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Life is so much easier

clairedelune's picture

I've noticed that since I have told SD13 how I felt that life has been so much easier! She doesn't talk to me, barely stands being in the same room and does everything to avoid me. Ok, before I would have been mortified by this because I had the 'we live in the same house and have to get along and since I'm married to her father we have to like each other' attitude but now, I couldn't care less!
My BS is much happier cause she has stopped harassing him and we have fun cause I don't have to worry about including her! Yes, she tries to bump into the time I have with DH but I just look at her and smile when he is leaving and she is trying to get his attention and that gets her pissed off and she leaves! Baby I know but I WIN!
So, so far so good! Hopefully it wont die down and she'll keep up this great attitude of hers and keep out of my sight!
Makes me sound like a bitch but I am sick and tired of worrying about how she feels and if she likes me or not! She has BM's family to care about that!


Eyes Wide Open's picture


We don't HAVE to love them, or even like them. It would be nice if it all worked out, but sometimes it doesn't.

I was just beating my head against the wall. All of the effort came from ME, the skadults didn't even meet me half way (heck, not even 1/4 way!). I realized that I had more successful interactions with the neighbor kids than I did with HIS kids.

The day I figured that one out was the day my life became calm again! Our relationship (DH & I) has improved, our social life has improved. Everything is better! If that's what it takes to maintain our sanity, then that's what it takes!

clairedelune's picture

Thanks ladies! Appreciate the feedback! Glad to know I'm not alone or turning into a psycho bitch! Life is so much easier and I'm not gonna be a loon now that I figured how to disengage lol

halfstepmom2skids's picture

Wait until she tries to talk to you because she is mad at her bm. That is the only time my sd tries to talk to me now. I entertain what she has to say until she starts bashing her bm, then I get up and walk away and say, "sorry, honey, i aint gonna sit here and listen to you bash your mom".
I am glad you got to your "Ahhhh" moment. I hope you can stay there too.

clairedelune's picture

BM killed herself... she used to bash her and I used to tell her I didn't want to hear anything negative about the woman who was taking care of her. Now I understand so much why the BM did what she did as far as being very strict!