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Parenting plan Part 2

Preshusmalott's picture

He feels that if he punishes her for EVERYTHING(bc 80% of the time shes acting up)she wont have a good time and doesnt want her in punishment and crying the whole time she is visiting. and says her not being with us all the time makes things harder. I am not wanting an over night make over but my opinion is you have to start somewhere and what has been happening hasnt worked so I thought this parenting plan was goin to work. We sat down talked it out but it feels like all I can do is wait. He likes sleeping with her and views her wanting to seperate us all the time as cute bc shes a daddys girl


Preshusmalott's picture

we are married and do live together. I will find out how things will go after our next visit. Her bedtime is 12pm when she come which I see as basically not giving her one even if she doesnt norm crash until 4 but I am thinking that DH plans to stay in her room with her which I just think a 4year old girl sleeping with her father is abnormal

Preshusmalott's picture

nope 12pm which im partly happy about bc she norm doesnt go to bed till 4 and then is up at 7 no matter what

Preshusmalott's picture

I was told by him as we discussed things last night that there is no way he can make me understand bc Ive nvr been in a relationship with children and have no children of my own with him. As well as the whole pushing SD while she is with us. We came to a written conclusion last night and we will go over it again b4 she comes in March. until then im going to try to enjoy my time with him bc if we just keep talking about all the issues I fear that our marriage will end b4 her next long visit. I just want to wait to see what goes into action so I dont seem like Im just pushing all the time

young stepmother of two's picture

If ANYTHING, get that child's bedtime changed to 9 o'clock at the LATEST. She is FOUR YEARS OLD. I had a bed time for 10 o'clock until HIGH SCHOOL.

To convince DH of this, look up the average needed hours of sleep for a four year old online. There are plenty of qualified web sites that will tell you the amount of sleep a four year old needs every night.

young stepmother of two's picture

Mine have a "wind down" time.

SK3's night time schedule:

In the bath about 7:30pm.

Jammies & teeth brushing about 8:00.

Pick up any mess or toys in room, and then they get to watch Sprouts until about 8:30.

IF they are behaved on the couch, I let them watch an extra episode (they last about 10 minutes).

We bend it a little bit on Friday nights if we go visit Nana. Since we usually stay and visit for a while, they sometimes get to stay up until 9:30 or 10:00, but just that one day out of the week. And Saturday mornings, they get up at 7:30 (like freakin clockwork! lol) rather than 6:30, since they aren't going to school that day.

Unhappy's picture

I can completely understand your frustrations. As far as the you don't understand because you don't have kids comment. Even if you did it still wouldn't matter. They will just find another way to justify their behavior. I do have a daughter and I hear, "you don't understand, you have your daughter all the time. We also have his kids for 50% (every other week) or sometimes over that a year.

His son before I put my foot down would be up every 5 minutes to give daddy a kiss or needed to tell him something. We couldn't get through 5 minutes of a movie at a time.

I finally told him that it's our time when all 3 kids go down at 8:00pm. We don't get a lot of time together and if he chooses to spend it with his kids that's fine. Just don't expect me to be waiting up for you anytime to soon to have our time.

At first he got upset. And then I explained to him he needs to find a balance with his guilt and me. It wont work if he doesn't.