The best purchase I ever made.
I invested in painting suppies for SD6.
Primary colors, brushes, ect. I A LOVING IT, she gets so into painting. She is very artistic, and she gets so into it, it literally keeps her busy for hours. No big mess so far either. SOOOOOO wishing I had thought of this when she was having 5 snow days a month, on top of "staff development days".
I need to think of some more affordable craft projects for her to do while I finish up my recovery. All I have to do is set her up, and let her go .
Any suggestions ladies?
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awesome, hope you are able to
awesome, hope you are able to recover now. You may want to check out getting her one of those big boxes of crayons,markers etc too. I'm glad you resolved this some I was worried about you and I know while others were jumping on you all you wanted was for her to allow you some rest without constantly needing attention. I know you were in no way neglecting her and your health is important too.
Thank you buttercookie That
That is all I really need is just some time to rest. Think I just found my way to get it. ARTS AND
That is a BIG problem I have
That is a BIG problem I have with SD, she for the most part WILL NOT self entertain. She acts like she is being ABUSED if you expect her to entertain herself even through ONE activity. The paints she does just seem to get lost in. Which I greatly encourage, something besides TV can hold her interest.
Thanks for the suggestions
Thanks for the suggestions Leahmcc311, I need to make a quick trip to the store before SD gets home from school, the cake boss idea is awesome.
That is what I am afraid of,
That is what I am afraid of, that she will lose interest. Finding something that she can stay interested in my herself is a challange.
My dd loves crafts! I second
My dd loves crafts! I second the dollar tree idea. Stock up on different supplies- foam pieces, glue, glitter, markers, anything sparkly shiny, beads, buttons, anything! Instead oftaking it all out at once, each time bring out something like it is new. Today she can make cards for her daddy, tomorrow she can bead necklaces and bracelets, another day decorate a shoe box with stuff, another day work on a scrapbook like someone said. My dd5 will sit in her room all day and make stuff.