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why am i always wrong

coltsmom5's picture

I hate it when everything thing i do is wrong, or a big deal. I can't sleep so i get out of bed and go to the living room and get on here, not ten mins later, my husband come out have a fit cuz i got up. everytime i saw something he says something diff, like he's saying, no you cant ever be right. everytime i do something, he has a fit, i have locked my self in my room for a week just so i didn't have to be arounf him or my step kids, witch also meens i'v locked my self away from my kids. i just fel like i want to give up, i don't want to go on anymore. we have been togather for 5 years and we still don;t get along we never will, he keeps telling me he love's me to much to let me leave, but what if i don't feel the same?????? I just don't know what to do or how to handle my life anymore.


priness80's picture

i feel the same way sometimes its nice to know im not alone im at a loss myself i am pregnant and somtimes he treates me great but mostly he is a jerk and will take anyone;s side in an argument except for mines i feel like just the live in nanny who sleeps in his bed somtimes i feel like leaving everyday but i just keep my head up and stick through it cause i figure tommorow is a different day and mabey it will be better and even though they say people dont change i see how he doesnt want you to leave just like my DH that is the heart string you pull " if you dont want me to leave treat me right if not your gonna be alone wishing you would have treated me right" hope this helps and know you are not alone

coltsmom5's picture

i'm glade im not alone. it dose make me feel a little batter. even know i know in the end i must make a choice.