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I'm out!

clairedelune's picture

Well since my husband works night and is gone from 1830 til 7am and with my work I am sometimes gone when he arrives or he's gone when I arrive, we don't see each other for days sometimes. With my ultimatum of last week of asking for things, not to change, but to improve in the next 2 weeks, things havn't changed at all. He spends evenings on the computer looking for things that are not important while I'm sitting on the couch and this am, he spent 30 minutes on it to waste time til his kids were gone to school and just told me he was going to bed. When confronted, he apologised and said he hasn't realised what he was doing! I am sick and tired of it and decided I am leaving for the weekend. Was supposed to go grocery shopping today but too fu*&in bad!
This is so not good, I'm so sad and hurt. Sorries don't cut it anymore. Especially when he said that he would give me more love if he felt I wanted it. HELLO!!! rubbing his neck and back and cuddling up to him isn't a sign? ARGH!?! So fed up!


halfstepmom2skids's picture

He sounds so disengaged from kids and you. Is he depressed or what? Sorry you are feeling this way. I don't know what to say other than, find ways to "fill your emotional pot" in a way other than waiting for affection from him. Take Care of You cuz No One Else Will!

VAStepMom's picture

You need a weekend away. Do it.

Sometimes, withdrawing your OWN affection to him and acting totally disinterested, will raise concern with him.

Every time you give him affection- even if he doesn't respond, it is reassurance that all is A OK..... try with holding it, and let him come to you.

Men do this sometimes.... I call it when they retreat to their "cave".... where they give no affection, they are stressed and unhappy for awhile.... but they eventually come back and things go back to normal. Sometimes pushing them just makes us more disappointed.

Try reading Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars.