I have to suffer? I had a long day at work then I had to come home and have him in my face all night! DH of course loves this because he really likes to see me and SS13 getting along.

When SS is not grounded he does not give me the time of day! He ignores me or talks rudely most days. So just because he has nothing better to do then try to "fake" a conversation with me I don't see how it is my problem. I don't do fake people so I have a hard time playing this game with him. The only real thing I said to him was how amazing it was that the only time I really see him or talk to him is when he is grounded with nothing better to do. He denied this but I know the truth! :O


DaizyDuke's picture

DH and I were just talking about this the other night... do kids even read books and magazines anymore??? or is it all xbox, texting, and facebook???? Scary to think about the adults they are going to be!

oneoffour's picture

Yeah, direct him to read a book. Boys his age tend to love fact books like the Guiness Book of Records. Ity also makes him more likely to look up information himself.

If he has his face in a phone or computer screen all day there is no reason to be polite to anyone. He has to learn these skills maybe for the first time.

Eagle Eye's picture

His book of choice is Captain Underpants!! hahaha Pretty sure my son read those while in elementary!! Blum 3

hismineandours's picture

Oh, I hope you are kidding! That is sad-my 11 year old son reads 500 page books. All my kids are readers-they are 13,11, and 9.

Eagle Eye's picture

I really wish I was kidding!! He reads Captain Underpants and mostly Naruto books. They are basically comic books....DH says as long as he is reading something he is happy! Sad