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Bm, Get a Life!

Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

So we had SSs last night... First of all, they got out of school early and decided to take the bus to their mom's house (go figure) - usually they are supposed to come to our house unless they are staying all weekend and then DH will pick them up over there so they can get any stuff that they want to bring over - so DH calls them when he gets home after he realizes they are not there and they say they are at their mom's and that they have a friend over - here is where I get mad - obviously they asked SOMEONE if they could have a friend come over after school but we had no idea about it - BM should be telling them they need to call us (BECAUSE IT AFFECTS US WHEN IT IS OUR SCHEDULED VISITATION DAY) but she doesn't because she does whatever she wants... So of course I get mad when I get home and realize what is going on and DH was irritated too but he's like WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ABOUT IT? I was like I don't know but it is BS. Anyhoo, so finally DH goes gets them and brings the said friend over - he leaves a little bit later - we are eating dinner and SS gets a call from BM - I think to check to make sure friend was picked up - then after dinner we are sitting on the couch and both SSs have their phones and are texting BM back and forth - ugh! We only have them for 3 hours B*, can't you get a life? We don't continuously call and text the boys when you have them 66% of the time!!! I think they were trying to get plans arranged for the weekend, but can't BM say let's talk about it tomorrow when you are here? UGH!


overit2's picture

WOW...wait she put one of your sons friends on you to care for while you had your sson w/out asking???? WTH??

Also, you can ask your son to refrain from contacting BM while with you. How old is he? ANd tell her to not contact him on your time unless it's life or death emergency-anything else can wait. F that. I'm serious!

My bf ex did this all the time...she'd call when the SD was with us trying to set things up, change the drop off time, tell him she had a bday party and she dropped off the skates/present at the skating rink-basicall to force him to go...for people he doens't know. Hell no-his time, his choice, his decision what we are doing-she doesn't get to run his parenting choices and life. Step out!

It was starting to get out of control-always something (you can check some of my blogs) now, he's changed his phone and the ex doens't get it..everyone's happy-well except for her that is freaking out she's lost control.

He said he was borrowing mine (not true) so he wasn't giving the number-if he calls her he blocks it before calling-she says...well tell her I'd only call when necessary-I never just call you just to call.

OMG I laughed so hard I peed on myself...say WHAT EX? YOU LIE!!

Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

This is not the first time this has happened. And of course last time it did, DH said well if it happens again I will say something to her but of course he won't... My SS are teenagers so it wasn't that big of a deal to bring his friend over - but it is just the point. And of course DH backs up BM and says well it's not like I would have said no to him coming over. DH has NO Balls and would NEVER stand up to BM!!!

Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

Am I wrong here people? Shouldn't our time be just that OUR Time?? Why does BM have to interfere? She came over last weekend to drop off soap for SS14...Hello, we don't have soap over here???

skylarksms's picture

Sometimes I wonder how many stories my SD told to BM that were completely untrue.

That's why I do sometimes wish that BM and I could talk like rational human beings. But she only screams at me...

I remember right after we got engaged at a restaurant, we were leaving and guess who? BM and skids. BM started screaming at us about how we don't feed the skids, etc, etc.

The REAL story was that SD was so used to BM taking them to restaurants constantly (and being able to order whatever she wanted - always chicken nuggets), she was an extremely fussy eater who refused to eat what we made but wouldn't tell us, just pretend she ate it and really throw it away!!!

Say, like with pizza. She would eat it if it was homemade or if it was Pizza Hut. One time we got a take n bake pizza and told her it was "homemade Pizza Hut." She ate it without any complaints. Or SS - tell him ham is canadian bacon and he will eat it right up. Tell him its ham and he won't touch it.

Anyway, I've known for awhile that BM is a complete and total liar but I guess I have to face the facts that SD is one too. It's very sad.