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Feeling like a jerk

punkie's picture

This is my first post and I'm looking for advice. I can take it so be as honest as possible.

To give a brief overview, I am a step-mom of an 11 yr old boy and 9 yr old girl and have a biological son with their father. My baby boy is almost 5 months old. Even though my fiance and I are not married yet, the kids still see me as their step-mom as I have been a major role in their lives for the last 3 years. They are not bad kids. They are normal kids who can get annoying sometimes, but they are respectful. The problem I have is DH's custody is to get the children every long weekend, holidays, and all of summer vacation. I am a teacher so that basically means ALL my vacations involve the kids and if DH is working, they're my responsibility. I no longer look forward to my breaks or summer. Unfortunately, I see having them with us as an inconvenience and more work for me. More laundry, more dishes, more fights to break up, more cleaning, more, more, more.

I LOVE DH more than anything in this world. He is the light of my life. He knows how I feel, but not the entire truth. Recently, their BM and I have made amends and really have been getting along. It's nice. She really wants our relationship to grow and she even bought my son lots of Christmas gifts.
So what is my problem? Why do I feel so annoyed? Does it get easier? Do I ever stop feeling resentful? With DH working alot and traveling out of state, I'm home with them all the time! I usually end up avoiding them as much as possible and being very evasive.

Per my headline title, I feel like a jerk for my behavior last night. It was new years eve and we had a great time at our neighbor's party. We got home after midnight and I was exhausted a still a little drunk. I walked upstairs and DH, SS, SD were all in our bed watching movies of SS as a baby. I was livid! I was tired, wanted to go to bed, irritated that my bed was full of people who didn't care to leave, and watching movies of my DH's previous life. I admit it. I have a hard time with his previous life and don't want to see pictures or videos of his ex. We get along now, but that doesn't mean I want to see her in videos. DH kept asking me "what was wrong" and I should have just said I wanted to go to bed and everyone get out, but I constantly feel like I'm the wet blanket and he's the fun one so instead I did the mature thing (ha). I acted pissed off, didn't pay attention to them or the movie, and waited til they finally finished and went to bed. After it was just us, he asked me what my problem was and I flipped off. The alcohol didn't help. This morning I was upset at my behavior and hope I didn't make the kids feel bad. That was not my intention. I just wish I could find a way to enjoy them more and look forward to their visits. I wish I was not counting down the years til I no longer have to lose my entire summer vacation to taking care of them. Help! I'm tired of feeling this way!


Nette5's picture

We got custody of my SS14 this past May. Part of our deal is that one of us HAD TO be with him 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We could not send him to his BM's. In fact, we couldn't even go on a date until late August.

One way that my DH helps me is to 'kick me out' for a little 'girl time' with my friends. He would actually get upset if I refused to go out. I would also learn to expect the 'when will you be home' call because he missed me and the boys were in bed.

Summer time equals parks and the more parks you go to, the less time they can mess up the house.

Life is hard, and we take care of our skids because we believe in quality family connections. I support my DH and care for the skids when they are with us because even time in our home tells them that he/we are trying to include them in our lives. Besides, they are our BS's siblings and BS NEEDS his siblings as much as skids need time with their dad.

ddakan's picture

No one blames you for not wanting to be a frikin babysitter all the time!

You have a 5 months old, hormones are still highly volatile! When you should be spending full time enjoying your baby you have 2 other brats to watch and take care of. Unfortunately, this is the situation.

Don't be offended by his past life. If ss sees his baby video it makes him happy and it bonds him to his parents. It's not a strike to intentionally hurt you. I don't think you should watch the videos and they shouldn't watch them when you are there.

In our possession, there are pictures of the old families, the kids enjoy them even though we don't. We will give them to them someday because it is a history of their lives.

Maybe your bedroom should be your sanctuary where NO skid goes. You can make that deal with DH so you can have a place of sanity, thats what we do. We have 7 altogether and it was rough at first, and we had a new baby together too.

You're not evil, it's normal to resent the skids. Hopefully yall can find a balance. If you are keeping the kids to save BM money that is crap. If she gets child support, she can keep them during her time and they can go to daycare or whatever so you can have a break. Then, if you get time, keep them then, but not the whole summer.

They eventually do grow up and you get peace and sanity. But its a long time in coming. When we started out our kids were 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, and 3.

Hang in there and enjoy your baby and your husband Smile

Leigh's picture

Day camps!!!! The kids will love them, and it gives them some variety over the summer. I have a very good teacher friend who keeps her own daughter in daycare most of the summer because she needs the time to recharge.