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Fun email forwards from the Psycho

Stpma's picture

I was in DH's email this morn and I came across one of those chain letter forwards called "getting to know you" where you fill in the info and send it along. Here was her answer for #26

26. What are you most afraid of?

What would happen to my son if I left this world.

Passive agressive much?? Why would you forward this crap??? I wish you would leave this world, it would be a much better place without you...

Oh yeah. and this is coming from the irresponsible woman who allegedly lost the $120 we sent her to get SS a passport. Huh...


caregiver1127's picture

Why is she sending stupid bullshit letters to your DH - her emails should only be about their son -

SillyGilly's picture

OH too bad DH didn't forward this to you. Imagine all the things you could fill out and then include BM on "accident"

What are you most afraig of?
That I will wake up to find my happy, loving, wonderful life with DH and SS is only a dream!

Hehehehe }:) That would get her going.