Kids who show no remorse
FSD got into trouble at school. She and two of her friends were bullying another student. Coach and principle called FDH and let him know. Other girl involved (one being picked on) was crying and very upset. FDH said he talked to FSD and made her cry. What he doesn't realize is that she cries in order to make him stop yelling because she knows that seeing her cry is a weak spot for him. Ya know kids do dumb things sometimes at that age but if they show some kind of remorse and admit they did wrong and say they are sorry and really mean it it is somewhat tolerable although bullying is a zero tolerance thing for me. FSD showed no remorse at all....she blamed everyone else and said that she didn't do anything and didn't know why teacher and principle called FDH.... and on the very next day actually expected her father to take her to the mall and get a pair of $100 shoes (thankfully FDH did not give in this time). Reallyyyyy.......I couldn't believe it..I thought I'd seen everything but I guess I haven't seen anything yet.
Seriously if one of my kids had done something like that I would have grounded them from everything for a long time and made them apologize with me and the other girl's parent watching. I really don't get it. Are some people really that mean or is it a product or their environment..kinda scary of what the future is to hold if she is this way at 10.
- jojo68's blog
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I don't really know that she
I don't really know that she was punished at all except for the fact that her friends didn't get to come over but that was because her friends were grounded. We went to a Hockey game and she went...we went to the store and her bought her a toy....I forgot about this..she broke a window out her room Wednesday night because she got made and kicked it and nothing was even said about it....
Ditto here. SD17 has never
Ditto here. SD17 has never shown remorse for anything bad that she has done. Unfortunately, DW is enabling this behavior by refusing to call SD on it. I am not allowed to parent, so I can only watch. Thus far it has not been anything huge, but it wouldn't surprise me if SD gets bolder, and does worse things going forward.
This child is the most self
This child is the most self centered person I have ever seen....everything is always about her and her drama. What is a bit concerning too is that she already uses "sex" (not really but I don't know how else to put it) to get what she wants...when she wants her father to give her money she begs him and if he doens't imediately give in she kisses him on the lips...puts her hands on his upper leg...rubs herself on him while asking for the money....I don't know what to make of all that either.
WOW...A.D. that is really
WOW...A.D. that is really much of what it says there is FSD.
I will...I used to just think
I will...I used to just think that this girl is just way-over-the top spoiled and undisciplined but I think it is more than just that. I definately am going to read up and gather all the info..this scares the hell outta me.
It all fits my ss12 to a T as
It all fits my ss12 to a T as well. Only he's not so charming. He goes more for the poor pitiful me, I am so mistreated, feel sorry for me persona. Maybe he will develop more charm as he gets older.
His crying is extremely pathetic. It's like he does not even make an attempt to sound genuine. He tries to be as loud as he can get as usually we ignore him and will literally say "wah, wah wah". I remember one time I told him if he couldnt start treating me as a human being then perhaps he needed to stop coming to my house. He went to his room and slammed the door. A few minutes later comes the "crying". His dad was downstairs so he needed it be loud so he would hear and come to his rescue. He just literally wailed-I peeked in on him and he was sitting by the vent that goes downstairs, with mouth inches from it, doing these fake wails with completely dry eyes. it was actually hilarious as his dad had gone outside and never even knew.
Oh yes FSD has got the crying
Oh yes FSD has got the crying thing down pat...she doesn't shed many tears but she is good! The only time I saw her cry that wasn't a fake or reaction to get attention was when she was really sick and she was crying because she felt so bad. FSD is quite charming...everyone ooooooooo's and awwwwwwww's over her which compounds the problem.
Found this quite
Found this quite interesting:
Sociopath Traits or Characteristics
•These individuals are pretty self-confident, intelligent and focused. Although, they are highly successful, they achieve success by socially unacceptable means.
•They possess a largely unnecessary sense of self-worth and superficial charm. They make a good first impression owing to this superficial charm.
•They adopt a particular belief system, based on a logic of their own and seldom have any doubts.
•They can inspire people around them to create a separate culture parallel to the existing society. They are very successful in creating a base of gullible supporters who worship them.
•In some cases, strange ideas tend to substitute reality for these individuals.
•They deal with issues with a selective perception, rationalizing it or questioning its credibility. After sometime, their thoughts allow them to drift to criminal or antisocial activities.
•They don't care about the safety of other people around them. In fact, they derive sheer fun from other people's sufferings.
•They are irresponsible and impulsive, hence it isn't wise to depend on individuals suffering from psychopathy. They can lie easily, as they don't feel uneasy about it.
•They can be very deceitful and manipulative. There are chances of a sociopath easily gulling a lie-detector test.
•They lack emotions such as guilt, remorse, love or empathy. They demonstrate a casual and unrestrained sexual behavior.
•They tend to to be violent and aggressive, and quite often indulge in verbal or physical abuse of others.
•They suffer from narcissism triggered due to their mentally disturbed condition.
•These egocentric individuals often tend to rationalize their actions with illogical reasoning.
•They don't have any definite aim in life. Planning about their career or future is never a priority for these individuals.
•Boredom is intolerable for these individuals. Owing to an idle life, and desire of something, they often take to social taboos such as alcoholism and drug abuse.
•It's difficult for them to distinguish between right and wrong. Although, they threaten to commit suicide, they don't really carry out these threats.
•Overconfident by nature, they have a self-induced belief that they are smart enough to wriggle out of any situation.
•They often demonstrate intense negative emotions, such as sudden outbursts of anger or hostile behavior. Although, such reactions result in disassociation from society and losses in professional life, they tend to take this isolation as an inspiration to continue with their stubborn nature.