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PT 2 on my dead Grama

Barbie2390's picture

So with all the questions of yesterdays blog heres the update on my gramas ashes.
She is 5 about to be 6 Well i never thought she would get a chair a bring it down to break it because she was playing house and it didnt match so she just had to break it i got mad at DH and he did to because he was closer to my grama than his and he hit her on her bottom she started screaming like there was no tomorrow called her mom and her mom said to call the Spolice so she was threatening us with if u hit me ima call the police and after the 20th time i got the phone and dialed the number for her and told her ok u want to call the police here i dialed it for you they'll come and take you away and you'll never see your mommy and daddy again so go ahead and do me that favor and she started to cry so i got tired and send her to her gramas where she also got hit for the same reason they happend to be close friends and when she found out she was also upset.


purpledaisies's picture

Sorry to high jack but Echo I was wondering if you are the same one from the second wives board?

For the record I agree to never threaten the kid with never seeing mommy or daddy with the police.

Everything else op you did is fine.

RaeRae's picture

I agree about the police thing. However, I bet the little girl listens next time she gets into something she shouldn't. To get a chair and play with the dead grandma's ashes AGAIN?? Apparently someone (dad?) failed to get the point across to her the first time.

Willow2010's picture

Yes, I think you crossed the line a bit on that one too. I realize that things can be said in the heat of the moment. Maybe have a talk with her about the police thing and never seeing mommy and daddy again. That you should not have said that.

And please correct me if I am wrong, but are you saying that your husband spanked the child about the ashes and then she got spanked again by grama for what your DH had already spanked her for?

2Shoes's picture

I do not agree about the police. I have found that calling the police is almost never a good idea. When our house was broken into the police came, did nothing about our situation, never caught nobody and proceeded to haul away my Uncle for a warrant on a moving violation he never took care of. Way to protect and serve aholes. I have never had them help and I have called several times for various reasons (loud neighbors, car break in, custoday issues) and they haraas me when I am the one asking for their assistance. Scre the police - they suck.

starfish's picture

A.D ~ thank you, but i even think far fetched is an understatement. smells like bullshit - probably bullshit

2Shoes ~ i'm gonna have to agree with you, my experience with police has only proven them to be above the law and liars. apparently speeding, running red lights and committing perjury are just a few perks for being a police officer ~ and the free donuts! i'm sure there are some honest ones out there, i just haven't had the pleasure to meet them.

buttercookie's picture

OMG we are suppose to get free donuts. I'm pissed no one gave us any. Btw I wasn't going to comment on this cuz it's out there. But if the kid really did what they are saying she did I can see being upset but you never punish in anger and a kid that age doesn't deserve a spanking line. Maybe on swat on the buttocks when the adult can do it for punishment and not heat of the moment rage. And telling a child they won't see a parent again is so cruel ESP by bringing in the police as a fear tactic. Sick behavior

starfish's picture

no offense buttercookie, but when i watched a police officer lie directly to the judge, get called out on it by the attorney he just laughed it off like no sweat off his balls, truth didn't seem to matter... perjury didn't matter either, judge didn't do shit. and my friend was married to a policer officer once and he flat out told me he doesn't have to obey the rules of the road or laws in general. so, thats where my comments stem from. and i was just kidding about the donuts, not sure if that's true or not.

but i love benson & stabler on svu.

RaeRae's picture

My aunt is a retired detective. Donuts are just the beginning. She said as long as she was a uniformed cop, she'd get offers for free lunches, dry cleaning, car washes, many of which she took people up on... just depends on the manager of the establishment.

buttercookie's picture

Not a cop, but dispatcher, we take turns doing ride alongs and such some cops are dicks but not all

starfish's picture

i remember having many cop friends long ago and they were all very cool but as of late they've all been dicks

starfish's picture

firefighter ~ YUMMY!

this stupid ass bs blog is getting tons more attention than it deserves, too bad for op it's mostly completely ot...... hahahahaha