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Insurance cards

stepmom31's picture

Does anyone here have to give other bio-parent insurance cards with YOUR information on them?

I'm covered by DH's plan, and he's mandated to cover the kids and provide BM with the cards.
So my information in on the cards along with stepkids and our kid.

Has anyone ever had a BM abuse this information by claiming to be wife still? Just wondering... I've found that many times, the providers only ask for DH's information to verify, which she knows, so I'm a little worried.


Asher10's picture

We don't have to give her cards.The only thing we're required to do is give her the information on the cards.She gets an email every January with all the info she needs.

Asher10's picture

i think some plans do that but some just have everyone listed on one card.our dental plan gets individual cards but our medical has everyone on one card.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Our card only lists our names- no bdays or socials so I don't see what info she could use. If she knows dh's info then I'd watch it. Our bm doesn't know dh's info so we never had a problem.

JustAnotherSM's picture

I used to provide BM with an insurance card for SS before he turned 18, now he carries one himself. I have covered my SS on my family plan for several years because DH is a SAHD to our bios and the court ordered us to provide insurance - whether thru bio or step parent (nice, huh?).

Our BM made life a living hell when it came to coordinating claims for primary(mine) and secondary(her) insurance. If you are worried about BM abusing this, you can contact the skids dr.'s directly and make sure the insurance cards are on file without providing her a card.

j-dog's picture

LOL! A slightly different perspective...

DH is required to carry health insurance for SD11. Turned out, I became eligible for health insurance, through work, at almost exactly the same time DH and I got married. Turned out, our out-of-pocket for coverage (same insurance, same everything except a LOWER deductible) through my employer, for me, DH and SD11, was LESS than what he was paying (through his own business) for he and SD11 only. So, of course, we decided to get the insurance through my work. A no-brainer, that one!

The insurance cards (all of them) list only my name (which, I kept my maiden name legally), ID #, and my employer. Amuses me that BM has to be reminded of me, every time she takes SD to the doctor. BMs go, is one of the better ones, really. But I know she sees the things DH does for me. Sees how much he worships me. Hears things from SD11 (I've actually had to ask DH to stop giving me jewelry in front of SD, it just makes me uncomfortable!)

And then she remembers that he cheated on HER....(NOT with me, I would like to make that perfectly clear!)

steppingsucks's picture

I have the same sort of card unfortunately, and I don't like her having it either. Luckily for me BM hasn't tried to use it fraudulently, because she'd really hear from us if she did.

All of our doctors check our insurance card against our driver's license here, so it would be pretty hard to do.

But I have one up on you. On our plan, when my husband got divorced, the account# didn't change, and her name can't be removed from their system. So #2 is blank, and I'm #4 *after* SS7. And I've been called by her name several times that I've called the insurance company, and I gave them a piece of my mind the last time that happened.

When we renew our plans, I plan on asking for an entirely new account# to avoid this from happening anymore.

somerg's picture

according to my decree...............ABSOLUTELY, HOWEVER, docs these days can get the info from what she can provide them, look at the decree, if it says to, then don't include your information with what is required to give the skids...i wont go on the same ins as my dh because of that, he's required to give ins cards to biomom when he has ins (unemployeed at the moment)

if the decree says to, bm can hold him in contempt for not doing so, and can have the decree modified so that she can get 1 directly from the insurance company without you EVER knowing about it ......i'm doing that to my ex (they had the same issue, smom didn't want him to because she was on it until an attorney called him and threatend contempt......she now has her own insurance

somerg's picture

arianna, if i remember right, you can't stop a bm from calling in and checking the coverage and policy for the ex yelled at me about that too, and even set up a code word so i HAD to go through way around that? i faxed them in her birth certi, my id and the divorce decree which untied their hands

skylarksms's picture

In our case, my insurance company used to use MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER as the medical insurance number. Needless to say, I was NOT pleased that BM had access to that information. I mean, this woman has defrauded social services AND FEMA, stole her BEST FRIEND'S CHECKBOOK and wrote out fraudulent checks - as well as lied directly to a judge. You don't think she is capable of identity theft??

