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I just can never hve a good visit with SS!!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Just when it seems like this weekend's visit was going well, ss shot his bb gun (playing around) at our door and completely shattered our glass door!! Glass was everywheredh spent an hour cleaning it up to make sure the baby doesn't pick up any glass pieces as she crawls around. Ss said there was nothing in his gun. And there wasn't anything in there all weekend because the boys played with it yesterday and never had any bb's. But 'nothing' doesn't shatter a glass door and ss was the only one outside. We were in hw kitchen and could hear something hit the glass. Dh is pissed. Obviously. Because now we have to replace an entire door unexpectedly and oh yeah, we're a little broke after dh spent too much on Christmas! We were both ao frustrated that we didn't say anything. After dh cleaned up and calmed down we talked with ss calmly. Dh told him he could work for his grandfather (dh's dad) to help with he costs of fixing the door or do chores and work around here when he visits to work it off. My fil owns a business and lives where ss lives. And no, ss isn't responsible for the entire cost of the door, but just work off enough so he learns. Te thing is thisboy is so careless and has no respect for other people's things. Anyway, what can you do? I've been working in cleaning out and organizing our garage, so I guess now I'll have an extra hand!


Tx mommy of 3's picture

Well as I was cleaning out the garage yesterday I found a box of ss things when he used to have a room in our house. Ss came in andasked what I was doing so I showed him his things that wehave kept for 4 years now. The gun was in that stuff and he took it out. Idk if it's a bb gun or a pellet gun, but we have no ammunition for it. So he played with it al weekend with ds- just shooting it and it'd make a noise.

The rest of the weekend was great. No fighting with ds, cheering ds on during his game, being pleasant, even played barbies with dd! He never asked about going to the party (read previous post) and never acted disappointed in not being able to go. He was happy all Saturday. Today he did start up with his usual 'i go home today' attitude, but the rest if the weekend was great so no big deal. I don't think it was retaliation.

I really think it was partly an accident. I think maybe ss put something in his gun to shoot out and it didn't work then aimed for the door and it worked...maybe? Paying part of the door was my idea. I know dh won't follow thru if ss had to payback the entire amount so by paying 'part' of the cost of the door is better than nothing. More than likely ss will do chores here for me for a little then dh will call it even. *roll my eyes* Dh also doesn't want to argue with bm about ss working for granddad to pay for the door.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

I picked up on your sarcasm but just to clear it up for others I figured I'd clarify! I don't want everyone posting 'i told you so's'!

purpledaisies's picture

I won't say "i told you so" I think they were wrong BTW. Anyway even IF he did it b/c he didn't get to go to that bday is more reason to punish him! That is just crap. But anyway you said that it was more of an accident anyway. As I said on your other blog I think that your dh was in the right and no matter what he did to some you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. There was no win so you need to do what is best for your family.