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Emails continue....

Jsmom's picture

DH and BM and these long emails continue. Although, this last one to BM was fun to read. He is tired of her not settling the CO and continuing to try and find things wrong with SS. Rather than parenting SS12 she continues to try and find activities for him to "Fix" him. He is fine when he is here. We don't see all the problems that she is talking about. Her last email indicated that he required her to tell him something 5 times to get him to do it. Well we never have that issue. DH asks him to do something he does it. She says he won't do his homework at her house. Here, DH expects it to be done and then goes over it with him.

She is still rallying for drugs for SS. DH has said no. Now he has to meet with the lawyers to serve BM with contempt papers for letting SD14 go out of state without the courts permission. We know this is the 2nd or third time she has done it. She made us go through hoops to go on vacation this summer. Since she still hasn't settled because she thinks she is entitled to CS, nothing has changed. You still have to get permission. I hate how these BM's think the rules don't apply to them.

Back to the last email, DH confronted her on her whining about the spending of money for SS. He stated he never had an issue with the money, he had an issue about her rather than parenting, she keeps trying to hire other people to parent her child.

He also stated that if she would settle the case rather than continue to pay the lawyers she may not have financial issues. Keep in mind she makes over 110K a year.

He also stated that her lawyers calculation of $576 a month was bogus and a mediator would figure that out. They called it a misc amount. His lawyers came up with $75.00 per month and he was willing to discuss.

She has no clue that the 10K plus she has spent on this, is actually more than she would get from DH. He only would have to pay for three years. The plan for us is to write her a check for the full amount and have her walk away. As for the relationship with SD14, DH keeps trying to talk with her. She won't return emails or phone calls and he is tired of trying. BM doesn't encourage any relationship. She has created this mess and allows it to get worse daily.

The contempt of court is for letting SD14 go to Florida to universal with three friends. She came home at midnight on Sunday and then promptly missed school for two day because she was sick. Great parenting. She forgets that she still has to talk to "Dad". Why do they think that the fathers don't count. We have 50/50 custody still. Nothing has been finalized regarding SD. If DH wanted he could go get her at any point. He just doesn't want to deal with her and BM anymore.

As for SS, he had a great week here. His group therapy went well. He has made two new friends this week. Him and his dad played tennis. SS was asked if he wanted lessons. Told DH - no, but mom wants me to. I just want to hit the ball around and have fun. So that is what they did.

BM just keeps trying to schedule every waking moment of that kid's life, because she doesn't want to parent or take a day off...


pastepmomof3's picture

I understand your frustration. We've encountered this issue with BM allowing SD to do what she wants without checking with DH first, although the support order specifically says this should be cleared first. The only thing i can suggest is to continue documenting the occurances, including the email correspondence, and charge her ass with contempt. Sounds like you're already doing that although if she's going to continue with the behavior, i'd continue with the documentation.

Good luck to you.

Jsmom's picture

Trust me we document everything. The paperwork is so high...We print Facebook and pictures that are inappropriate. SD bragging about not having to go to school and the day before pictures from Universal. Got them all.

I really don't want DH to have to do this. So expensive. But, BM really feels the rules do not apply to her. The bad part is that all of this is taking so long. DH is so busy, lawyers are perpetually slow. I just want it done. She is a PIA and needs to leave us alone. My fear is that if we don't serve her on this and get it all documented by the courts, that she will do other stuff. Like force meds on SS and continue to allow SD14 to treat him so horribly.

zenjetset's picture

I would also suggest you keep the emails specific to the issue you are discussing attach no emotion only facts. BM has a way of baiting to get you off topic as well as discuss things that are not directly related to the children.

Remember less is more. Use bullet points if you have to.

Good luck! Sounds like she is setting herself up for contempt.

Jsmom's picture

That is why the emails. He BCC the lawyers. He is using her going on about the drugs as proof down the road. Our hope is that SS12 decides he wants to live here full time. He is being beaten up by his sister. His SS15 is now homeschooled because she was expelled. So much drama in that house and our house has none of it. He has his fathers undivided attention. Mine and mine BS15.

DH can no longer talk to her on the phone. She says one thing and then does the complete opposite. That is how the whole mess started.

We keep copies of everything. He is very unemotional with BM. Personally, I find it amazing he hasn't put a hit out on her. He just keeps laying it back on her. That he doesn't want SS in anymore activities. He finally said that she needs to parent and stop hiring other people to do it for her. To stop trying to put a label on their son. Stop pushing the medicine. Let the therapy work. He is in individual and group. How much more can one kid take???

Trust me documentation is not our issue, it is the lawyers moving so slow and BM not responding to our last offer of no CS. So our lawyers about two months ago subpoena all her financial statements and attorney work product. Another stall tactic. But, they made DH do it, so now they wanted her to. We got about half of what they asked for and then nothing. It just drags on....

zenjetset's picture

Yes, that's how the lawyers line their pockets by taking their sweet time. We contact an atty in September here we are still waiting to file a contempt motion. It's a joke really! By the time they address one issue you have 12 others that need to be addressed. But they certainly cashed our check in 2 days!!!

Jsmom's picture

They have no problem sending bills. I just don't understand why it takes them so long to process anything...