I threw a fit and now they have changed it so that our insurance company does NOT use SS#.

What she DID do was set up an account online before I had a chance to which was an inconvenience since that is how we would order prescriptions. I called in and explained the situation to the rep. They reset the password for me and I ended up finding out BM's email address and birthdate. I would NEVER scam anyone - even BM, but I have to chuckle of what she went through when she tried to get back on the website and everything had changed!

Doodle's picture

According to Tricare's handbook the SSN shouldn't be on cards anymore, maybe you need to call and ask for new ones?

DoD to Remove Social Security

Numbers from ID Cards

In response to an increasing awareness of the

growing need to protect the identity information

of service members and their families, the DoD

will begin to remove Social Security Numbers

(SSNs) from DoD identification (ID) cards.

Despite the fact that SSNs will be removed from

DoD ID Cards, TRICARE will continue to base

all operations (
e.g., eligibility verification, claims

submission, appeals
) on the sponsor’s SSN.

While TRICARE beneficiaries are being educated

about this transition, extra care should be taken

to solicit an accurate sponsor’s SSN from the

beneficiary at the time of service to support your

business operations. You may continue to copy

DoD ID cards for your records; however, the SSN

is being removed.

SSN removal will occur in three phases:

• Phase one, affecting family member ID cards,

began in 2008

• Phase two will remove all printed SSNs and

will begin in 2009

• Phase three will remove SSN information

embedded in barcodes and will begin

during 2012

These changes are being made upon ID

card renewal.

The sponsor’s ID card will retain the last

four digits of the SSN; however, it will not be

identified on family member ID cards.

For more detailed information regarding

the SSN Reduction Plan, please visit

somerg's picture

sky lark, yeah i can see that being a problem, but all in honesty, if my skids are filed to, i will not include myself, i have my own ins i cover my dd on, and he has his that his kids are covered under....until it's no longer an issue, it will remain that way

somerg's picture

i hear that one blender but because of that issue, until my skids are grown and can be dropped from insurance i will not be on the same policy as dh

somerg's picture

and i dont see the big deal about filing claims against the insurance company without the holder's knowledge....that's the same as taking kids to the doctor without the knowledge of th eother (which is very common around my part)

stepmom31's picture

Okee dokee... So here's what:

1. Read the divorce agreement, it says nothing about giving the actual cards, just that DH has to continue to provide insurance for the kids. BUT, BM has gotten cards in the past, and so expects to get them. In fact, it doesn't seem like she cares much about policy and coverage etc, she just has to have the cards.

2. Called the companies (Health, Dental, Vision). Of the 3, one was willing to send a separate card with ONLY stepkids information. The other 2 said it was not possible.

3. BM does know DH's information - date-of-birth, social security no., address - which is pretty much all they ask for (over the phone) to verify that caller is covered by the plan. She knows things like - mother's maiden name, city where he was born, etc. too and quite possibly, things like favorite author etc. - all stuff that they usually have as Security Questions. I don't think BM knows my SSN, but it would be very easy for her to get my DOB, which is another piece of information the companies usually ask for.

4. There is no way it makes sense for me to get separate insurance, certainly not financially possible at the moment.

5. The companies that were not able to send separate cards assured me that my SSN is never given out, this always has to be given to the companies.

6. I went and signed up online for all 3 companies, using IDs and passwords that hopefully she can never guess, and I will monitor those.

Thanks all for your responses!

I think now I should just put the worry out of my mind, think about the fact that she might be squirming every time she has to see my name there, and if she is really stupid enough to try anything stupid, then we'll certainly have to pursue the matter severely.

I swear, the ONE thing I hate the most about this stepparenting thing is the lack of privacy. I am, by nature, a VERY PRIVATE person, and this kind of stuff just freaks me out!