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Child Support Laws

evilstepmommy's picture

I live in Florida and I was wondering if CS will be affected once my husband and I have children of our own. Does anyone know or know where I can find out?


dragonfly5's picture

I live in Florida also...No it will not. You can check with the county you live in. They have an advocate that you can speak to. But I know for a fact t he answer is no.

Sorry, I know it is now what you want to hear.

aggravated1's picture

In most states, the amount it would go down for having a second child is negligible. Sorry, that is just the way it is.

Somehow, the child support Gods think that the first kid needs $1,000.00 a month to live on, and the other parent doesn't have to work, while the second kid can get by on $50.00 a month and practically live in daycare while the parents work themselves stupid.

stepmom31's picture

You can certainly have kids of your own.

1) They won't have as much (stuff/money/etc.) as the previous kids.
2) If you do want them to have as much as previous kids or more, you'll have to work and contribute financially to make up for what your DH cannot contribute to your family.

Having more kids does not affect the CS a NCP has to pay in FL.

A NCP can, however, get a second job and argue that those funds are to support his/her second family and therefore, should NOT be taken into consideration when calculating CS for the first set of kids. If this is the case, the income of the new spouse will be considered as well, so even then, this $$ from the second job is not a sure thing for the second family.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Blender, it doesn't make you a bitch to expect your XH to pull some weight financially. I think he should be paying child support.

We also don't need the BMs to pay CS.
DH makes very little, but I make enough. However, I insisted that he file for CS because if they want the privelage of having the kids in their lives, they can take the responsibility. Of course they hate us for it, because they're welfare moms, but that is their choice. If I have to work, why shouldn't they?

evilstepmommy's picture

I say take him to court, get the money, and put it into a savings account for them. Who cares if he thinks you're a bitch, you're providing for their future!!!

My DH has 50/50 custody and still has to pay child support, her attorney fees and his own, half of all childcare etc., and their health insurance. BM lost her job 4 months ago and from what we can tell has made no effort to find one and still buys the children name brand clothes, got a brand new flat screen tv, and gave them each $50 gifts for valentine's day. Then she wanted to bitch when the cost (we pay half) of SD9's gymnastics went up when she moved up a level. My HD just told her that if she couldn't afford the cost increase she needed to work harder to find a job or quit eating out every night. It just kills me to think that we struggle and buy the cheapest clothing we can find and she goes out and buys the nice stuff because her mommy helps her.

stepmom31's picture

Blender, not sure what state you're in, but there usually is some agency very willing to help you go after the CS you're owed, at little or no cost to you, and without having to go to court. Definitely check out that option before going to court. And don't do anything out of spite, just do it for your kids.

And this is from a second wife with another baby on the way who our BM claims is only going to make her kids poorer, and wonders how he can afford to have more kids, since he doesn't give his first kids enough (they have no cable TV at our house, can you imagine the horror?). We're thinking she's plotting to take DH back to court at this very moment... even though we're on top of CS and beg for extra time with the kids.

You sound like you've been too nice of a BM all this time... don't you know it's not normal? Blum 3