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What do you do about picky eaters?

happymostly's picture

first of all; MERRY CHRISTMAS! Smile hope its been a good one!

Reason Im asking is because sd (who is 7) didnt want to eat the Christmas meal my mother made, so she got to eat chili hot dogs instead. I know when I have kids, I wont be a make-to-order chef. The kids will eat what we are having or they wont eat at all. Dh atleast made her try it, but she said she didnt like it. She didnt make a big fuss about atleast having to try it like she did on wednesday. -She threw a crying fit when dh made her try some cheesy broccoli-.

At times, I do not mind making other meals for sd if its something I know ahead of time she doesnt like, because there are several things I do not like and refuse to eat (brussel sprouts for one lol) but I atleast tried them. I was glad she atleast tried the roast beef.

So anyway, what do you do about kids who refuse to eat what you have made? (and you know they have never tried it before?) I read a little bit about it, and all the sites said you shouldnt punish the child (like if they eat 2 more bites then they will get dessert, or if they dont eat that certain thing then no toys for the rest of the night) , but then what are you supposed to do??


InstaMommy's picture

Hey! I saw this and had to read it. I have 2 sc's here that at first would not eat anything. They would seriously only eat what BM gave them (chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, fries, and apple juice all day of and fruit loops) That is it. We were finally so concerned about their health that we starting cutting out all junk. No more juice, just water and milk. That helped a lot, because they weren't filling up on crap. Then we started making them try a bite and if they threw a fit, we would just ignore it & make them sit there & eventually they got the picture. If they don't eat what is on the plate, they just don't eat. (Trust me they will eventually) Your not alone on this one!! Stay stern with them!

simifan's picture

I am a picky eater & so is my DS, so was my Dad for that matter. I eat fairly healthy, but we all like things very plain. I still contend I am a super taster ( So I probably understand picky eater better then most. My co-workers joke the only thing I eat is burgers - plain nothing on them.

If I don't like it, I don't eat it. DS has to taste it if it's new, but if he doesn't like it I don't force him to eat it.

My mother set the tone well...there are no additional meals served here. If you refuse to eat what is served, you don't eat - you don't get anything else until the next meal. I will make small accommodations (I.e. allow him to smother things with ketchup, serve sauces on the side) but there are no separate meals.

As an adult, I still have difficulties, I hate sit down weddings with a passion. I agree serve several items - potatoes, veggies, meats so they have things to choose from. They will have to learn to adapt sooner or later.

Good Luck

buttercookie's picture

The only time I made separate meals is when older daughter wanted fish. Youngest daughter honestly hated fish, I do too. So when oldest daughter was cooked fish as a special meal there were two dinners. I agree with the rest of the posters. The kid eats what the family eats or goes hungry. They will eat when they are hungry. If its one or two items they honestly don't like (brussel sprots, fish, etc.) then I wouldn't make them eat it especially if they've tried it. Too many kids just want junk, tatertots, chicken nuggets, fast food. They are kids they are going to pull whatever they can, it is the adults responsibility to provide a balanced diet and encourage them to try new things. This whole post reminds me of the McDonalds lawsuits, those piss me off to no end. Parents are suing McDonalds because they won't tell there kids NO.

Nobratsallowed's picture

SD11 is here for the holiday break and I flat out told her mother that we were NOT going to get 'special kiddy foods' for her (yes, the normal kid fare - mac&cheese, chicken nuggets, canned fruit, fruit loops, etc). She told SD11 that she was going to eat what we ate or she could go without. My SO made all the meals from scratch this weekend and made SD11 help her (and had her do the dishes afterward, another first; the Spawn didn't even know how to do dishes apparently). This has all happened after I asked My SO (as a xmas gift to me) to read Stepmonster. And, yes, the Precious Pony Princess ate what we ate without a single whine.

We've had the Spawn for four days now and only two more to go. Hanging on with my fingernails, but this visit has NOT involved any baby voices, whining, pouting or temper tantrums. I think we may have a unified front after all. Merry Xmas to us!

mom2five's picture

I don't do separate meals. Can you imagine what that would have been like with five kids?

They always have two choices at meal time...(1) Take it. (2) Leave it.

I don't make kids eat things they don't want to eat. However, I have been known to put the plate in the fridge. When the child comes back 30 minutes after supper complaining of being hungry, I pull out the plate and heat it up in the microwave.

The kids can always have fruit, cheese, whole wheat bread, milk ... stuff like that, if they are hungry. But children who don't eat supper don't get sugary desserts.

jojo68's picture

I honestly don't know how FSD grows at all the way she eats....She constantly complains of being hungry but never eats the food that we eat for dinner...she really doesn't eat anything much but is on a constant trek for food. She will beg incessantly for a certain food and then when she gets it...she eats a couple bites. I think that there is more to this than just being a picky 10..close to 11 a child has pretty good appetite...this girl doesn't and is skin and bones. I don't know what to think...she is very young and very immature (she has the social skills of about 5 year old) to have an eating disorder but she honestly has very strange eating habits. Even when we go out to eat or get fast food she eats very little but insists on the large of everything and cries if she only gets a small. Such a strange deal..I've never seen anything like it.

jojo68's picture

A typical weeknights of meals might go:

Mon- meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn on cob....she won't touch any of it
Tue-Roast, carrots, baby potatoes, fresh baked bread.....she cries because she does like any of that and begs for McDonalds (which she doesn't eat much of when she gets it)
Wed-BBQ chicken, herbed rice, green beans, fresh baked bread......" I don't want that"
Thurs-Macaroni and cheese casserole (homemade mac and cheese with ham), green salad...says it looks gross and won't eat it
Fri- Lasagna or spaghetti, green salad, fresh bread....doesn't eat spaghetti and doesn't want lasagna because doesn't look good

She eats lots of sweets ( except for anything that is made at homemade cookies, cakes, pies...only candy, little debbie snack...she does eat fruit sometimes and she eats a few chips and she'll eat raw green peppers and cucumbers. That is all I've ever seen her actually eat more than just a bite...

007Lostit's picture

If my kids or skids don't want to eat what I cook, their options are to make themselves a PBJ or a bowl of cereal.